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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 730 COCA: 2372
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of Round
  • # n.
    範圍: ambit, area, bailiwick, bound, circumscription, confine
    回合: bout, round
    輪: annulus, ring, round, wheel
    輪唱: round, troll
    圓: circle, circularity, round
    圜: circle, compass, ring, round
  • # a.
    豐滿: abounding, abundant, ample, bountiful, buxom, copious
    球形: globular, round, spheric, spherical
    團: circular, round
  • # p.
    附近: close to, round
  • # v.
    拐彎: turn a corner, round, turn off
    環行: circuit, round
    巡: patrol, round
    籀: culture, progress, round, round off, round out
  • # a.
    圍繞: around, round
    週圍: about, around, round

0_0: Definitions of Round
  • # adjective.
    - shaped like or approximately like a circle or cylinder.
    * she was seated at a small, round table
    - shaped like or approximately like a sphere.
    * a round glass ball
    - (of a voice) rich and mellow; not harsh.
    * his rich, round voice went down well with the listeners
    - (of a number) altered for convenience of expression or calculation, for example to the nearest whole number or multiple of ten or five.
    * the size of the fleet is given in round numbers
    - (of a person or their manner of speaking) not omitting or disguising anything; frank and truthful.
    * she berated him in good round terms
  • # noun.
    - a circular piece of a particular substance.
    * cut the pastry into rounds
    - an act of visiting each of a number of people or places.
    * she did the rounds of her family to say goodbye
    - one of a sequence of sessions or groups of related actions or events, typically such that development or progress can be seen between one group and another.
    * the two sides held three rounds of talks
    - a regularly recurring sequence of activities or functions.
    * their lives were a daily round of housework and laundry
    - a song for three or more unaccompanied voices or parts, each singing the same theme but starting one after another, at the same pitch or in octaves; a simple canon.
    * None
    - the amount of ammunition needed to fire one shot.
    * the gun can fire 30 rounds a second
  • # verb.
    - pass and go around (something) so as to move on in a changed direction.
    * the ship rounded the cape and sailed north
    - alter (a number) to one less exact but more convenient for calculations.
    * we'll round the weight up to the nearest pound
    - give a round shape to.
    * a lathe that rounded chair legs

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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