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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 7746 COCA: 11177


1 quarrel /ˈkworəl/ noun
plural quarrels
1 quarrel
plural quarrels
Learner's definition of QUARREL
: an angry argument or disagreement争吵;吵架;口角
: a reason to disagree with or argue about something失和的缘由;不赞成的原因+ with
2 quarrel /ˈkworəl/ verb
quarrels US quarreled or British quarrelled US quarreling or British quarrelling
2 quarrel
quarrels US quarreled or British quarrelled US quarreling or British quarrelling
Learner's definition of QUARREL
[no object]
: to argue about or disagree with something争吵;吵嘴;争执
BNC: 7746 COCA: 11177


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noun (1)

: a square-headed bolt or arrow especially for a crossbow


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noun (2)

: a ground of dispute or complaint
have no quarrel with a different approach
: a usually verbal conflict between antagonists : altercation


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quarreled or quarrelled; quarreling or quarrelling

intransitive verb

: to find fault
many people quarrel with the idea Johns Hopkins Magazine
: to contend or dispute actively
quarreled frequently with his superiors London Calling
quarreler noun
or quarreller
Choose the Right Synonym for quarrel

quarrel, wrangle, altercation, squabble mean a noisy dispute usually marked by anger.

quarrel implies heated verbal contention, stressing strained or severed relations which may persist beyond the contention.

a quarrel nearly destroyed the relationship

wrangle suggests undignified and often futile disputation with a noisy insistence on differing opinions.

wrangle interminably about small issues

altercation implies fighting with words as the chief weapon, although it may also connote blows.

a loud public altercation

squabble stresses childish and unseemly dispute over petty matters, but it need not imply bitterness or anger.

a brief squabble over what to do next

Example Sentences

Verb The children quarrel all the time. She and her husband are always quarreling about money. I don't want to quarrel with you.

Word History


Noun (1)

Middle English, from Anglo-French, square block of stone, bolt, from Vulgar Latin *quadrellum, diminutive of Latin quadrum square — more at quadrate

Noun (2)

Middle English querele, from Anglo-French, from Latin querela grievance, complaint, from queri to complain

First Known Use

Noun (1)

13th century, in the meaning defined above

Noun (2)

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler
The first known use of quarrel was in the 13th century
BNC: 7746 COCA: 11177


ADJECTIVE | VERB + QUARREL | QUARREL + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbitter, serious, violent激烈的/劇烈的/猛烈的爭吵family, internal, lovers'家庭爭執;內部口角;戀人之間的拌嘴personal, private個人的/私人的爭吵long-standing, old長期的/由來已久的爭吵VERB + QUARRELhave爭吵pick, provoke尋釁吵架;引發爭吵I don't want to pick a quarrel with her.我不想找事兒和她爭吵。be involved in, become involved in, get involved in (all especially BrE) 陷入爭吵make up, patch up, settle吵架以後言歸於好;爭吵後重修舊好;平息爭吵QUARREL + VERBbreak out爭吵爆發PREPOSITIONquarrel about為⋯而爭吵a quarrel about money為錢吵架quarrel between⋯之間的口角a quarrel between family members家庭成員之間的爭執quarrel over就⋯而吵架a quarrel over the ownership of a piece of land關於一塊土地的所有權的爭執quarrel with和⋯吵架Our quarrel is not with the people, but with their leader.我們沒有和那些人爭吵,而是和他們的領導爭吵。PHRASEShave no quarrel with sb/sth沒有理由不贊成⋯We have no quarrel with their plans, in fact we support them.我們沒有理由不贊成他們的計劃,實際上我們是支持他們的。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBbitterly, fiercely, violently (all especially BrE) 激烈/劇烈/猛烈爭吵PREPOSITIONabout, over為⋯/就⋯吵架Companies always quarrel about the exact terms of the agreement.公司總是為協議的具體條款爭來吵去。What did you two quarrel about?你們倆為什麼吵架?We tend to quarrel over money. (especially BrE) 我們往往為錢爭吵。with和⋯吵架I didn't want to quarrel with Tyler over weekend plans.我不想與泰勒就週末計劃爭吵。Why must you always quarrel with your sister? (especially BrE) 你為什麼總要和你妹妹吵架呢?
BNC: 7746 COCA: 11177
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
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0_0: Translations of quarrel
  • # n.
    拌嘴: bicker, quarrel, wrangle
    碴: fault, quarrel
    吵嘴: bicker, quarrel
    嫌: ill will, quarrel, resentment, suspicion
    鏨: chisel, cutting, cutting-out, engraving, jagger, quarrel
    鏨子: chisel, jagger, mortise chisel, quarrel
  • # v.
    拌嘴: bicker, quarrel, squabble, wrangle
    吵: noise, make a noise, quarrel, squabble, wrangle
    吵架: quarrel, wrangle
    爭吵: bicker, brawl, broil, brush, fall out, quarrel
    爭論: altercate, argue, brabble, contend, contest, quarrel

0_0: Definitions of quarrel
  • # noun.
    - a heated argument or disagreement, typically about a trivial issue and between people who are usually on good terms.
    * she made the mistake of picking a quarrel with John
    - a short, heavy, square-headed arrow or bolt used in a crossbow or arbalest.
    * None
    - a small, diamond-shaped pane of glass as used in lattice windows.
  • # verb.
    - have a heated argument or disagreement.
    * stop quarreling with your sister

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