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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 4608 COCA: 3458


1 slam /ˈslæm/ verb
slams; slammed; slamming
1 slam
slams; slammed; slamming
Learner's definition of SLAM
: to close (something) in a forceful way that makes a loud noise使劲关…;把…砰地关上
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to set or throw (something) in a forceful way that makes a loud noise猛放;用力扔
usually + down
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to hit something with a lot of force猛撞
[+ object] informal : to criticize (someone or something) harshly猛烈抨击
often + for

slam on the brakes

: to press down hard on the brakes of a car to make it stop suddenly猛踩刹车
2 slam /ˈslæm/ noun
plural slams
2 slam
plural slams
Learner's definition of SLAM
: an act of closing something in a forceful way that makes a loud noise猛关usually singular通常用单数
: a loud noise that is made when something is closed in a forceful way(关上某物时发出的)砰的一声usually singular通常用单数
chiefly US : a competition in which people read their poetry out loud so that it can be judged by other people诗歌朗诵比赛
see also grand slam
IELTS BNC: 4608 COCA: 3458


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slammed; slamming

transitive verb

: to shut forcibly and noisily : bang
: to set or slap down violently or noisily
slammed down the phone
: to propel, thrust, or produce by or as if by striking hard
slam on the brakes
slammed the car into a wall
: to strike or beat hard : knock
: to criticize harshly

intransitive verb

: to make a banging noise
: to function (as in moving) with emphatic and usually noisy vigor
the hurricane slammed into the coast
slammed out of the room
: to utter verbal abuse or harsh criticism


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noun (1)

: a noisy violent closing
: a banging noise
especially : one made by the slam of a door
: a heavy blow or impact
: a poetry competition performed before judges
: a cutting or violent criticism


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noun (2)

Example Sentences

Verb He slammed the door in my face. She slammed the drawer shut. He stepped inside and let the door slam behind him. In her anger, she slammed the ball against the fence. The car slid on the ice and slammed into a tree. Her arm slammed against the table. See More

Word History


Noun (1)

perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian slamre to bang, Swedish slamra to rattle

Noun (2)

origin unknown

First Known Use


circa 1691, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 3

Noun (1)

1672, in the meaning defined at sense 2

Noun (2)

1660, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler
The first known use of slam was in 1660
IELTS BNC: 4608 COCA: 3458


ADVERB | VERB + SLAM | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBhard使勁關She ran out of the room and slammed the door as hard as she could.她跑出房間,用盡全身氣力砰地關上了門。loudly大聲地關He loudly slammed the door behind him.他砰的一聲關上門走了。angrily, violently氣憤地/猛力地關上repeatedly反複地撞擊He repeatedly slammed the man's head against the wall.他一次又一次把那男子的頭往牆上猛撞。back, down猛地回擊;砰地放下He said goodbye and slammed the phone down.他說了聲再見後把電話砰地放下。VERB + SLAMhear sth聽見⋯砰的一聲PREPOSITIONagainst猛撞Kath's heart slammed against her ribs.卡思的心咚咚地跳着。behind在⋯後面砰的一聲關上I heard the door slam behind him.我聽見他砰地關上門走了。into猛地撞上⋯The car skidded and slammed into a tree.汽車失控打滑,猛地撞到了一棵樹上。PHRASESslam sth home (BrE, sport體育) 猛踢⋯進球門He slammed home the penalty for goal number two.他一腳猛射,罰進了第二粒點球。slam on the brakes猛踩剎車He slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting another car.他猛踩剎車,以免撞上另一輛車。slam (sth) shut砰地關上(⋯)He slammed the lid shut.他砰的一聲把蓋子蓋上。The door slammed shut.門砰的一聲關上了。
IELTS BNC: 4608 COCA: 3458
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of slam
  • # n.
    猛撞: slam

0_0: Definitions of slam
  • # verb.
    - shut (a door, window, or lid) forcefully and loudly.
    * he slams the door behind him as he leaves
  • # noun.
    - a loud bang caused by the forceful shutting of something such as a door.
    * the back door closed with a slam
    - a grand slam (all thirteen tricks) or small slam (twelve tricks), for which bonus points are scored if bid and made.
    * None

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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