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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯
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0_0: Translations of STRIKE
  • # v.
    罷工: strike, go on strike, walk out
    簸動: bump, jolt, strike, toss
    觸: contact, hit, move, stir up feelings, strike, touch
    觸擊: strike
    打: beat, break, build, buy, calculate, clout
    打擊: attack, buffet, hit, lambast, lambaste, larrup
    轟: bang, boom, drive off, rumble, strike
    擊: assault, attack, beat, bump, clout, contact
    覺得: appear, become aware of, feel, seem, sensate, have a sensation of
    鏗: strike
    劈: chop, cleave, hack, sever, split open, strike
    敲: extort, hit, knock, knock at a door, strike
    侵襲: affect, gass, make incursions into, invade, strike
    像: appear to, be like, look like, look, resemble, seem
    撾: beat, knock, smite, strike, thump
    撞: bump, hit, run in, shove, strike
    撞擊: hit, ram, strike
    走向: head for somewhere, run, strike, move towards, trend, be in the way
  • # n.
    抃: strike, tap
    打擊: blow, buffet, clout, knock, scat, strike
    發現: ascertainment, breakthrough, detection, disclosure, discovery, espial

0_0: Definitions of STRIKE
  • # verb.
    - hit forcibly and deliberately with one's hand or a weapon or other implement.
    * he raised his hand, as if to strike me
    - (of a disaster, disease, or other unwelcome phenomenon) occur suddenly and have harmful or damaging effects on.
    * an earthquake struck the island
    - (of a thought or idea) come into the mind of (someone) suddenly or unexpectedly.
    * a disturbing thought struck Melissa
    - (of a clock) indicate the time by sounding a chime or stroke.
    * the church clock struck twelve
    - ignite (a match) by rubbing it briskly against an abrasive surface.
    * the match went out and he struck another
    - (of employees) refuse to work as a form of organized protest, typically in an attempt to obtain a particular concession or concessions from their employer.
    * workers may strike over threatened job losses
    - cancel, remove, or cross out with or as if with a pen.
    * strike his name from the list
    - make (a coin or medal) by stamping metal.
    * they struck similar medals on behalf of the Normandy veterans
    - reach, achieve, or agree to (something involving agreement, balance, or compromise).
    * the team has struck a deal with a sports marketing agency
    - discover (gold, minerals, or oil) by drilling or mining.
    * if they do strike oil, there will be another test well in a year's time
    - move or proceed vigorously or purposefully.
    * she struck out into the lake with a practiced crawl
    - take down (a tent or the tents of an encampment).
    * it took ages to strike camp
    - insert (a cutting of a plant) in soil to take root.
    * best results are obtained from striking them in a propagator
    - secure a hook in the mouth of a fish by jerking or tightening the line after it has taken the bait or fly.
    * None
  • # noun.
    - a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer.
    * dockers voted for an all-out strike
    - a sudden attack, typically a military one.
    * the threat of nuclear strikes
    - a discovery of gold, minerals, or oil by drilling or mining.
    * the Lena goldfields strike of 1912
    - a pitch that is counted against the batter, in particular one that the batter swings at and misses, or that passes through the strike zone without the batter swinging, or that the batter hits foul (unless two strikes have already been called). A batter accumulating three strikes is out.
    * None
    - the horizontal or compass direction of a stratum, fault, or other geological feature.
    - short for fly strike.

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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