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IELTS BNC: 1550 COCA: 22003

See also: offense

IELTS BNC: 1550 COCA: 22003

See also: offense

IELTS BNC: 1550 COCA: 22003


1 (BrE) (NAmE offense) illegal act違法行為ADJECTIVE | VERB + OFFENCE/OFFENSE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgrave, heinous, major, serious嚴重的罪行;滔天大罪lesser, minor, petty, trivial輕微的罪行;輕罪alleged涉嫌違法first初犯federal, statutory (BrE) 聯邦罪行;制定法上的犯罪arrestable, bookable (in football/soccer足球) (BrE) , capital, firing, impeachable, imprisonable, indictable, punishable, sackable (BrE) 夠拘捕條件的罪行;(足球賽中)需要記名的犯規;死罪;可導致解雇的行為;可彈劾的罪行;夠拘押條件的罪行;可起訴的罪行;應予懲罰的罪行;可導致開除的錯誤
The offence is punishable by up to three months' imprisonment.這種犯罪行為最多可判 3 個月監禁。criminal, disciplinary (BrE) 刑事犯罪;違紀行為driving, political, sex, sexual, terrorist違章駕駛;政治罪;性犯罪;恐怖主義罪Motorists may be fined on the spot for driving offences such as speeding.駕駛員超速等違章行為可當場予以罰款。felony (NAmE) 重罪non-violent, violent非暴力/暴力犯罪drug, drug-related毒品罪;涉毒犯罪VERB + OFFENCE/OFFENSEbe, constitute犯罪;構成犯罪commit犯下罪行PREPOSITIONoffence against違反⋯的罪行offences against public decency有傷風化的犯罪行為 note at crime (for verbs)


2 (BrE) (NAmE offense) hurt feelings傷感情VERB + OFFENCE/OFFENSE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERB + OFFENCE/OFFENSEcause, give冒犯;得罪take生氣PREPOSITIONoffence at因⋯生氣He takes offence at the slightest joke against him.一丁點兒玩笑他也會生氣。offence to對⋯的冒犯I didn't mean to give offence to anyone.我無意冒犯任何人。PHRASESno offence, no offence intended, no offence meant沒有冒犯的意思;無意冒犯No offence intended, but are you sure your calculations are right?請不要見怪,但你確定你的計算準確無誤嗎?


3 (BrE) (NAmE offense) (NAmE) attacking players; attacking play攻擊型選手;攻擊性打法ADJECTIVE | VERB + OFFENSE ADJECTIVEopposing對抗性攻擊the ability to disrupt opposing offences擾亂對抗性攻擊的能力balanced平衡進攻VERB + OFFENSEspark突然發起進攻The move didn't spark the offence as hoped.這一行動未能如願發起一場進攻。initiate發起進攻competent passers who can initiate the offence能主動進攻的傳球高手disrupt擾亂進攻their ability to disrupt the offence擾亂進攻的能力
IELTS BNC: 1550 COCA: 22003
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
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0_0: Translations of offence
  • # n.
    犯罪: crime, misdoing, offence, offense
    過錯: donkey act, fault, miss, mistake, offence, offense
    冒犯: offence, offense
    罪行: crime, misdemeanor, misdemeanour, offence, offense

0_0: Definitions of offence
  • # noun.
    - a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act.
    * neither offense violates any federal law
    - annoyance or resentment brought about by a perceived insult to or disregard for oneself or one's standards or principles.
    * I didn't intend to give offense
    - the action of attacking someone or something.
    * reductions in strategic offense arsenals

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