also: the fact or state of being signed with a pseudonym
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebWhile the centrality of identity has raised the personal stakes for users of popular social networks, people using anonymity and pseudonymity nefariously have provided cover for the platforms themselves.New York Times, 31 July 2021 But digital versions of fiat currencies lack the benefits Bitcoin and other crypto provide in pseudonymity: freedom from government controls, and decentralization. Paul H. Jossey, National Review, 27 July 2021 The second is pseudonymity/anonymity—what's your internet presence? Michael Del Castillo, Forbes, 14 June 2021 There is no paradox around privacy in payments, but there is an imperative for practical pseudonymity. David G.w. Birch, Forbes, 6 Apr. 2021 But identification, unlike pseudonymity, won’t be technically burdensome. Jonathan Zittrain, The Atlantic, 7 Feb. 2020 As the Mercury Protocol folks explain: While all transactions on the blockchain are public, users are protected through pseudonymity because nothing on the blockchain associates their real identity with their Ethereum account ... Jeff John Roberts, Fortune, 24 Aug. 2017 But with the site’s pseudonymity have come other byproducts. Mike Isaac, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2016 Joe Walther, a behavioral scientist who studies online communication, notes that pseudonymity is vital in support groups because people need to develop trust in each other, yet do not want their private concerns to be revealed to the world at large. Judith S. Donath, WIRED, 25 Apr. 2014 See More