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BNC: 1366 COCA: 1818


manner /ˈmænɚ/ noun
plural manners
plural manners
Learner's definition of MANNER
[singular] somewhat formal : the way that something is done or happens方式
often used after in常用在in后
[count] : the way that a person normally behaves especially while with other people态度;举止usually singular通常用单数
see also bedside manner
manners [plural] : behavior while with other people礼貌;习惯
manners [plural] : knowledge of how to behave politely while with other people礼仪;礼貌;规矩
◊ To remember/mind your manners is to behave in a polite and proper way.要举止得体“
see also table manners
[singular] : an artistic style or method艺术风格(或方法)
often used in the phrase in/after the manner of常用于短语in/after the manner of

all manner of

: all kinds or sorts of (things or people)各式各样的

in a manner of speaking

used to say that a statement is true or accurate in a certain way even if it is not literally or completely true也可以说;从某种意义上讲

not by any manner of means

see means

to the manner born

: suited to a particular position, role, or status in a way that seems very natural似乎天生就适合;生来就习惯

what manner of

old-fashioned + literary
: what kind or sort of哪一类;什么样的
BNC: 1366 COCA: 1818



man·​ner ˈma-nər How to pronounce manner (audio)
: a characteristic or customary mode of acting : custom
stopped to speak, after the manner of the country Ellen Glasgow
: a mode of procedure or way of acting : fashion
responded in a lively manner
: method of artistic execution (see execution sense 1) or mode of presentation : style
offers plenty of room for many jazz manners Wilder Hobson
manners plural : social conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs
Victorian manners
: characteristic or distinctive bearing (see bearing sense 1), air, or deportment
his poised gracious manner
d manners plural
: habitual conduct or deportment : behavior
mind your manners
: good manners
Someone should teach you some manners.
: a distinguished or stylish air
taught to acquire a manner suitable to her station
: kind, sort
what manner of man is he
: kinds, sorts
all manner of problems
mannerless adjective
to the manner born
: fitted by or as if by birth or rearing to a particular position, role, or status
was not to the manner born, and did not go to prep schools or to an Ivy League school Peter Tryell
Choose the Right Synonym for manner

bearing, deportment, demeanor, mien, manner, carriage mean the outward manifestation of personality or attitude.

bearing is the most general of these words but now usually implies characteristic posture.

a woman of regal bearing

deportment suggests actions or behavior as formed by breeding or training.

your deportment was atrocious

demeanor suggests one's attitude toward others as expressed in outward behavior.

the haughty demeanor of the headwaiter

mien is a literary term referring both to bearing and demeanor.

a mien of supreme self-satisfaction

manner implies characteristic or customary way of moving and gesturing and addressing others.

the imperious manner of a man used to giving orders

carriage applies chiefly to habitual posture in standing or walking.

the kind of carriage learned at boarding school

method, mode, manner, way, fashion, system mean the means taken or procedure followed in achieving an end.

method implies an orderly logical arrangement usually in steps.

effective teaching methods

mode implies an order or course followed by custom, tradition, or personal preference.

the preferred mode of transportation

manner is close to mode but may imply a procedure or method that is individual or distinctive.

an odd manner of conducting

way is very general and may be used for any of the preceding words.

has her own way of doing things

fashion may suggest a peculiar or characteristic way of doing something.

rushing about in his typical fashion

system suggests a fully developed or carefully formulated method often emphasizing rational orderliness.

a filing system

Example Sentences

She has a very forceful manner of speaking. I objected to the manner in which the decision was made. Some people have no manners. Someone should teach you some manners! He forgot his manners and reached across the table for the salt. He painted this picture in his early manner. See More
Recent Examples on the Web Nasdaq Clearing spokesman David Augustsson said the measures would help the power market act in an orderly manner Monday. Joe Wallace, WSJ, 4 Sep. 2022 Some, like the Javelin anti-tank missile, have been relatively easy to deploy in an effective manner and have made a major difference on the battlefield. Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 1 Sep. 2022 With a wry sense of humor, a beautiful smile and an approachable manner, Msgr. Cassidy Jensen, Baltimore Sun, 27 Aug. 2022 The Bucs scored on their next possession -- albeit in an unorthodox manner -- as Jeremy Cook recovered a fumble in the end zone after Kamal Amerson fumbled at the 1-yard line. Evan Dudley, al, 26 Aug. 2022 As in some of Resnais’s best films, Van Peebles—working in an altogether more populist and bustling manner—dramatizes memory as action, as a form of activism. Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 18 Aug. 2022 Tap into a lemon's natural bleaching, degreasing, antibacterial, and fresh-scent properties to successfully tackle all sorts of household jobs in an earth-friendly manner. Caitlin Sole, Better Homes & Gardens, 18 Aug. 2022 The consumer expectation is that a company will use AI in an ethical and unbiased manner. Erin Hutchinson, Forbes, 17 Aug. 2022 Alaska can and must develop its vast resources in an environmentally feasible manner. Anchorage Daily News, 7 Aug. 2022 See More

Word History


Middle English manere, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *manuaria, from Latin, feminine of manuarius of the hand, from manus hand — more at manual

First Known Use

12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2a

Time Traveler
The first known use of manner was in the 12th century
BNC: 1366 COCA: 1818


1way of doing sth/behaving做事的方式;舉止ADJECTIVE | VERB + MANNER | MANNER + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconventional, normal, standard, traditional, usual常規的/正常的/標準的/傳統的/通常的方式correct, proper正確的/恰當的方法You are not approaching the problem in the correct manner.你處理這個問題的方法不對。appropriate, satisfactory合適的/令人滿意的方式I did my best to behave in the appropriate manner.我盡量舉止得當。reasonable, responsible, safe, sensible (especially BrE) 合理的方法;負責的態度;安全的方式;明智的方法Chemical waste must be disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.處理化學廢料切不可危害環境。efficient, productive高效的/富有成效的方法logical, methodical, orderly, rational, systematic符合邏輯的/有條理的/井然有序的/理性的/系統的方法coordinated協調的方式consistent, uniform一貫的/一致的方式precise精確的方法objective客觀的方式controlled有節制的方式ad hoc, arbitrary, haphazard臨機而定的/任意的/隨意的方式Files have been stored in such a haphazard manner that they are impossible to find.文件存放得亂七八糟,根本不可能找到。professional專業的方式constructive, positive建設性的方法;積極的方式The dispute could have been handled in a more constructive manner.這場爭端原本可以用更有建設性的方式來解決。peaceful和平的方式straightforward直截了當的方式suspicious可疑的舉止He was behaving in a highly suspicious manner.他的行為舉止十分可疑。joking, light-hearted, playful戲謔的/輕鬆的/逗趣的方式casual, easy, informal, relaxed不經意的行為;隨和的態度;非正式的方式;放鬆的舉止formal鄭重的方式calm鎮靜的樣子offhand漫不經心的樣子He answered in such an offhand manner that I wondered if he'd misheard me.他回答得漫不經心,我甚至懷疑他是不是聽錯了我的話。confident, decisive自信的/果斷的態度dignified莊重的態度mild, quiet溫和的態度;安靜的舉止cheerful, friendly, kind, kindly, pleasant, sympathetic開心的樣子;友好的方式;親切的態度;令人愉快的舉止;同情的態度civilized, polite, respectful文明的/禮貌的/恭敬的方式thoughtful考慮周全的樣子rude粗魯的方式abrasive, aggressive, arrogant, threatening, unpleasant (especially BrE) 生硬粗暴的/咄咄逼人的/傲慢的/威脅的/令人不快的態度forthright直率的態度brusque, cold (especially NAmE) 生硬的/冷冰冰的方式businesslike, no-nonsense務實的/切合實際的作風His no-nonsense manner gave him the reputation of being a good doctor.他講求實際的作風為他贏得了好醫生的美名。condescending居高臨下的態度authoritative權威的方式The authoritative manner in which he talked concealed his ignorance.他說話時的威嚴自信口吻掩蓋了他的無知。unladylike不像淑女的舉止bedside對待病人的態度He's a good doctor with a sympathetic bedside manner.他是個好醫生,對病人充滿同情。VERB + MANNERhave有⋯態度adopt採取⋯的態度He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.和年輕女子說話時,他喜歡擺出一副高高在上的姿態。act in以⋯的方式行事She accused the teacher of not acting in a professional manner.她指責老師的行為不合乎職業規範。MANNER + VERBchange態度改變His manner changed abruptly when he heard how much gold I wanted.聽到我想要的黃金數量,他的態度立刻變了。suggest sth舉止表明⋯He was not as rude as his manner suggested.他舉止粗魯,但其實人並不是那樣的。PREPOSITIONin a/the manner以⋯方式The inspection was conducted in a thoroughly professional manner.這次檢查的方式十分專業。in the manner of以⋯的方式He lectured us in the manner of a headmaster.他以校長的口吻訓斥了我們。in your manner在⋯舉止中There was something in his manner that I found very irritating.他的舉止有些地方讓我覺得很惱火。PHRASESin a timely manner及時All claims must be settled in a professional and timely manner.所有的索賠必須以專業的方式及時予以解決。in no uncertain manner毫不含糊He told her in no uncertain manner that her actions were unacceptable.他明確告訴她,她的行為是不可接受的。


2manners polite behaviour/behavior禮貌的行為ADJECTIVE | VERB + MANNERS | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgood, impeccable, perfect良好的舉止;無可挑剔的風度;完美的風度It's not good manners to stare at people.盯着別人看是不禮貌的。bad不禮貌table餐桌禮儀His children have no table manners.他的孩子們吃飯時沒有規矩。VERB + MANNERShave有禮貌He had very bad table manners.他毫無餐桌禮儀。show表現出教養I got into trouble if I didn't show good manners towards / toward other people.如果我對別人不夠禮貌,就會給自己惹麻煩。teach sb教某人禮儀Didn't your parents teach you any manners?難道你父母沒有教過你規矩嗎?learn學規矩forget失禮;忘了規矩I'm sorry, I was forgetting my manners. Can I offer you a drink?對不起,我失禮了。您想喝點兒什麼嗎?remember記得規矩After a few minutes Eve remembered her manners and invited them all in.過了一會兒伊夫才記起了自己的禮貌,邀請他們都進來。forgive原諒失禮Forgive my manners. I forgot to introduce myself.請原諒我的失禮,我忘了自我介紹了。know曉得禮儀I disliked him but I knew my manners so I answered his question.儘管我不喜歡他,但出於禮貌,我還是回答了他的問題。PHRASEShave the good manners to do sth, have the manners to do sth有做⋯的教養He could at least have had the manners to answer my letter.他應該有點兒起碼的禮貌給我回個信。a lack of manners缺乏教養Her lack of manners is appalling.她太沒教養了,真讓人震驚!mind your manners注意教養Now sit down and eat and mind your manners!坐下來吃飯,注意規矩!
BNC: 1366 COCA: 1818
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0_0: Translations of Manner
  • # n.
    般: class, kind, manner, sort, way
    方式: fashion, manner, mode, pattern, style, way of life
    勁: air, drive, energy, expression, gusto, interest
    舉止: bearing, manner, mien, ongoing
    派: clique, faction, group, manner, pie, school
    派頭: manner, style
    氣度: magnanimity, manner, tolerance
    氣派: dignified air, imposing manner, manner, style
    氣態: air, bearing, gaseous state, manner
    氣宇: bearing, manner
    神氣: air, expression, manner
    態度: approach, attitude, bearing, manner
    樣: appearance, kind, manner, model, pattern, sample
    樣子: air, appearance, aspect, example, likelihood, looks

0_0: Definitions of Manner
  • # noun.
    - a way in which a thing is done or happens.
    * taking notes in an unobtrusive manner
    - a person's outward bearing or way of behaving toward others.
    * his arrogance and pompous manner
    - polite or well-bred social behavior.
    * didn't your mother teach you any manners?

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