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IELTS BNC: 116 COCA: 151


1 put /ˈpʊt/ verb
puts; put; putting
1 put
puts; put; putting
Learner's definition of PUT
[+ object]
always followed by an adverb or preposition
: to cause (someone or something) to be in a particular place or position放;放置
: to cause (something) to go into or through something in a forceful way用力插入;砸穿
: to cause (someone) to be in a particular place or send (someone) to a particular place使(某人)待在…;把(某人)送进…
: to show that (someone or something) is in a particular place显示…在特定位置
: to write (something) with a pen or pencil in or on something写下
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to cause (someone or something) to be in a particular state or condition使处于(某状态或情况)
always followed by an adverb or preposition
: to cause (someone or something) to do work or perform a task使…做(某项工作或任务)often + to
: to use (something)使用(某物)
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to cause (something) to have an effect on someone or something使对…产生影响usually + on
: to say or express (something)说;表述
always followed by an adverb or preposition
: to ask (a question) or make (a suggestion) to someone提出(问题或建议)
: to ask a group of people to formally vote on (something)表决
: to add music to (words)谱曲
sports : to throw (a shot put)推(铅球)

I wouldn't put it past (someone)

see 2past

put about

[phrasal verb]
put (something) about or put about (something) British : to tell many people about (something)散布
of a boat or ship : to change direction(船)改变方向
put (something) about : to cause (a boat or ship) to change direction使(船)改变方向

put across

[phrasal verb]
put (something) across or put across (something) : to cause (something) to be clearly understood : to get (something) across使…被理解
put (yourself) across as (something) : to cause (yourself) to appear to be (a particular type of person)把(自己)装成

put a foot wrong

see 1foot

put aside

[phrasal verb]
put (something) aside or put aside (something)
: to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later time储存;保留
: to stop worrying or thinking about (something)不予考虑

put at

[phrasal verb]
put (something) at (something)
: to guess or estimate (something) to be (something)猜测;估计

put away

[phrasal verb]
put (something) away or put away (something)
: to return (something) to the place where it belongs将…收起;把…放回原处
: to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later time储存
informal : to eat (a large amount of food)猛吃
put (someone) away or put away (someone) informal : to cause (someone) to be kept in a prison or mental hospital把…关进监狱;把…关进精神病院

put back

[phrasal verb]
put (something) back or put back (something)
: to return (something) to the place where it belongs把…放回原处
British : to change (a planned event) to start at a later date or time推迟

put before

[phrasal verb]
put (something) before (someone or something)
: to ask (a person or group) to make a decision about (something)让…考虑;让…做决定

put behind

[phrasal verb]
put (something) behind you
: to stop worrying about or being upset by (something that happened in the past)忘却;不再为…而烦扰

put by

[phrasal verb]
put (something) by or put by (something) chiefly British
: to save (money) for a later time存(钱)

put down

[phrasal verb]
put (someone or something) down also put down (someone or something)
: to place (someone or something that you have been holding or carrying) on a table, on the floor, etc.放下
: to add (someone or something) to a list加入清单
informal : to say critical or insulting things about (someone or something)批评;数落
see also put-down
put (something) down or put down (something)
: to write (something) : to record (something) in writing写下;记下
: to give (an amount of money) as a first payment when you are buying something that costs a lot of money付(订金)
: to put (something) in place on the floor or ground把…安装在地上
: to stop (a violent or dangerous activity) by using force镇压;平定
: to kill (an animal) in a way that causes it little pain usually because it is injured or sick对(受伤或生病的动物)实施安乐死;人道毁灭
British : to end a telephone connection挂断(电话)
British : to formally suggest (something) as an idea to be discussed and voted on by a group of people : to propose or introduce (something)把…提交审议
put down or put (something) down or put down (something) chiefly British : to land or to cause (an airplane) to land(使)降落
put (someone) down or put down (someone) : to place (a baby or child) in a bed to sleep安置(小孩)上床睡觉
put (someone) down as (something) : to think of (someone) as (a specified kind of person or thing)把(某人)看作…
put (someone) down for (something) : to write the name of (someone) on a list of people who will do or give (something)登记;把…列入名单
put (something) down to (something) : to say or think that (something) happened because of (something)把…归因于

put forth

[phrasal verb]
put forth (something) or put (something) forth somewhat formal
: to suggest (an idea, plan, etc.) for people to think about or consider提出(想法、计划等)
: to use (something, such as energy) for a particular purpose使出(力气等)
of a plant : to produce or send out (something) by growing(植物)长出

put forward

[phrasal verb]
put (something) forward or put forward (something) somewhat formal
: to suggest (something) for consideration : propose提出;提议

put in

[phrasal verb]
put (something) in or put in (something)
: to make (something) ready to be used in a certain place : install安装
: to add (a comment) to a conversation or argument插(话);补充说
: to make an official statement, offer, or request正式提出;提交
: to perform (a particular action)实施;表演
: to work or do something for (an amount of time)耗费,投入(时间)
put in (something) or put (something) in (something) : to use (a certain amount of energy or effort) when doing something付出(精力或努力)
put (something) in (something)
: to invest (money) into (something)投资
used to say what causes you to have faith, confidence, etc.把(信仰、信心等)投入到…当中
put in for (something) : to ask for (something) in an official way : to formally request (something)正式提出;申请
of a boat or ship : to enter a harbor or port(轮船)进入港口

put into

[phrasal verb]
put (something) into (something)
: to use (a certain amount of energy or effort) when doing (something)付出(精力或努力)
: to invest (time, money, etc.) in (something)把(时间、金钱等)投入到…

put it there

informal + old-fashioned or put her there
used to invite someone to shake hands with you跟我握个手吧

put off

[phrasal verb]
put (something) off or put off (something) : to decide that (something) will happen at a later time : postpone推迟
put (someone) off or put off (someone)
: to cause (someone) to wait打发,拖延(某人)
: to cause (someone) to dislike someone or something使反感
see also off-putting
British : to allow (someone) to get off a bus or other vehicle让…下车(船等)

put on

[phrasal verb]
put (something) on or put on (something)
: to dress yourself in (clothing)穿上;戴上
: to apply (something) to your face or body涂抹
: to add to or increase the amount of (something)增加;添加
: to cause (a machine, a light, etc.) to begin to work打开(灯等);启动(机器等)
: to cause (something) to begin to be heard, seen, produced, etc.播放;使运转
: to start cooking or making (something)烹饪;烹制
: to produce (something that entertains people, such as a play, a party, etc.)举行(演出、聚会等)
put (something) on (someone or something)
: to say that (someone or something) is responsible for or guilty of (something)归咎于…
: to bet (an amount of money) on (someone or something)把钱押在…;下赌注
put (someone or something) on (something) : to add (someone or something) to (a list or group of related things)把…加入
put (someone) on or put on (someone) chiefly US, informal : to say things that are not true to (someone) in a joking way : to trick or fool (someone) for amusement跟…开玩笑
see also 2put-on
used to say that you would like to speak to someone on the phone让…接电话
put (someone) on (something) : to tell (someone) to use or do (something)让(某人)用(或做)…
put (someone) on to (something) : to give (someone) information about (something) : to tell (someone) about (something that he or she did not know about before)向(某人)提供信息;向(某人)介绍

put out

[phrasal verb]
put (something) out or put out (something)
: to cause (something) to stop burning : extinguish扑灭;熄灭
: to stop (something) from working关掉
: to take (something) outside and leave it there拿出去
: to extend (something) outward伸出
: to place (something) where people may use it把…摆好;准备好(物品)
: to produce (something)产生;付出;长出
: to make (something) available to be bought, used, etc.生产;发布
put (someone) out or put out (someone)
: to annoy or bother (someone)烦扰;惹怒
: to cause (someone) to do extra work : to cause trouble for (someone)给(某人)增加额外工作;给(某人)添麻烦
: to make (someone) unconscious使失去知觉
sports : to cause (someone) to be out in baseball or cricket使…出局
see also putout
chiefly US, informal + impolite : to have sex with someone与…性交
of a boat or ship : to leave a harbor or port(船)离港,起航

put over

[phrasal verb]
put (something) over or put over (something) : to cause (something) to be clearly understood : to put (something) across使…被理解
put (yourself) over as (something) : to cause (yourself) to appear to be (a particular type of person)装作
put (something) over on (someone) : to lie about (something) to (someone) : to trick or deceive someone欺骗

put paid to

see 2paid

put (someone) in mind of

see 1mind

put through

[phrasal verb]
put (something) through or put through (something) : to cause (something) to be accepted or done successfully完成;使达成
put (someone) through (something) : to pay for (someone) to attend (school)供…读书
put (someone or something) through (something) : to cause (someone or something) to experience (something)使经历
put (someone or something) through or put through (someone or something)
: to cause a phone call from (someone) to be sent to another person's phone为(某人)接通
: to cause (a phone call) to be sent to another person's phone接通(电话)

put to death

see death

put together

[phrasal verb]
put (something) together or put together (something)
: to create (something) by joining or gathering parts together把…放在一起;组装;组合
used to say that someone or something is greater than the total of all the other people or things mentioned加在一起也不及…
put (something) together with (something) : to add or combine (something) with (something)把…与…放在一起

put up

[phrasal verb]
put (something) up or put up (something)
: to place (something) in a higher position举起;抬起;升起
: to cause (something) to be on a wall, to hang from a ceiling, etc.张贴;挂起
: to set or place (something) so that it stands up搭起;竖起
: to build (something)建造
: to make (something) available for people to buy or have把…拿出(售卖等)
often + for
: to provide (money, property, etc.) in order to pay for something用(钱财等)换取…
: to offer (something) as a prize提供…作为奖励
chiefly British : to increase (something) : raise增加
US : to return (something) to the place where it belongs把…放回原处
chiefly US : to preserve (fruits, vegetables, etc.) to be used later : can把…装罐贮藏
put up (something)
: to do (something) as a way of resisting or struggling against someone or something战斗;抵抗
: to offer (something) as an argument, a suggestion, etc.提出(证据、建议等)
: to score (points)得分
put (someone) up : to give food and shelter to (someone) : to allow or pay for (someone) to stay in someone's home, a hotel, etc., for the night为…提供食宿
chiefly British : to stay in someone's home, a hotel, etc., for the night在(某处)过夜
put (someone) up or put up (someone) : to choose or suggest (someone) to be a candidate or competitor举荐
put (someone) up to (something) : to convince (someone) to do (something stupid or foolish)怂恿;撺掇
put up with (something or someone) : to allow (someone or something unpleasant or annoying) to exist or happen : tolerate容忍
put up or shut up informalused to tell someone in a somewhat rude way to start doing something or to stop talking about it要么行动要么闭嘴
2 put /ˈpʊt/ noun
plural puts
2 put
plural puts
Learner's definition of PUT
[count] sports
: the act of throwing a shot put投掷
3 put /ˈpʊt/ adjective
3 put
Learner's definition of PUT

stay put

: to stay where you are : to not move or go anywhere待在原地不动
see also hard put

See also: put

IELTS BNC: 116 COCA: 151


1 of 3


put; putting

transitive verb

: to place in a specified position or relationship : lay
put the book on the table
: to move in a specified direction
: to send (something, such as a weapon or missile) into or through something : thrust
: to throw with an overhand pushing motion
put the shot
: to bring into a specified state or condition
a reapportionment … that was put into effect at the September primaries Current Biography
: to prescribe a specified regimen for
usually used with on
put her on medicationput him on a diet
: to cause to endure or suffer something : subject
put traitors to death
: impose, inflict
put a special tax on luxuries
: to set before one for judgment or decision
put the question
: to call for a formal vote on
put the motion
: to convey into another form
want to put my feelings into words
: to translate into another language or style
put the poem into English
: adapt
lyrics put to music
: express, state
putting it mildly
: to devote (oneself) to an activity or end
put himself to winning back their confidence
: apply
put her mind to the problem
: assign
put them to work
: to cause to perform an action : urge
put the horse over the fence
: impel, incite
put them into a frenzy
: repose, rest
puts his faith in reason
: invest entry 1 sense 1
put her money in the company
: to give as an estimate
put the time as about eleven
: attach, attribute
puts a high value on their friendship
: impute
put the blame on the partners
: bet, wager
put $2 on the favorite

intransitive verb

: to start in motion : go
especially : to leave in a hurry
of a ship : to take a specified course
put down the river


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: a throw made with an overhand pushing motion
specifically : the act or an instance of putting the shot
: an option to sell a specified amount of a security (such as a stock) or commodity (such as wheat) at a fixed price at or within a specified time compare call sense 3d


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: being in place : fixed, set
stay put until I call
put forth
: to make public : issue
: to bring into action : exert
: to produce or send out by growth
put forth leaves
: to start out
put forward
: propose
put forward a theory
put in mind
: remind
put one's finger on
: identify
put his finger on the cause of the trouble
put one's foot down
: to take a firm stand
put one's foot in one's mouth
: to make a tactless or embarrassing blunder
put paid to
chiefly British
: to finish off : bring an end to
put the arm on or put the bite on
: to ask for money
put the finger on
: to inform on
put the finger on … heroin pushers Barrie Zwicker
put the make on
: to make sexual advances toward
put to bed
: to make the final preparations for printing (something, such as a newspaper)
put together
: to create as a unified whole : construct

Example Sentences

Verb Put the car in the garage. I put the keys on the table. He put his arms around her and held her tight. He fell and accidentally put his hand through a window. The illness put her in the hospital for three days. They put her in prison for forgery. Her parents decided to put her in a special school for deaf children. If she drove 55 mph for 20 minutes, that would put her about halfway there by now. Don't forget to put your signature on the check. He put his phone number on a napkin. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Not just the migraine symptoms that occur during an attack, like severe head pain, nausea, sensitivity to smells and bright lights and dizziness—all of which hardly put you in the mood. Petra Guglielmetti, Glamour, 20 Sep. 2022 For a quake that the U.S. Geological Survey said was a magnitude 7.6 — Mexico’s National Seismological Service put it at 7.7 — the damage was surprisingly limited, with only one reported death. Elvia Limón, Los Angeles Times, 20 Sep. 2022 Central banks are faced with the unenviable task of trying to put a lid on decades-high inflation without triggering harsh recessions that could unleash misery around the world. Julia Horowitz, CNN, 19 Sep. 2022 For those who have never been to the Rocky River Fall Art Festival, put it on your list for next year. Linda Gandee, cleveland, 19 Sep. 2022 The Labor Secretary, Marty Walsh, is participating directly and trying to put pressure on the railroads and unions to reach a deal. Taylor Wilson, USA TODAY, 16 Sep. 2022 Major ones or illness can put him out of commission. Fox News, 16 Sep. 2022 In their final season as a football independent before going to the Big 12, the Cougars could put themselves in a strong position with a win, especially with potential showcase games in October against Notre Dame and Arkansas. Stephen Hawkins, Chron, 15 Sep. 2022 While some companies carry out layoffs based on neutral methods, like an algorithm that chooses at random, Twilio’s plans put it at the forefront of a growing efforts among certain tech companies to rethink the way job cuts are handled. Kylie Robison, Fortune, 14 Sep. 2022
If Wiseman can run the floor, grab rebounds, throw down put-backs and alley-oop dunks, and play sound positional defense, his season should be considered successful. Connor Letourneau, San Francisco Chronicle, 20 Sep. 2022 In comedies, crotchety old New Yorkers are usually deployed for quick put-downs and punchlines. WSJ, 12 Sep. 2022 The 7-footer scored 11 straight points for the Spartans, two buckets on alley-oops from A.J. Hoggard — one of those a three-point play — and two more on put-backs off offensive rebounds. Chris Solari, Detroit Free Press, 12 Mar. 2022 Her impressive defense on Jones also helped limit the MVP candidate to just 10 points, most of which came off of put-backs. Alexa Philippou, courant.com, 13 Aug. 2021 Kuminga got off to a strong start, flying to the rim for a put-back dunk of a Draymond Green miss to give Golden State its first point of the game. C.j. Holmes, San Francisco Chronicle, 7 May 2022 South Carolina, which won it all in 2017, was ousted in the semifinals last season by one point to eventual champion Stanford when Boston’s put-back attempt bounced off the rim at the buzzer. Dave Campbell, ajc, 2 Apr. 2022 Dylan Cardwell puts Auburn back in front with a put-back dunk. Tom Green | Tgreen@al.com, al, 5 Feb. 2022 Díaz’s two-run shot in the fifth put the Rays ahead 5-1. Mark Didtler, ajc, 30 July 2022
After roaming to find a feeding site, crawlers settle down and stay put, using their strawlike mouthparts to feed on plant juices. Miri Talabac, Baltimore Sun, 21 Sep. 2022 The stretchy inner shorts (3-inch inseam) simply stay put, even when the shorter outer-level layer breezes up and down. Christa Sgobba, SELF, 1 Sep. 2022 Investigators fielded tips, told those on nearby Midtown streets to stay put, and launched a citywide search, the interim chief said. Charlie Gile, NBC News, 23 Aug. 2022 To make a gravy for all this, put salt, pepper, and 2 to 3 tablespoons of flour in a Ball jar with a lid. Tim Neville, Outside Online, 8 July 2021 Which types of options to use when At Logica Capital, Himelsein tends to buy more call options on individual positions and focus more on the broader market for the downside with put options on the S&P 500 and other broad indices. Jacob Wolinsky, Forbes, 21 Apr. 2022 The time-saving tricks from One Bed include a fitted sheet with stay-put straps, labels for long and short sides and a split-corner flat sheet that is simple to tuck in without leaving excess fabric. Lexie Sachs, Good Housekeeping, 17 May 2022 Lines have been drawn, and the choice to step over or stay put is looming. Lincee Ray, EW.com, 4 Mar. 2022 For the second straight year, the government has advised those living away from home to stay put, and train and plane travel has been curtailed. NBC News, 2 Feb. 2022 See More

Word History



Middle English putten; akin to Old English putung instigation, Middle Dutch poten to plant

First Known Use


12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1


1841, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler
The first known use of put was in the 12th century
IELTS BNC: 116 COCA: 151


express表達ADVERB | PHRASES ADVERBcleverly, eloquently, well聰明地/雄辯地/很好地闡述I thought you put your points very well.我認為你的觀點闡述得很好。badly糟糕地闡述gently, tactfully斯文地說;巧妙地說bluntly, crudely直言不諱地說;粗魯地說simply, succinctly簡單地闡述;簡潔地表達Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt.簡單地說,我們要麼接受他們的報價,要麼破產。mildly (ironic) 說得溫和點兒I was annoyed, to put it mildly (= I was extremely angry).說得溫和點兒,我相當惱火。PHRASESto put it another way換句話說He was too trusting-or, to put it another way, he had no head for business.他太輕信別人,或者換句話說,他沒有商業頭腦。

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