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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 681 COCA: 586


1 catch /ˈkætʃ/ /ˈkɛtʃ/ verb
catches; caught /ˈkɑːt/ ; catching
1 catch
/ˈkætʃ/ /ˈkɛtʃ/
catches; caught /ˈkɑːt/ ; catching
Learner's definition of CATCH
: to use your hands to stop and hold (an object that is moving through the air)抓住,接住(空中飞来之物)
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to use your hands to grasp and hold onto (someone or something)抓住,握住(某人或某物)
[+ object] : to capture and not allow (a person, animal, or fish) to escape捕获;捕捉
[+ object]
: to manage to find, meet, or reach (someone) at a particular time or in a particular state or condition及时发现;遇到;赶上
: to find (someone who is doing something wrong)当场发现(某人正在做坏事)
[+ object] : to affect (someone) in a sudden and surprising way使(某人)措手不及
[+ object]
: to suddenly stop (yourself) before you do something中止;打住
: to suddenly become aware that you are doing something突然发觉(自己正做某事)
[+ object] : to cause (someone) to be stopped, delayed, etc.致使(某人)被制止;延误usually used as (be/get) caught通常用作(be/get)caught
see also caught up in 1 (below)
: to cause (something) to become stuck and unable to move使绊住;使挂住
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] : to have the parts connect firmly锁住;扣好;系住
[+ object]
: to stop and hold (falling water)接住(落下的水)
: to become covered with (something that moves through the air)被(悬浮物)覆盖
[+ object]
: to hit or touch (someone or something)击中,触到(某人或某物)
: to be hit or touched by (something)被击中
[+ object] : to become affected with (a sickness or disease)患(病)
◊ When people say that you will catch your death (of cold), they mean that you will become sick or catch a very bad cold.你会生病(或患重感冒)的
see also catching
[+ object] : to begin to feel excitement or interest about something(对某事)感到兴奋,感兴趣
[+ object] : to attract and hold (someone's attention, interest, etc.)吸引(注意、兴趣等)
◊ If someone or something catches your eye, you notice that person or thing.(某人或某物)吸引眼球
see also eye-catching
[+ object] : to see, smell, or notice (something)看到;嗅到;注意到
[+ object] informal : to hear or understand (something)听清;理解
[+ object] : to become aware of (something, such as an illness)发现;知觉
[+ object] : to have or do (something)做(某事);拥有(某事物)
[+ object] : to get (something) through effort争取到
[+ object] informal : to meet with (someone)会见(某人)
[+ object] : to move fast enough to be next to or in front of (someone)赶上,追上(某人)
[+ object] : to get on a bus, train, etc., before it leaves赶(公共汽车、火车等)
[+ object] : to see or hear (a show, game, etc.)看到,听到(演出、比赛等)
[+ object] : to describe or show (someone or something) in an accurate way in art勾画;再现
[no object] baseball : to play the position of catcher接球;当接球手

catch at

[phrasal verb]
catch at (something)
: to reach for and try to hold (something)试图抓住;死命抓住

catch fire

or US catch on fire : to begin to burn开始燃烧;着火
: to become very popular or effective流行;奏效

catch hell

see hell

catch it

chiefly British, informal
: to be punished or scolded受责备;受惩罚

catch lightning in a bottle

see 1lightning

catch on

[phrasal verb]
: to become popular流行开来
: to learn or understand something理解;明白

catch out

[phrasal verb]
catch (someone) out chiefly British
: to show that (someone) does not know something or is doing something bad指出(某人)过失

catch (someone) dead

see 1dead

catch up

[phrasal verb]
: to move fast enough to join someone or something that is in front of you赶上;追上
often + with or to
often used figuratively常用作比喻
: to learn about recent events了解近期的事情
often + on
catch up on (something) : to do (something) that you could have done earlier赶完;弥补
catch (someone) up British : to join someone who is ahead of you赶上
catch up with (someone)
: to begin to affect (someone) usually in a bad way开始(对某人)产生不良影响
: to find and arrest (someone)抓捕(某人)
informal : to meet with (someone)遇见某人

catch your breath

see breath

caught in the middle

see 2middle

caught short

: not having enough of something缺少;匮乏
British, informal : having a sudden urge to use the toilet突然内急

caught up in

: involved in (a difficult or confusing situation)陷入(困境)
see also 1catch 6 (above)
: excited about something and having trouble thinking about anything else兴奋不已;激动不已

— catchable

/ˈkætʃəbəl/ /ˈkɛtʃəbəl/ adjective
2 catch /ˈkætʃ/ /ˈkɛtʃ/ noun
plural catches
2 catch
/ˈkætʃ/ /ˈkɛtʃ/
plural catches
Learner's definition of CATCH
[count] : a hidden problem that makes something more complicated or difficult to do圈套;隐藏的问题;隐含的复杂情况usually singular通常用单数
[count] : the act of stopping a moving object (such as a ball) and holding it in your hands : the act of catching something接球(动作)
[noncount] : a game in which two or more people throw and catch a ball(两人以上玩的)接传球游戏
[count] : an amount of fish that has been caught捕获量
[count] old-fashioned : a person who would be very desirable as a husband or wife(非常好的)结婚对象
[count] : something that holds an object or stops the parts of an object from moving搭扣;把手;门闩
[singular] : a short, sharp change or stop in a person's voice or breath while speaking(声息)哽塞
IELTS BNC: 681 COCA: 586


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ˈkach How to pronounce catch (audio)
caught ˈkȯt How to pronounce catch (audio)
 also  ˈkät
; catching

transitive verb

: to capture or seize especially after pursuit
catch a thief
: to take or entangle in or as if in a snare
catch fish in a net
: to discover unexpectedly : find
caught in the act
: to check (oneself) suddenly or momentarily
He started to say the wrong thing but quickly caught himself.
: to become suddenly aware of
caught me looking at him
: to take hold of : seize
He caught her by the arm as she tripped.
: to affect suddenly
The announcement caught me by surprise.
: to grasp and hold on to (something in motion)
catch a fly ball
: to avail oneself of : take
caught the first opportunity to leave
: to obtain through effort : get
catch a ride
: to overtake unexpectedly
usually used in the passive
was caught in a storm
: to get entangled
catch a sleeve on a nail
: to become affected by: such as
: contract
catch a cold
: to respond sympathetically to the point of being imbued (see imbue sense 2) with
catch the spirit of an occasion
: to be struck by
He caught a bullet in the leg.
: to be subjected to : receive
catch hell
: to take in and retain
a barrel to catch rainwater
: fasten
catch back a curtain
: to take or get usually momentarily or quickly
catch a glimpse of a friend
catch a nap
: overtake
catch the leader in a race
: to get aboard in time
catch the bus
: to attract and hold : arrest, engage
caught their attention
The glint of the gold in each case caught my eye, you see. Arthur Conan Doyle
: to make contact with : strike
The pitch caught him in the back.
: to grasp by the senses or the mind
you catch what I mean?
didn't catch the name
: to apprehend and fix by artistic means
The new portrait catches her likeness perfectly.
: see, watch
catch a game on TV
: to listen to
caught the last part of the concert
: to serve as a catcher for in baseball
caught both ends of the doubleheader
: to meet with
catch you later

intransitive verb

: to grasp hastily or try to grasp
: to become caught
The kite caught in the tree branches.
: to catch fire
: to play the position of catcher on a baseball team
: kick over
the engine caught
catchable adjective
an easily catchable fly ball


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: something caught
especially : the total quantity caught at one time
a large catch of fish
: the act, action, or fact of catching
The shortstop made a tough catch.
: a game in which a ball is thrown and caught
played catch with his dad
: something that checks or holds immovable
a safety catch
: one worth catching especially as a spouse
: a round for three or more unaccompanied usually male voices often with suggestive or obscene lyrics
: fragment, snatch
remembered only catches of the song
: a concealed difficulty or complication
there must be a catch
: a momentary audible break in the voice or breath
catch a crab
: to fail to raise an oar clear of the water on recovery of a stroke
catch dead
: to find or see at any time
used in strongly negative constructions
wouldn't be caught dead in that shirt
catch fire
: to become ignited
: to become fired with enthusiasm
: to increase greatly in scope, popularity, interest, or effectiveness
this stock has not caught fire—yet Forbes
catch it
: to incur blame, reprimand, or punishment
He'll really catch it from the boss if he's late again.
catch one's breath
: to rest long enough to restore normal breathing
broadly : to rest after a period of intense activity
Choose the Right Synonym for catch

catch, capture, trap, snare, entrap, ensnare, bag mean to come to possess or control by or as if by seizing.

catch implies the seizing of something in motion or in flight or in hiding.

caught the dog as it ran by

capture suggests taking by overcoming resistance or difficulty.

capture an enemy stronghold

trap, snare, entrap, ensnare imply seizing by some device that holds the one caught at the mercy of the captor.

trap and snare apply more commonly to physical seizing.

trap animals
snared butterflies with a net

entrap and ensnare more often are figurative.

entrapped the witness with a trick question
a sting operation that ensnared burglars

bag implies shooting down a fleeing or distant prey.

bagged a brace of pheasants

Example Sentences

Verb Catch the ball and throw it to first base. She caught the ball with one hand. I dropped the book but managed to catch it before it hit the ground. I'll throw you the keys. Ready? Catch! He caught hold of her wrist. The police are working hard to catch the criminals and put them in jail. “I bet you can't catch me!” she yelled to her brother. I once caught 10 fish in a single day. In the summer, we would catch fireflies and put them in jars. I caught her just as she was leaving for work. Noun The shortstop made a tough catch. She used to play catch with her dad. Let's play a game of catch. a catch of about 20 fish See More
Recent Examples on the Web
So there were people just running around, trying to catch Pokémon. Brooklyn White, Essence, 16 Sep. 2022 The police erected green metal barriers around the parade route, leaving thousands of people to mill around outside, trying to catch a glimpse through gaps in the wall or watching livestream broadcasts of it on their mobile phones. Mark Landler, BostonGlobe.com, 14 Sep. 2022 Not at all unexpectedly, a massive crowd surrounded the Princess of Wales Theatre, trying to catch a glimpse of the pop star/actor on his way into the venue. Scott Feinberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 12 Sep. 2022 This time, the FBI is actually trying to catch the bad guys. Joe Queenan, WSJ, 8 Sep. 2022 Despite trying to catch lagging students early, Mississippi has a higher retention rate — not advancing kids to the next grade — than any other state, according to data from the U.S. Department of Education. Lelah Byron And Aimee Galaszewski, Journal Sentinel, 8 Sep. 2022 Videos apparently recorded at the scene showed a large crowd trying to catch a glimpse of the debris pile as rescue workers arrived with tools. Chinedu Asadu, ajc, 30 Aug. 2022 The Ugg-Telfar collaborations don’t shy away from either version of the Ugg story — the chicly disheveled white celebrity and the regular person just trying to catch the subway. Dave Schilling, Los Angeles Times, 29 Aug. 2022 Jyair kept throwing up his water bottle and trying to catch it midair, on the way down. The Enquirer, 22 Aug. 2022
The turnovers were gone, but the inefficiency was still there as the Bengals played catch-up for essentially the entirety of their 20-17 loss to the Cowboys. Andrew Gillis, cleveland, 19 Sep. 2022 Every app is trying to be TikTok, but sometimes the viral video-sharing app has to play a bit of catch-up itself. WIRED, 19 Sep. 2022 The bottom-line is that the new Covid-19 boosters may offer an opportunity for the U.S. to get ahead of the virus, as opposed to always playing catch-up. Simar Bajaj, Smithsonian Magazine, 15 Sep. 2022 Mahomes finished with 235 yards passing, and Jerick McKinnon and Justin Watson hauled in the TD passes for the Chiefs (2-0), who fell behind, 10-0, in the first quarter and spent most of the game playing catch-up. Dave Skretta, BostonGlobe.com, 15 Sep. 2022 Mahomes finished with 235 yards passing, and Jerick McKinnon and Justin Watson hauled in the TD passes for the Chiefs (2-0), who fell behind 10-0 in the first quarter and spent most of the game playing catch-up. Dave Skretta, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 Sep. 2022 For Asian media operators, the death of Queen Elizabeth II occurred in the middle of the night — Buckingham Palace made its announcement at 6.30 p.m. BST on Thursday — which meant some needed to play catch-up. Patrick Frater, Variety, 8 Sep. 2022 But students and teachers will still be navigating the need for a huge academic catch-up. oregonlive, 4 Sep. 2022 Consistency was an issue, and Calzada was still playing catch-up during fall camp. Tom Green | Tgreen@al.com, al, 28 Aug. 2022 See More

Word History



Middle English cacchen, from Anglo-French cacher, chacher, chacer to hunt, from Vulgar Latin *captiare, alteration of Latin captare to chase, frequentative of capere to take — more at heave entry 1

First Known Use


13th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 3

Time Traveler
The first known use of catch was in the 13th century
IELTS BNC: 681 COCA: 586


1act of catching sth抓住ADJECTIVE | VERB + CATCH ADJECTIVEawesome, brilliant, good, nice, spectacular接得棒極了;接得漂亮;接得好;接得棒;接得精彩clean (especially BrE) 抓得乾淨利落difficult, tough接得很難/費勁easy接得輕鬆game-winning (NAmE) 決定勝負的接球acrobatic, diving, one-handed, running雜技般/魚躍/單手/跑動接球slip (in cricket板球) 滑動接球touchdown (in American football美式橄欖球) 達陣得分接球fair, legal (both NAmE) 合法接球VERB + CATCHget, make, take (BrE) 接住球Roger made some brilliant catches at today's game.羅傑在今天比賽中接了幾個漂亮球。drop, miss沒接住;脫手


2number of fish that sb has caught魚捕獲量ADJECTIVE | VERB + CATCH | CATCH + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, good, huge, large, record捕魚很多;魚穫豐富;捕魚紀錄Fishermen have been landing record catches this season.本季以來漁民不斷刷新捕魚紀錄。poor, small捕魚量小annual, total年捕魚量;總捕魚量VERB + CATCHland, make捕魚CATCH + VERBdecline, fall魚穫減少;捕魚量下跌Catches fell because of the new dam.新水壩的修建使捕魚量下跌。go up, increase捕魚量上升/增加PREPOSITIONcatch of⋯的捕獲量a huge catch of tuna捕獲大量的金槍魚PHRASESthe catch of the day, the day's catch當天捕獲的魚a restaurant where you can sample the day's catch可品嚐當天捕獲鮮魚的一家餐館


3device for fastening sth拴繫設備ADJECTIVE | VERB + CATCH ADJECTIVEdoor, window門扣;窗鈎safety安全制動設備the safety catch on a gun槍上的保險栓VERB + CATCHrelease, undo, unfasten拔出/打開/鬆開插銷Fran released the catch on the door, then turned to say goodbye.弗蘭拉開門閂,然後轉身說再見。close插上門閂
IELTS BNC: 681 COCA: 586
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
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0_0: Translations of catch
  • # v.
    捕: arrest, capture, catch, seize
    捕獲: capture, catch, seize
    捕撈: catch, fish
    捕拿: arrest, capture, catch
    捕捉: catch, seize
    逮: arrest, catch, seize, take into custody, reach
    感染: catch, communicate, contract, infect, influence, taint
    獲: capture, catch, obtain
    接著: carry on, catch, continue, follow
    覺察: catch, feel, notice, sense
    擒: capture, catch, seize
    擒拿: arrest, capture, catch
    抓: arrest, catch, take charge of, claw, clutch, grab
    抓住: capture, catch, catch hold of, grip, grip attention, seize hold of
    捉: capture, catch, clutch, grab, grasp, hold
    捉拿: arrest, catch
    捉取: capture, catch
  • # n.
    捕捉: catch
    鉤: catch, clasp, claw, crook, hamulus, hook

0_0: Definitions of catch
  • # verb.
    - intercept and hold (something which has been thrown, propelled, or dropped).
    * she threw the bottle into the air and caught it again
    - capture (a person or animal that tries or would try to escape).
    * we hadn't caught a single rabbit
    - (of an object) accidentally become entangled or trapped in something.
    * the charm bracelet always caught on her clothing
    - reach in time and board (a train, bus, or aircraft).
    * they caught the 12:15 from Chicago
    - engage (a person's interest or imagination).
    * it was the business scheme that had caught his imagination
    - strike (someone) on a part of the body.
    * Ben caught him on the chin with an uppercut
    - contract (an illness) through infection or contagion.
    * he served in Macedonia, where he caught malaria
    - become ignited, due to contact with flame, and start burning.
    * the rafters have caught
  • # noun.
    - an act of catching something, typically a ball.
    - a device for securing something such as a door, window, or box.
    * the window catch was rusty
    - a hidden problem or disadvantage in an apparently ideal situation.
    * there's a catch in it somewhere
    - an unevenness in a person's voice caused by emotion.
    * there was a catch in Anne's voice
    - a round, typically one with words arranged to produce a humorous effect.
    * None

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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