Then he tells us that he longs to run away with Vicki, to marry her and bliss out forever on her good-natured sexiness. Vivian Gornick, New York Times Book Review, 16 Sept. 1990
transitive: to cause (someone) to experience bliss or ecstasy : to make (someone) blissfully happy
Other than love (which blisses out both sexes), men and women need very different things to be happy … Lexi Petrons, Glamour, August 2005
In his epic, entertaining and wildly successful "Dances With Wolves," Kevin Costner plays the most blissed-out Civil War soldier ever to face the frontier. Caryn James, New York Times, 13 Jan. 1991
They had respected the secretive, solitary ways of draft resisters and blissed-out hippies and marijuana farmers … Jane Kramer, New Yorker, 6 May 2002