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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 480 COCA: 441


1 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ verb
passes; passed; passing
1 pass
/ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/
passes; passed; passing
Learner's definition of PASS
: to move past someone or something经过;穿过
[no object]
often + by
[+ object]
often + by
: to move past someone or something that is moving more slowly in the same direction超过;越过
[no object]
[+ object]
always followed by an adverb or preposition
[no object] : to move or go into or through a particular place进入;通过
often + through
[+ object] : to cause (something) to move or go in a specified way使通过;使穿越
[+ object] : to give (something) to someone using your hands递;传递
sports : to throw, hit, or kick a ball or puck to a teammate(通过投、击或踢)传球(给队友)
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object]
: to cause someone to have or be affected by (something that you have had or been affected by)传染;转嫁;转让
often + on
sometimes + along
: to give (information) to another person传达(信息)often + on
often + along
[no object]
: to go from one person to another person传播;散布
: to be given to someone especially according to a law, rule, etc.(依法)给予某人
of time
[no object] : to go by(时间)推移,消逝
[+ object] : to let (time or a period of time) go by especially while you are doing something enjoyable度过;消磨
[no object]
: to happen or take place发生
often + between
: to end or go away结束;消失
[no object] : to be done, said, etc., without producing a response(让某事)过去(而不做反应)
[no object]
: to not take, accept, or use something that is offered to you放过…不要
often + on
: to decide not to do something at a particular point in a game (such as a card game) when it is your turn(纸牌等游戏中)不叫,过
: to complete (a test, class, etc.) successfully通过(考试、课程等);合格
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to decide that (someone) has passed an examination or course of study使及格;使通过
[+ object] : to officially approve (a law, bill, etc.)通过,批准(法律、议案等)
chiefly US : to become approved by (a legislature)(立法等)获得通过,被批准
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] formal : to say or state (something) especially in an official way宣布;声明
[+ object] : to go beyond (a number or amount)超过,越过(某数字或某数量)usually used with mark通常与mark连用
[no object] : to change from one state or form to another变化;转化
[no object] : to be good enough : to be adequate过得去;还行
[+ object] : to illegally use (checks, bills, etc., with no real value) as money非法使用(伪钞、假支票等)
[+ object] : to have (something) come out from your body排泄;排出体外
see also pass gas at 1gas, pass water at 1water
[no object] : to die去世;离开人世used as a polite way to avoid saying the word “die”用作单词die的委婉说法
see also pass away, pass on (below)

come to pass

see 1come

pass as

[phrasal verb]
pass as (someone or something) : to cause people to believe that you are (someone or something that you are not)冒充;使人误认为
pass as (something) : to be accepted or regarded as (something)被当作,被认为是(某事物)

pass away

[phrasal verb]
: to die去世;过世used as a polite way to avoid saying the word “die”用作单词die的委婉说法

pass by

[phrasal verb]
pass (someone) by
: to happen without being noticed or acted upon by (someone)被忽视;未引起注意
see also 1pass 1a (above)

pass down

[phrasal verb]
pass (something) down or pass down (something)
: to give (something) to a younger person especially within the same family把…传给后人

pass for

[phrasal verb]
pass for (something)
: to be accepted or regarded as (something)被当作,被认为是(某事物)

pass in

[phrasal verb]
pass (something) in or pass in (something)
: to give (something) to a person who will review it交上(考卷等)

pass muster

see 2muster

pass off

[phrasal verb]
pass (someone or something) off as (someone or something) or pass off (someone or something) as (someone or something) : to cause people to wrongly believe that someone or something is someone or something else使人误认为;冒充
British : to happen or take place in a particular way发生;进行

pass on

[phrasal verb]
: to die去世;离开人世used as a polite way to avoid saying the word “die”用作单词die的委婉说法

pass out

[phrasal verb]
: to fall asleep or become unconscious睡着;失去知觉
pass out (something) or pass (something) out : to give (something) to several or many people分发;分配

pass over

[phrasal verb]
pass over (someone) or pass (someone) over : to not choose (someone) for a job, position, etc.不选择某人(做某项工作或担任某职务等)
often + for
pass over (something) or pass (something) over : to leave out (something)忽略(某事物)
: to not discuss or deal with (something)略过(某事物)

pass the buck

see 1buck

pass the hat

see hat

pass the torch

see 1torch

pass up

[phrasal verb]
pass up (something) or pass (something) up
: to not take or accept (something that is offered to you)拒绝;回绝

pass your lips

of words : to come out of your mouth : to be spoken(话语)说出来
of food or drink : to go into your mouth : to be eaten or drunk(食物或饮料)被吃下,被喝下
2 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ noun
plural passes
2 pass
/ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/
plural passes
Learner's definition of PASS
sports : an act of throwing, hitting, or kicking a ball or puck to a teammate传球
see also bounce pass, screen pass, shovel pass
: a card or ticket which shows that you are allowed to enter or leave a particular place or to ride a vehicle通行证;月票
see also boarding pass
: a single, complete set of actions that are done together as a stage in a process一次完整的工作循环
: an act of moving over a place掠过;越过
chiefly British : a grade which shows that you have passed a test or class及格;合格

make a pass at

: to do or say something that clearly shows you want to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with (someone)调情;勾引
compare 3pass
3 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ noun
plural passes
3 pass
/ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/
plural passes
Learner's definition of PASS
[count] : a low place in a mountain range where a road or path goes through山口;关隘;关口
[singular] somewhat formal : a usually bad situation or condition(不好的)境遇,处境
compare 2pass
IELTS BNC: 480 COCA: 441


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passed; passing; passes

intransitive verb

: move, proceed, go
The boat was too tall to pass under the bridge.
: to go away : depart
the fright passes almost immediately Fred Majdalany
: die
often used with on
Her parents have passed on.
: to move in a path so as to approach and continue beyond something : move past
especially : to move past another vehicle going in the same direction
glowered at the other driver as we passed
: to run the normal course
used of time or a period of time
the hours pass quickly
: to go or make one's way through
allow no one to pass
: to go uncensured, unchallenged, or seemingly unnoticed
let the remark pass
: to go from one quality, state, or form to another
passes from a liquid to a gaseous state
: to sit in inquest (see inquest sense 1) or judgment
: to render a decision, verdict, or opinion
the court passed on the legality of wiretapping
: to become legally rendered
judgment passed for the plaintiff
: to go from the control, ownership, or possession of one person or group to that of another
the throne passed to the king's son
title passes to the buyer upon payment in full
: happen, occur
commenting freely on the transactions as they pass W. L. Sperry
: to take place or be exchanged as or in a social, personal, or business interaction
words passed
: to become approved by a legislature or body empowered to sanction or reject
the proposal passed
: to undergo an inspection, test, or course of study successfully
took the examination and passed
: to serve as a medium of exchange
: to be accepted or regarded
drivel that passes for literature
: to identify oneself or be identified as something one is not
tried to pass as an adult
Mom could pass as my sister
obsolete : to make a pass (see pass entry 3 sense 5) in fencing
: to throw or hit a ball or puck to a teammate
often used with off
took the ball and quickly passed off to a teammate
: to decline to bid, double, or redouble in a card game
Her bridge partner passed.
: to withdraw from the current poker pot
: to let something go by without accepting or taking advantage of it
thanks for the offer, but I'll pass
often used with on
passed on the cheesecake

transitive verb

: to go beyond: such as
: surpass, exceed
passes all expectations
: to advance or develop beyond
: to go past (one moving in the same direction)
passed a slower moving car
: to go by : proceed or extend beyond
pass the school on their way to work
obsolete : neglect, omit
: to omit a regularly scheduled declaration and payment of (a dividend)
: to go across, over, or through : cross
: to live through (something, such as an experience or peril) : undergo
: to go through (something, such as a test) successfully
passed the final exams of his courses
: to secure the approval of
the bill passed the Senate
: to cause or permit to win approval or legal or official sanction
pass a law
: to give approval or a passing grade to
pass the students
: to let (time or a period of time) go by especially while involved in a leisure activity
I'll read to pass the time
: to let go unnoticed : overlook, disregard
his commander quietly passed his likes or dislikes George Meredith
: pledge
had passed his word that he would repay the debt
: to transfer the right to or property in
pass title to a house
: to put in circulation
pass bad checks
: to transfer or transmit from one to another
pass the salt
passing the savings on to customers
: to relay or communicate (something, such as information) to another
: to cause or enable to go : transport
waited till the soldiers and wounded were all passed over Walt Whitman
: to throw or hit (a ball or puck) especially to a teammate
often used with off
passed the ball off to his teammate
: to pronounce (something, such as a sentence or opinion) especially judicially
passed sentence on the convicted man
: utter
passed a cutting remark
: to cause or permit to go past or through a barrier
passed the detectives to view the crime scene
: to move or cause to move in a particular manner or direction
passed my hand over my face
pass the rope through the loop
: to cause to march or go by in order
pass the troops in review
: to emit or discharge from a bodily part and especially the bowels
: to give a base on balls to
passed two batters
: to hit a ball past (an opponent) in a game (such as tennis)
passer noun


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noun (1)

: a means (such as an opening, road, or channel) by which a barrier may be passed or access to a place may be gained
especially : a low place in a mountain range
: a position to be held usually against odds


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noun (2)

plural passes
: realization
brought his dream to pass
: the act or an instance of passing : passage
: a usually distressing or bad state of affairs
what has brought you to such a pass?
: a written permission to move about freely in a place or to leave or enter it
: a written leave of absence from a military post or station for a brief period
: a permit or ticket allowing free transportation or free admission
archaic : a thrust or lunge in fencing
: a transference of objects by sleight of hand or other deceptive means
: a moving of the hands over or along something
archaic : an ingenious sally (as of wit)
: the passing of an examination or course of study
also : the mark or certification of such passing
: a single complete mechanical operation
also : a single complete cycle of operations (as for processing, manufacturing, or printing)
: a transfer of a ball or a puck from one player to another on the same team
: a ball or puck so transferred
: an instance of letting something (such as an offer or opportunity) go by without accepting or taking advantage of it
Jackson toured the place with top designers, and execs looked over his … toy that resembled an animal. Mattel took a pass [=turned down the offer] and Jackson took the rejection well. Pamela Lansden
President Donald Trump is expected to take a pass on handing out this year's National Teacher of the Year award honors—forgoing a tradition that dates to President Harry Truman. Kimberly Hefling
: an election not to bid, bet, or draw an additional card in a card game
: a throw of dice in the game of craps that wins the bet for the shooter compare crap entry 3 sense 2, missout
: a single passage or movement (as of an airplane) over a place or toward a target
: effort, try
: a sexually inviting gesture or approach
: pase


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pass muster
: to gain approval or acceptance
His cooking could pass muster in an expensive French restaurant.
pass the buck
: to shift a responsibility to someone else
Stop trying to pass the buck and take responsibility for what you did.
pass the hat
: to take up a collection for money
passed the hat for families affected by the disaster
pass the time of day
: to exchange greetings or engage in pleasant conversation
passed the time of day with friends in the park

Example Sentences

Verb The boat was too tall to pass beneath the bridge. A flock of geese were passing overhead. They pass the library every morning on their way to school. The ships passed each other in the night. We passed each other in the hallway without looking up. She passed two other runners just before the finish line. He passed the slower cars on the highway. The drug passes quickly into the bloodstream. In a solar eclipse, the moon passes between the sun and the Earth. The airplane passed out of sight. See More

Word History


Verb and Noun (2)

Middle English, from Anglo-French passer, from Vulgar Latin *passare, from Latin passus step — more at pace

Noun (1)

Middle English, from Anglo-French pas, from Latin passus

First Known Use


13th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1

Noun (1)

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Noun (2)

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler
The first known use of pass was in the 13th century
IELTS BNC: 480 COCA: 441


1in sports體育ADJECTIVE | VERB + PASS | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdeep, long長傳short短傳good, perfect精彩的/完美的傳球dropped, errant, incomplete落地傳球;傳球失誤;傳球不到位Robson had pounced on a dropped pass.羅布森猛撲向落地傳球。careless, sloppy草率的/馬虎的傳球crisp, quick乾脆利落的/快速的傳球back, cross-field, square (all in football/soccer皆用於足球) 回傳;過場傳球;橫傳forward (in rugby橄欖球) 向前傳球The referee disallowed the try for a forward pass.裁判判我們向前傳球犯規,觸地所得 3 分無效。bounce, inbounds, lob, no-look, outlet (in basketball籃球) 反彈傳球;(由界外)向界內傳球;高吊傳球;聲東擊西的傳球;(搶到前場籃球板後的)第一傳screen, swing, touchdown (in American football美式橄欖球) 掩護性傳球;擺傳;觸地傳球VERB + PASSplay傳球Lafferty played a pass down the right to Gallagher.拉弗蒂沿右側把球給了加拉格爾。deliver傳出球get, pick up, receive接到傳球;接過傳球He picked up a back pass from one of his defenders.他從一個後衞那裏接過回傳。complete, throw (both in American football均用於美式橄欖球) 完成/拋出傳球McNabb has completed 57% of his passes with five touchdowns.麥克納布完成了 57% 的傳球,其中有 5 次達陣。catch, drop (both in American football均用於美式橄欖球) 接住傳球;踢落地球block, defend攔截傳球His long reach enables him to block passes.他手臂很長,可以攔截傳球。The Dolphins are among the NFL's best at defending the pass.海豚隊是美國國家橄欖球聯盟防守最好的球隊。intercept攔截傳球PREPOSITIONpass from從⋯的傳球Owen picked up a long pass from Beckham to score.歐文接過貝克漢姆的長傳進球得分。pass to給⋯傳球He played a back pass to the goalkeeper.他將球回傳給守門員。


2 (especially BrE) success in exam/course考試通過ADJECTIVE | VERB + PASS | PASS + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgood (BrE) 好成績exam, examination考試通過A level, GCSE, etc.通過高級證書考試、普通中等教育證書考試等VERB + PASSget, NAmE) , obtain, scrape及格;勉強及格She barely scraped a pass in chemistry.她化學考試勉強及格。PASS + NOUNmark, rate (BrE, NAmE) 及格分數;通過率The pass mark is 40%.40% 是及格成績。PREPOSITIONpass at以⋯成績通過It's difficult to obtain a pass at A Level.要想通過高級證書考試是很難的。pass in在⋯考試中通過He should get a good pass in mathematics. (BrE) 他應該能夠在數學考試中取得好成績。


3official piece of paper官方證照ADJECTIVE | VERB + PASS | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfree免費入場券day, monthly, weekend, yearly日票;月票;週末票;年票two-day, three-day, etc.兩日票、三日票等bus, rail, railway (BrE) 公共汽車乘車證;鐵路套票a monthly rail pass火車月票security安全通行證boarding登機牌The flight attendant asked to see my boarding pass.飛機乘務員要看我的登機牌。hall (NAmE) 門廳出入證The teacher wrote out a hall pass and handed it to her.老師開了一張門廳出入證遞給了她。backstage後台通行證press, VIP記者證; VIP 通行證VERB + PASShave持有通行證use使用通行證give sb, issue (sb with)給某人通行證;發(給某人)出入證The visitors were issued with day passes.訪客都獲發了一日有效的通行證。produce, show出示通行證PREPOSITIONon a pass持有通行證soldiers on a weekend pass持有週末出入證的士兵pass to到⋯的通行證We bought a two-day pass to Disneyland.我們買了一張可用兩天的迪士尼樂園門票。


4way through mountains山間通路ADJECTIVE | VERB + PASS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigh, low高山口;低山口narrow狹窄的山路mountain山口VERB + PASScross, take穿過隘口PREPOSITIONover a/the pass翻越隘口They had to struggle over the pass with their donkeys.他們不得不牽着毛驢費力地翻越隘口。through a/the pass通過隘口A road was built through the pass.建造了一條通過隘口的道路。pass over在⋯上面的隘口We took the high pass over the ridge.我們從山脊的高山口通過。PHRASESthe head of the pass, the summit of the pass, the top of the pass隘口的最高點


1of time時間ADVERB | VERB + PASS ADVERBquickly, rapidly, soon, swiftly飛快流逝;很快消逝The time passed quickly.時間過得飛快。slowly慢慢消逝peacefully, uneventfully平靜地過去;太平無事地度過The days passed uneventfully.那些天平靜地過去了。VERB + PASShelp (to)幫助度過We played games to help pass the time.我們玩遊戲借以消磨時間。


2law法律ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBunanimously一致通過overwhelmingly以壓倒多數通過narrowly勉強通過The Kansas State House narrowly passed the legislation last year.去年堪薩斯州眾議院勉強通過了這項立法。PREPOSITIONby... to...以⋯對⋯的比例通過The bill was passed by 360 votes to 280.提案以 360 票對 280 票獲得通過。


3happen發生ADVERB | VERB + PASS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBpeacefully平靜地發生VERB + PASScome to (formal or old-fashioned) 發生How did such a disaster come to pass?這樣的災難是怎樣發生的?I wondered how it came to pass that a thinking man bore the prejudices of his unthinking parents.我想知道一個有思想的人如何忍受他無思想的父母的偏見。let sth讓⋯發生I don't like it, but I'll let it pass (= will not object).我不喜歡,但我也不會反對。PREPOSITIONbetween在⋯之間發生They'll never be friends again after all that has passed between them.他們之間發生了所有那些事情後,再也不會是朋友了。PHRASESpass unnoticed不知不覺地發生In the confusion her departure passed unnoticed.混亂之中,沒有人注意到她走了。
IELTS BNC: 480 COCA: 441
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of pass
  • # n.
    隘: defile, pass
    關隘: pass
    關口: checkpoint, check post, col, juncture, pass
    鑰: key, lock opener, pass
    鑰匙: key, lock opener, pass
  • # v.
    超: cross, exceed, go beyond, overtake, pass, surpass
    傳: conduct, be contagious, convey, express, hand down, pass
    遞: hand over, pass
    度: pass, spend
    阨: pass, be stranded
    關: close, cut, pass, shut, turn off
    過: cross, live, pass, tick
    齎: give, grant, mature, nurture, pass, present
    經過: go through, pass
    流逝: elapse, pass
    逝: depart from this life, die, pass, pass away
    通過: adopt, carry, pass, pass through, transit, traverse
    推移: develop, elapse, evolve, pass
    陘: border the stove, pass

0_0: Definitions of pass
  • # verb.
    - move or cause to move in a specified direction.
    * he passed through towns and villages
    - go past or across; leave behind or on one side in proceeding.
    * the two vehicles had no room to pass each other
    - (of time or a point in time) elapse; go by.
    * the day and night passed slowly
    - transfer (something) to someone, especially by handing or bequeathing it to the next person in a series.
    * your letter has been passed to Mr. Rich for action
    - (of a candidate) be successful in (an examination, test, or course).
    * she passed her driving test
    - (of a legislative or other official body) approve or put into effect (a proposal or law) by voting on it.
    * the bill was passed despite fierce opposition
    - pronounce (a judgment or judicial sentence).
    * passing judgment on these crucial issues
    - discharge (something, especially urine or feces) from the body.
    * frequency of passing urine
    - forgo one's turn in a game or an offered opportunity.
    * we pass on dessert and have coffee
  • # noun.
    - an act or instance of moving past or through something.
    * repeated passes with the swipe card
    - a successful completion of an examination or course.
    * a 100 percent pass rate
    - a card, ticket, or permit giving authorization for the holder to enter or have access to a place, form of transportation, or event.
    * a bus pass
    - (in football, soccer, hockey, and other games) an act of throwing, kicking, or hitting the ball or puck to another player on the same team.
    * his cross-field pass to Giggs
    - an amorous or sexual advance made to someone.
    * she made a pass at Stephen
    - a state or situation of a specified, usually bad or difficult, nature.
    * things came to such a pass that these gentlemen sat coldly at the meetings not daring to speak out freely and honestly
    - an act of refraining from bidding during the auction.
    * None
    - a route over or through mountains.
    * the pass over the mountain was open again after the snows
  • # exclamation.
    - said when one does not know the answer to a question, for example in a quizzing game.
    * to the enigmatic question we answered “Pass.”
  • # abbreviation.
    - passenger.
    - passim.
    - passive.

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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