Recent Examples on the WebFetterman took aim Wednesday at the number of houses Oz owns, using the celebrity doctor and TV personality’s 10-property portfolio to paint him as a wealthy carpetbagger who is out of touch with average, 19 Aug. 2022 Both candidates have vulnerabilities -- Oz is ridiculed as a carpetbagger from New Jersey, while Fetterman suffered a stroke earlier in the campaign. Dana Blanton | Fox News, Fox News, 28 July 2022 But yeah, she, uh, her, her now competitor, long time, Ohio legislator, Emilia psyched of Akron is calling her a carpetbagger. Laura Johnston, cleveland, 3 June 2022 That has brought accusations that McCormick is a carpetbagger and a sellout to China. Marc Levy, ajc, 15 Mar. 2022 Even taking a big chunk of money from out of state can make a gubernatorial candidate seem like a carpetbagger. Daniel Strauss, The New Republic, 25 Jan. 2022 Accusations of being a carpetbagger became a central attack against him, but the Republican easily won the party's nomination and ran a tight race against Shaheen, losing by around 3 percentage points. Dan Merica, CNN, 10 Dec. 2021 The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has accused her of being a carpetbagger and political opportunist. Gabriel T. Rubin, WSJ, 8 Oct. 2021 Boebert, meanwhile, is already painting her potential opponent as a carpetbagger.Los Angeles Times, 26 Apr. 2021 See More
Word History
from their carrying all their belongings in carpetbags