inclination /ˌɪnkləˈneɪʃən/ noun plural inclinations
plural inclinations
Learner's definition of INCLINATION
: a feeling of wanting to do something : a tendency to do something意向;倾向;意愿 [noncount]
My first/initial/natural inclination was to say no, but I finally decided to do what she asked.我本想拒绝,但最终还是决定按她的吩咐去做。
We can either go now or plan to go later. What's your inclination? [=what are you inclined to do?; what do you want to do?]我们可以现在就走,也可以安排晚点儿走,你的意下如何?
I have neither the time nor the inclination to learn about such matters.我现在既没时间也不想了解这样的事情。
a person with artistic inclinations [=a person who wants to do artistic things]有艺术情趣的人
Her natural inclination [=tendency] is to do what other people are doing.她有从众的倾向。
The door has an inclination to stick. [=the door often sticks; the door tends to stick]这扇门容易卡住。
He has an inclination to brag. = He has an inclination towards bragging.他喜欢吹牛。
— opposite disinclination 2
[count] : a slanting surface : slope斜面;斜坡 3
[count] : the act of bending your head or body forward : the act of inclining your head or body屈身;弯腰