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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

fob off

[phrasal verb]
fob (someone or something) off or fob off (someone or something) informal
: to cause (someone) to accept something that is false, badly made, etc., instead of what is wanted(用假的、粗制滥造的东西等)搪塞,哄骗+ with
: to present or offer (something fake or false) as genuine or true(以假乱真地)陈列,提供
US : to give (someone or something not wanted) to someone else : to palm off (someone or something)(把…)推给,骗售给(别人)often + on
⇒ Main Entry: 2 fob

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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