Recent Examples on the WebDuring the 1950s, after this census was recorded, Detroit began to suburbanize and continued to segregate. Emma Stein, Detroit Free Press, 1 Apr. 2022 After Jacobs published her book in 1961, most American cities suburbanized, cutting people off from this kind of casual contact with the people around them. Alexis C. Madrigal, The Atlantic, 8 May 2018 The sights and sounds and smells as big farm trailers back up to offload their livestock cargos on a sale day would seem more appropriate for a major Midwestern agricultural state than for highly urbanized and suburbanized Connecticut. Gregory B. Hladky,, 13 Oct. 2017 The other two densest metro areas, San Francisco and Los Angeles, suburbanized only slightly. Jed Kolko, New York Times, 22 May 2017 Once a land of dairy farms, Mission Valley served as a rural-like buffer between dense Uptown and suburbanizing Clairemont, Serra Mesa and other neighborhoods to the north. Roger Showley,, 27 Apr. 2017