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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


1 witness /ˈwɪtnəs/ noun
plural witnesses
1 witness
plural witnesses
Learner's definition of WITNESS
: a person who sees something (such as a crime) happen(犯罪活动等的)见证者,目击者
often + to
see also eyewitness
law : a person who makes a statement in a court about what he or she knows or has seen证人
[count] : a person who is present at an event (such as a wedding) and can say that it happened(婚礼等的)见证人
[noncount] US : a statement of a person's religious beliefs宗教信仰声明;见证

bear witness

: to show that something exists or is true为…做证;证明+ to
formal : to make a statement saying that you saw or know something成为…的证人

be witness to

: to see (something) happen见证…发生
2 witness /ˈwɪtnəs/ verb
witnesses; witnessed; witnessing
2 witness
witnesses; witnessed; witnessing
Learner's definition of WITNESS
[+ object] : to see (something) happen目睹(某事发生)
[+ object] law : to be present at (an event) in order to be able to say that it happened : to act as a legal witness of (something)(为某一事件)做证;见证
[+ object] : to be the time or place when (something) happens是发生…的地点(或时间);见证
[+ object]used to say that something is an example of or is proof of something以…为证据;以…为例
[no object] US : to make a public statement about your religious beliefs声明宗教信仰

as witnessed by

: as shown by由…看出


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wit·​ness ˈwit-nəs How to pronounce witness (audio)
: attestation of a fact or event : testimony
: one that gives evidence
specifically : one who testifies in a cause or before a judicial tribunal
: one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to testify to its having taken place
: one who has personal knowledge of something
: something serving as evidence or proof : sign
: public affirmation by word or example of usually religious faith or conviction
the heroic witness to divine life Pilot
capitalized : a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses


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witnessed; witnessing; witnesses

transitive verb

: to testify to : attest
: to act as legal witness of
: to furnish proof of : betoken
: to have personal or direct cognizance of : see for oneself
witnessed the historic event
: to take note of
our grammar—witness our verb system—is a marvel of flexibility, variety, and exactitude Charlton Laird
: to constitute the scene or time of
structures … which this striking Dorset hilltop once witnessed The Times Literary Supplement (London)

intransitive verb

: to bear witness : testify
: to bear witness to one's religious convictions
opportunity to witness for Christ Billy Graham
Choose the Right Synonym for witness

certify, attest, witness, vouch mean to testify to the truth or genuineness of something.

certify usually applies to a written statement, especially one carrying a signature or seal.

certified that the candidate had met all requirements

attest applies to oral or written testimony usually from experts or witnesses.

attested to the authenticity of the document

witness applies to the subscribing of one's own name to a document as evidence of its genuineness.

witnessed the signing of the will

vouch applies to one who testifies as a competent authority or a reliable person.

willing to vouch for her integrity

Example Sentences

Noun The defense called its first witness to the stand. a witness for the defense His aunt and uncle were witnesses at his baptism. There must be two witnesses present when she signs the document. Verb Several people witnessed the accident. We are witnessing a historic moment. He witnessed the signing of her will. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
According to court documents, the witness was heard by 911 operators trying to stop the fight while on the phone. Ayana Hamilton, The Arizona Republic, 8 Sep. 2022 When Lewis was still missing, Stapf and Dauphinais were arrested in New York that month on charges of witness tampering and child endangerment. Fox News, 8 Sep. 2022 Joseph Stapf, 31, will also plead guilty to second-degree assault, falsifying physical evidence, and witness tampering, according to a document filed last week in Hillsborough County Superior Court in New Hampshire. Emily Sweeney, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Sep. 2022 Parker, the last living witness of Emmett’s abduction, has also inherited the Emmett Till story. Jake Sheridan, Chicago Tribune, 6 Sep. 2022 Based on the young witness at the center of the Spinak case, a scandal involving Chilean pedophilia and prostitution networks that rocked the country, the film grapples with morality and the struggle towards justice for those without means. Holly Jones, Variety, 5 Sep. 2022 Personnel at the Pitkin County Emergency Dispatch Center received a call from the witness before 8 a.m. local time on Saturday and proceeded to alert the sheriff's office. Emily Mae Czachor, CBS News, 5 Sep. 2022 The witness was able to provide the rescue group with the exact location of the woman's body, the release said. Amir Vera, CNN, 4 Sep. 2022 The driver then appears to hand the phone over to the witness and walk away. Chantal Da Silva, NBC News, 2 Sep. 2022
The victim's children, 7-year-old and 1-year-old girls, were inside the house and did not witness the brutal beheading, ABC 7 News reported. Andrew Mark Miller, Fox News, 11 Sep. 2022 Authorities encourage Houston residents who witness animal cruelty to fill out the Houston SPCA's Online Reporting Form or call 713.869.7722. Michael Murney, Chron, 7 Sep. 2022 People who witness crimes in progress are encouraged to call 911 rather than confronting suspects, according to police. Caroline Kubzansky, Chicago Tribune, 6 Sep. 2022 There are still many nonbelievers, witness the Athletic’s annual poll of 50 NFL coaches and executives. Los Angeles Times, 5 Sep. 2022 Some sources, including a fourth neighbor who did not witness any arguments, say Clenney was often visibly under the influence of alcohol or other substances. Andrea Marks, Rolling Stone, 26 Aug. 2022 Children who witness shootings, or lose loved ones — like parents — to gun violence are at higher risk of struggling from substance use, depression, anxiety and PTSD, the organization said. Taylor Hartz, Hartford Courant, 27 June 2022 Szilagy agreed closing the loophole would not only reduce intimate partner homicides, but also prevent more childhood trauma from youth injured or killed in domestic crossfire or who witness domestic abuse. Katherine Swartz, USA TODAY, 16 June 2022 On Monday, White praised the tipster and encouraged others who witness suspicious behavior to do the same. Jonathan Edwards, Washington Post, 14 June 2022 See More

Word History



Middle English witnesse, from Old English witnes knowledge, testimony, witness, from wit entry 1

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1


14th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1

Time Traveler
The first known use of witness was before the 12th century


1person who sees sth目擊者ADJECTIVE | VERB + WITNESS | WITNESS + VERB | WITNESS + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcrucial, key, material, vital (especially BrE) 起決定作用的見證人;關鍵的目擊證人;重要證人As the last person to see her alive, he was a material witness in the case.作為她死前最後一個見過她的人,他成為本案的重要目擊證人。independent (especially BrE) 獨立見證人credible, reliable可靠的見證人unreliable不可靠的見證人silent (figurative) 沉默的見證人The ancient temples bear silent witness to the passing dynasties.這些古剎默默見證了歷代的興亡。VERB + WITNESSappeal for (especially BrE) 呼籲目擊者作證The police are appealing for witnesses.警方呼籲目擊者出來作證。trace找到目擊者Police have so far failed to trace any witnesses to the attack.到目前為止,警方還沒有找到這次襲擊的目擊者。WITNESS + VERBcome forward目擊證人出庭Two witnesses came forward with evidence.兩個目擊者出庭作證。report目擊者舉報Witnesses reported that the suspect was a white male.目擊者舉報說,嫌疑犯是一名白人男子。WITNESS + NOUNaccount, statement (especially BrE) 目擊者的描述PREPOSITIONaccording to witness根據目擊者的描述According to witnesses, the thief escaped through the bedroom window.根據目擊者的描述,小偷是從卧室的窗戶逃走的。witness to⋯的目擊者a witness to murder謀殺案目擊者


2in a court of law法庭ADJECTIVE | VERB + WITNESS | WITNESS + VERB | WITNESS + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEchief, main, principal, star (especially NAmE) 主要證人the prosecution's chief witness原告的主要證人potential可能的證人reluctant, unwilling不情願作證的證人hostile敵意證人defence/defense, prosecution辯方/控方證人federal, state, state's (all NAmE) 聯邦證人;公訴方證人expert專家證人character品格證人civilian, police (BrE) 平民/警方證人VERB + WITNESScall, subpoena, summon (especially BrE) 傳喚證人The defence called their first witness.被告傳喚他們的第一個證人。be called as, be subpoenaed as, be summoned as (especially BrE) 被傳喚做證人He was subpoenaed as a witness in a bankruptcy case.在一起破產案中,他被傳喚做證人。appear as作為證人出庭She appeared as a character witness.她是作為品格證人出庭的。swear in使證人宣誓cross-examine, examine, interrogate, interview, question盤問證人;訊問證人;質詢證人hear聽取證詞discredit證實證人不可信intimidate, threaten恐嚇/威脅證人A judicial investigation was ordered, but witnesses were threatened and none would testify.司法調查令已經下達,但是證人受到威脅,都不願意出庭作證。protect保護證人WITNESS + VERBbe sworn in, take the stand證人作證宣誓/出庭作證The next witness took the stand.下一個證人出庭作證。give evidence, testify證人作證state sth證人陳述⋯identify sb證人指認某人She was the only witness to identify Peters as the attacker.她是指認彼得斯為攻擊者的唯一證人。WITNESS + NOUNbox, stand (NAmE) 證人席summons (BrE) 證人傳票testimony (especially NAmE) 證人證詞intimidation, tampering (especially NAmE) 威脅證人罪;干擾證人罪The jury convicted him on two counts of witness tampering.陪審團給他定了兩項干擾證人罪。protection證人保護She went into a witness protection program. (NAmE) 她成為證人保護計劃的保護對象。He was placed on a witness protection scheme. (BrE) 他被納入了證人保護計劃。PHRASESa witness for the defence/defense, a witness for the prosecution辯方/控方證人


3of a signature簽字VERB + WITNESS | WITNESS + VERB | PREPOSITION VERB + WITNESSact as作為簽字的見證人WITNESS + VERBsign見證人簽字PREPOSITIONin front of witness當着見證人的面The marriage contract is signed in front of witnesses.婚約是當着幾個見證人的面簽訂的。witness to⋯的見證人Would you be willing to act as a witness to my signature when I sign my will?你願意做我簽署遺囑的見證人嗎?
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
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0_0: Translations of witness
  • # n.
    表明: declaration, demonstration, evidence, manifestation, proclamation, witness
    見證: testimony, witness
    見證人: eyewitness, witness
    證人: witness
  • # v.
    表明: argue, attest, bespeak, clear, declare, witness
    目睹: see with one's eyes, witness

0_0: Definitions of witness
  • # noun.
    - a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
    * police are appealing for witnesses to the accident
    - evidence; proof.
    * the memorial service was witness to the wide circle of his interest
    - a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • # verb.
    - see (an event, typically a crime or accident) take place.
    * a bartender who witnessed the murder
    - have knowledge of (an event or change) from personal observation or experience.
    * what we are witnessing is the birth of a new political entity
    - (of a person) openly profess one's religious faith.
    * our duty is to witness to God

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