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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 140 COCA: 178


1 part /ˈpɑɚt/ noun
plural parts
1 part
plural parts
Learner's definition of PART
: one of the pieces, sections, qualities, etc., that make or form something部分;一部分
often + of
see also beauty part, part of speech, principal parts
: one of the pieces that are put together to form a machine(机器的)部件,零件
: one of the pieces or areas of the body of a plant or animal(动植物的)器官,部位
see also private parts
[noncount] : some but not all of something部分;局部+ of
: a person who is a member of a group or who is included in an activity成员;参与人员usually + of
[count] : one of the sections into which a book, play, television show, etc., is divided(书、戏剧、电视剧等的)部,篇,集
[count] : the character played by an actor in a play, movie, etc.角色
often used figuratively常用作比喻
[count] : an influence in producing a result or causing something影响;作用usually + in
see also take part (below)
[count] : the notes that are sung by a particular singer or played on a particular instrument in a piece of music that is written for more than one voice or instrument声部;音部
parts [plural] somewhat old-fashioned : a general area with no exact limits or boundaries(没有确定边界的)区域,地区
[count] US : the line where a person's hair is separated and combed to opposite sides of the head(头发的)分缝
called also (British) parting
see picture at hair
[count] : an amount that is equal to another amount等份

do your part

: to do what you are responsible for doing or are able to do尽自己的职责;尽自己所能

for someone's part

: in someone's opinion在某人看来;至于某人

for the most part

see 1most

in good/great/large part

: not entirely but mostly大体上;主要地

in no small part

: to a great degree : largely or mostly在很大程度上;大体上;主要地

in part

: to some extent : partially or partly在某种程度上;部分地

of parts

: having many talents or skills多才多艺的;多面手的

on someone's part

or on the part of someone
: by or from someone由某人所为;来自某人

part and parcel of

: a basic and necessary part of (something)基本部分,必需的部分。

sum of its parts

see 1sum

take part

: to be involved in something : to participate in something参与;参加
see also 1part 6 (above)

take someone's part

chiefly British
: to show support for someone in an argument, disagreement, etc.支持某人;站在某人一边

take something in good part

British, old-fashioned
: to not become too angry or upset about something : to not object too much to something坦然接受;不十分反对

the best/better/greater part of something

: more than half of something : most of something多半;大部分

want no part of/in something

: to refuse to be involved in something拒绝参与;拒绝参加
2 part /ˈpɑɚt/ verb
parts; parted; parting
2 part
parts; parted; parting
Learner's definition of PART
: to separate into two or more parts that move away from each other(使)分成几部分,分开
[no object]
[+ object]
[+ object] : to separate (the hair on a person's head) into two parts on each side of a line by using a comb(把头发)分缝
[no object] : to leave each other分离;分别;分开
: to go or move away from someone离开(某人)
[+ object] : to cause (someone) to be separated from someone使离开;使分开;使分离usually used as (be) parted通常用作(be) parted
[no object] somewhat formal : to end a relationship分手;散伙
often + from

part company

: to end a relationship分手;散伙
often + with
: to leave each other分离;分别;分开
: to disagree with someone about something(与某人)意见不一
often + with

part ways

chiefly US
: to end a relationship分手;散伙
often + with
: to leave each other分离;分别;分开
: to disagree with someone about something(与某人)意见不一

part with

[phrasal verb]
part with (something)
: to give up possession or control of (something)放弃
3 part /ˈpɑɚt/ adverb
3 part
Learner's definition of PART
: somewhat but not completely : to some extent or in some degree在某种程度上;部分地
4 part /ˈpɑɚt/ adjective
4 part
Learner's definition of PART
always used before a noun
: not complete or total部分的;不完全的
IELTS BNC: 140 COCA: 178


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plural parts
: one of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole
… the road was passable only part of the year … Samuel Johnson
: an essential portion or integral element
Change is an inevitable part of life.
: one of several or many equal units of which something is composed or into which it is divisible : an amount equal to another amount
mix one part of the powder with three parts of water
: an exact divisor of a quantity : aliquot
: one of the constituent elements of a plant or animal body: such as
: organ, member
The stomach is part of the digestive system.
parts plural : private parts
: a division of a literary work
a novel in four parts
: a vocal or instrumental line or melody in concerted music or in harmony
: a particular voice or instrument in concerted music
also : the score for it
the violin part
: a constituent member of a machine or other apparatus
the parts of an airplane
also : a spare part
automobile parts
: something falling to one in a division or apportionment : share
wanted no part of the proposal
: one's share or allotted task (as in an action) : duty
one must do one's part
: one of the opposing sides in a conflict or dispute
he that is not against us is on our part Mark 9:40 (King James Version)
: a general area of indefinite boundaries
usually used in plural
you're not from around these partstook off for parts unknown
: a function or course of action performed
objected to the government's part in the strike
see also take part
: an actor's lines in a play, movie, etc.
The actress learned her part well.
: the role of a character in a play, movie, etc.
played the part of the villain
: a constituent of character or capacity : talent
a man of many parts
: the line where the hair is parted
His part was on the left side of his head.


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parted; parting; parts

intransitive verb

: to separate from or take leave of someone
: to take leave of one another
: to become separated into parts
: to go away : depart
: die
: to become separated, detached, or broken
: to relinquish possession or control
hated to part with that money

transitive verb

: to divide into parts
: to separate by combing on each side of a line
: to break or suffer the breaking of (something, such as a rope or anchor chain)
: to divide into shares and distribute : apportion
: to remove from contact or association
if aught but death part thee and me Ruth 1:17 (King James Version)
: to keep separate
the narrow channel that parts England from France
: to hold (people, such as brawlers) apart
: to separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion
archaic : leave, quit
dialectal British : relinquish, give up


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: partly


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for one's part
: as far as one's share or interest is concerned
for my part, I do not see that the difference is important Mary McCarthy
for the most part
: in general : on the whole
for the most part the crowd was orderly
in part
: in some degree : partially
on one's part or on the part of one
: with regard to the one specified
part company
: to end a relationship or association
: to diverge from another (as in opinion)
often used with with
Choose the Right Synonym for part


part, portion, piece, member, division, section, segment, fragment mean something less than the whole.

part is a general term appropriate when indefiniteness is required.

they ran only part of the way

portion implies an assigned or allotted part.

cut the pie into six portions

piece applies to a separate or detached part of a whole.

a puzzle with 500 pieces

member suggests one of the functional units composing a body.

a structural member

division applies to a large or diversified part.

the manufacturing division of the company

section applies to a relatively small or uniform part.

the entertainment section of the newspaper

segment applies to a part separated or marked out by or as if by natural lines of cleavage.

the retired segment of the population

fragment applies to a part produced by or as if by breaking off.

only a fragment of the play still exists


separate, part, divide, sever, sunder, divorce mean to become or cause to become disunited or disjointed.

separate may imply any of several causes such as dispersion, removal of one from others, or presence of an intervening thing.

separated her personal life from her career

part implies the separating of things or persons in close union or association.

vowed never to part

divide implies separating into pieces or sections by cutting or breaking.

civil war divided the nation

sever implies violence especially in the removal of a part or member.

a severed limb

sunder suggests violent rending or wrenching apart.

a city sundered by racial conflict

divorce implies separating two things that commonly interact and belong together.

cannot divorce scientific research from moral responsibility

Example Sentences

Noun The entire book is good, but the best part is the ending. I don't remember him saying that. I must have missed that part. The mechanic had to order the part from the manufacturer. The parts of a radio include the speaker, dials, and antenna. Do you have any spare parts for this model of car? the moving parts of the machine parts of the human body My favorite part of the chicken is the drumstick. a diagram labeling the different parts of the flower Come join us and be part of a winning team. Verb The crowd parted to let the president through. The rain stopped and the clouds parted. The big red curtains parted to reveal a new car! The Bible tells the story of how God parted the Red Sea. She closed her eyes and parted her lips. She parts her hair on the side. His dark hair was parted down the middle. The two lovers parted at dawn. Tomorrow we shall part and, I fear, never see each other again. She couldn't bear the thought of parting from her family. Adverb The story is part science and part fiction. The Chimera is a monster in Greek mythology that is part lion, part goat, and part serpent. Adjective The claim is a part truth—there is more to the story than they are telling you. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
For the most part, most of us will try our very hardest to stay within the bounds of the guidance that we’re given. Theresa Gaffney, STAT, 16 Sep. 2022 That’s part of a cycle of health inequities, according to Chinedum Ojinnaka, an assistant professor in the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University. AZCentral.com, 15 Sep. 2022 The tournament, part of the women's Aramco Team Series, has close ties to the Saudi government but is separate from the LIV Golf tour that has poached players from the PGA Tour. Aaron Katersky, ABC News, 15 Sep. 2022 Take a relaxing ride on the Texas Star, the largest Ferris wheel in Texas and a favorite part of the State Fair's skyline. Gabi De La Rosa, Chron, 15 Sep. 2022 By the end of the nineteenth century, Memorial Day parades, celebrations, and commemorations were being held in virtually every part of the nation. Time, 15 Sep. 2022 His experiences at Ana Grace show that part of his expansive game, in and out of football. Dom Amore, Hartford Courant, 14 Sep. 2022 Why would the Orioles part with closer Jorge Lopez at the trade deadline? Steve Gardner, USA TODAY, 14 Sep. 2022 That’s part of a trend that has seen Mexico’s sporting establishment begin to embrace sports such as figuring skating, ice hockey and stock-car racing, that are nontraditional in that country. Los Angeles Times, 13 Sep. 2022
By contrast, one of the reasons that Indiana might be willing to part with Myles is a reluctance to offer such a chunk of salary going forward. Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 30 Aug. 2022 Toronto doesn't want to part with Scottie Barnes, that's their stance. Jeremy Cluff, The Arizona Republic, 18 July 2022 Those two could be a dynamic pairing, though the team had to part with Oliver Bjorkstrand to make the money work. Mike Brehm, USA TODAY, 2 Sep. 2022 Akim the canine will never have to part from his best friend again. Amanda Taylor, PEOPLE.com, 14 July 2022 Thirsty visitors need to apply some muscle to a couple of charming but clunky vintage Coca-Cola machines to part with their classic glass bottle drinks, each 100 yen (75 cents). CNN, 7 Aug. 2022 Milly, which would have stood next to Tibi in department stores, hit its stride dressing Michelle Obama, only to part ways with founder Michelle Smith in 2019. Diana Tsui, Harper's BAZAAR, 4 Aug. 2022 Few of his peers gather high-impact prospects like Preller, and few are as willing to part with them. New York Times, 2 Aug. 2022 As the Lakers look at multiple avenues in trying to get rid of their inefficient superstar, there are opportunities available — just none in which in the Lakers are willing to part with a second first-round draft pick. Dj Siddiqi, Forbes, 25 July 2022
François Girard’s take — part mysterious, part mystifying — on Wagner’s last opera is one of the Met’s most interesting productions of the last decade or so, and returns for the first time since its premiere in 2013. David Allen, New York Times, 1 Feb. 2018
The supermarket chain hired 185 part-time workers for its Connecticut stores as a result of the job fair. Stephen Singer, Hartford Courant, 17 Sep. 2022 Siri Terjesen, associate dean and professor of entrepreneurship at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business, said inflation has led to more workers taking second part-time jobs to supplement their full-time employment. David Lyons, Sun Sentinel, 17 Sep. 2022 Among the island's part-time residents are the Obamas. David Rutz, Fox News, 16 Sep. 2022 Sansone works part-time as a nurse at Children’s Hospital in Denver, which leaves time to train for longer adventures. Zoë Rom, Outside Online, 14 Sep. 2022 The Florence Sierra store is also currently hiring full- and part-time workers. Emily Deletter, The Enquirer, 8 Sep. 2022 Riordan Roett, who taught at SAIS for 45 years and was head of Latin American studies, doesn’t recall interacting with Montes but notes that the school was a revolving door of full- and part-time students, plus countless adjuncts. Jennifer Conrad, WIRED, 1 Sep. 2022 The community hospital will employ 40 full- and part-time staff. Erik S. Hanley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4 Feb. 2022 Since 2010, Amazon has created more than 32,000 full- and part-time jobs in Arizona and invested more than $16 billion across the state including in fulfillment centers, Whole Foods Market locations and the Phoenix Tech Hub. Russ Wiles, The Arizona Republic, 22 Dec. 2021 See More

Word History



Middle English, from Anglo-French & Old English, both from Latin part-, pars; perhaps akin to Latin parare to prepare — more at pare


Middle English, from Anglo-French partir, from Latin partire to divide, from part-, pars

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a(1)


13th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1a


15th century, in the meaning defined above


15th century, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler
The first known use of part was before the 12th century
IELTS BNC: 140 COCA: 178


1piece, area, period, division, etc. of sth部份ADJECTIVE | VERB + PART | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, good, greater, huge, large, major, significant, substantial一大部份;一大半;相當大的部份We spent a good part of the day rehearsing.我們花了大半天的時間排練。The greater part of the building has been refurbished.這個建築的大部份已經翻修過了。minor, small較小部份;小部份equal相等的部份Cut it into four equal parts.將它切成四等份。important, main, principal重要部份;主要部份basic, central, critical, crucial, essential, fundamental, key, necessary, vital基本部份;必不可少的部份;至關重要的部份integral, intrinsic不可或缺的/固有的部份interchangeable可互換的部份best, worst最好的/最壞的部份The worst part was having to wait three hours.最糟糕的是要等 3 個小時。early早先的部份In the early part of his career he worked in India.他早先的職業生涯是在印度度過的。latter後面的部份the latter part of the century該世紀下半葉first, last, middle, second第一/最後/中間/第二部份upper, uppermost上面/最上面的部份the upper part of the spine脊柱上部lower下部inner, outer內在/外在部份anterior (technical術語) , front前半部;前面部份back, posterior (technical術語) 後部;後半部northern, southern, etc.北部、南部等remote偏遠地區different, distinct, various(截然)不同的部份;各種各樣的部份separate分離的部份inseparable不可分離的部份component, constituent組成部份;成分Break it down into its constituent parts.將它分解為一個個的構件。body主體部份difficult, hard, tough, tricky困難的/艱難的/棘手的/難處理的部份I gave up once I got to the hard part.一到了困難的地方,我就放棄了。easy容易的部份fun有趣的部份Now comes the fun part.現在到了有趣的部份。scary嚇人的部份funny好玩兒的部份sad傷心的部份The sad part was that he didn't really care.不幸的是,他並不在乎。interesting有意思的部份VERB + PARTcomprise, constitute, fall into, form組成/構成/分為/形成部份The book falls into three distinct parts.這部書分為 3 個不同的部份。break sth down into, divide sth into, split sth into將⋯分為⋯部份PREPOSITIONin part部份地Your salary depends in part on your qualifications.你的薪水多少會取決於你的資歷。The movie is good in parts.這部電影的某些部份不錯。a serial in four parts分成 4 個部份的一個系列part of⋯的部份Part of me wants to stay and part of me doesn't.我有點兒想留下,又有點兒想走。PHRASESthe parts of the body身體的各個部份foreign parts (especially BrE) 外國They're always off to foreign parts.他們總是到外國去。private parts (= sexual organs) 私處


2a piece of a machine機器部件ADJECTIVE | VERB + PART | PART + NOUN ADJECTIVEreplacement, spare備件Where can I get spare parts for my bike?我在哪裏可以買到自行車備件?auto, automotive, car, motorcycle汽車零部件;摩托車零部件moving活動部件VERB + PARTmanufacture製造零部件assemble裝配零件PART + NOUNparts dealer, parts maker, parts supplier零部件經銷商/製造商/供應商an auto parts maker汽車零部件生產商number零部件編號The adaptors being recalled contain the part number 02K65 on their labels.正在被召回的適配器在標籤上寫有部件編號 02K65。


3role in a play, film/movie, etc.戲劇或電影角色ADJECTIVE | VERB + PART | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig重要角色bit, small, walk-on只有兩三句詞的角色;小角色;跑龍套的角色speaking有台詞的角色VERB + PARTact, have, play, take扮演角色;參加演出sing唱⋯部份Annette Markert sings the part of Medea.安妮特・馬克特演唱美狄亞一角。learn背台詞fit適合角色Walken stars as Shannon and he fits the part well.沃肯主演香農一角,而且很適合這個角色。PREPOSITIONin the part在角色中He's very good in the part.他的角色演得非常好。part of⋯的角色She played the part of Juliet.她扮演朱麗葉。PHRASESact the part, dress the part, look the part扮演角色;扮成⋯角色;看上去適合角色He acts and dresses the part of a gentleman.他演一名紳士。He was a pirate in the school play and certainly looked the part.他在校園劇裏演一個海盜,看上去還真像。


4share in an activity, event, etc.活動或事件中的參與ADJECTIVE | VERB + PART | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, huge, leading, major很大的作用;主要作用Luck played a big part in it.運氣起了很大的作用。minor較小的影響central, significant, vital中心作用;舉足輕重的作用active積極的參與VERB + PARThave有份He had no part in the scam.他沒有參與欺詐。do, play, take盡職責;起作用;參與She did her part in bringing them back together.為促成他們兩個人復合她也盡了力。PREPOSITIONpart in⋯中的作用They took little part in the discussion.他們基本上沒有參加討論。
IELTS BNC: 140 COCA: 178
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0_0: Translations of Part
  • # n.
    部: board, department, division, ministry, part, section
    部分: part, piece, section, share
    部件: assembly, component, part, unit
    處: bureau, department, location, office, part, place
    段: dan, paragraph, part, passage, section, segment
    段落: paragraph, part, phase, stage
    分: branch, fen, fraction, mark, measure word, minute
    份: copy, part, portion, share
    構件: component, member, part
    股: part, ply, portion, section, share, thigh
    機架: bay, chassis, frame, framework, gadget, part
    集: anthology, collection, part, set, volume
    局: bureau, departmentalism, gathering, innings, office, part
    局部: contingent, part, portion
    角: angle, bugle, cape, corner, headland, horn
    角色: part, role
    片段: excerpt, part, passage
    嚮: direction, orientation, part
    組成: component, composition, element, part
  • # a.
    部分地: part, partly
    多多少少: part
    局部地: part, partly
  • # v.
    斷裂: part
    分: assign, distribute, divide, fritter, part, partition
    分別: differentiate, distinguish, leave each other, part
    分開: part, separate
    間: divide, part, separate
    訣: bid farewell, part
    離: depart, go away, part
    仳: part
    握別: part, shake hands at parting
    異: break up, detach, disconnect, divide, frighten, part

0_0: Definitions of Part
  • # noun.
    - a piece or segment of something such as an object, activity, or period of time, which combined with other pieces makes up the whole.
    * divide the circle into three equal parts
    - some but not all of something.
    * the painting tells only part of the story
    - a character as represented in a play or movie; a role played by an actor or actress.
    * she played a lot of leading parts
    - the contribution made by someone or something to an action or situation.
    * he played a key part in ending the revolt
    - abilities.
    * None
  • # verb.
    - (of two things) move away from each other.
    * his lips parted in a smile
  • # adverb.
    - to some extent; partly (often used to contrast different parts of something).
    * the city is now part slum, part consumer paradise

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