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IELTS BNC: 161 COCA: 122


1 call /ˈkɑːl/ verb
calls; called; calling
1 call
calls; called; calling
Learner's definition of CALL
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to speak in a loud voice大声说;喊;叫
[no object]
[+ object]
see also call out 1 (below)
[+ object] : to announce or read (something) in a loud voice广播通知,大声念出
see also call out 1 (below)
[no object] of a bird or animal : to make the sound that is usual for a particular type of bird or animal(鸟、兽)啼,鸣叫,发出叫声
: to make a telephone call打电话
[no object]
[+ object]
see also call 3b (below), call in 1 (below), call up 1 (below)
[+ object]
: to tell, order, or ask (someone or something) to come召唤;呼唤;传唤
: to make a telephone call to tell, order, or ask (someone or something) to come打电话叫…来
see also call 2 (above)
[+ object]
: to give a name to (someone or something)给…取名
: to talk to or refer to (someone or something) with a specified name将…称作
see also name-calling
: to regard or think of (someone or something) in a certain way把…看作;认为…是
[+ object] : to give the order for (something, such as a meeting)召开;召集;下令举行
[no object] : to make a brief visit拜访;访问
see also call at (below), call for 2 (below), call in 2 (below), call on 5 (below)
[+ object] : to say or guess what the result of something will be推测;预测
[+ object] sports
: to stop or cancel (something, such as a baseball game) because of bad conditions(棒球比赛等因条件限制而)停止,取消
: to make an official ruling or decision about (something, such as a pitched ball or a player's action)(裁判员)裁定,判定
American football : to say or decide what kind of play will be used指挥,决定(进攻战术)
poker : to require (a player) to show a hand by making an equal bet(扑克牌下同等赌注)叫(对方)摊牌,叫牌
[+ object]
[no object]

call a spade a spade

see spade

call at

[phrasal verb]
call at (a place) of a boat or ship
: to stop at (a place) briefly(船)停靠;在短暂停留

call down

[phrasal verb]
call down (something) or call (something) down literary
: to pray or ask God to do something to someone祈求上帝

call for

[phrasal verb]
call for (something)
: to say or demand publicly that something is needed or should be done号召;呼吁;倡议
: to indicate that something is needed or should be done规定;要求
: to require or demand (something) as necessary or proper需要;要求
call for (someone or something) : to go to a place to get (someone or something)去接;去取

call forth

[phrasal verb]
call forth (something) or call (something) forth
: to bring (a memory, image, etc.) into the mind唤起,引起,产生(记忆、形象等)

call in

[phrasal verb]
: to make a telephone call to a place (such as the place where you work)打电话到(工作单位等)
: to make a telephone call to a radio or television program打电话(给电台或电视台栏目组)
see also call-in
call (something) in or call in (something) : to deliver (something, such as a message) by making a telephone call打电话(送某物,如带信)
: to go in somewhere to make a visit到…拜访often + on
call (something) in or call in (something)
: to say that something that has been given or sent should be returned召回;要求退回
: to demand payment of (a loan)要求付清(贷款)
call (someone) in or call in (someone) : to ask for the help or services of (someone)请求(某人)帮助;召来,叫来(服务)

call into action

see action

call into question

also US call into doubt
: to make people doubt something使人怀疑;使…受到质疑

call it a day/night

: to stop an activity (such as work) for the remainder of the day or night结束一天的工作;收工;到此为止

call it quits

see quits

call off

[phrasal verb]
call off (something) or call (something) off : to stop doing or planning to do (something)停止;取消
call off (someone or something) or call (someone or something) off : to cause or tell (a person or animal) to stop attacking, chasing, etc.使(人或动物)停止(袭击、追捕等)

call on/upon

[phrasal verb]
call on/upon (someone or something) : to ask (someone or something) to do something : to say that someone or something should do something请求,要求(…做某事)followed by to + verb接动词不定式
call on/upon (someone) : to ask for help from (someone)(向某人)寻求帮助
call on/upon (something) : to use (something, such as a talent or skill)使用;运用,调用
call on (someone) : to ask for a response from (someone, such as a student)要求(某人)回答问题
call on (someone) : to make a brief visit to (someone)拜访;探望
call (someone) on (something) US, informal : to directly criticize (someone) for (something, such as bad behavior)直截了当地批评

call out

[phrasal verb]
call out or call (something) out or call out (something) : to speak in a loud voice(大声地)说,喊
: to say (something) in a loud voice(大声)说出,喊出
: to announce or read (something) in a loud voice大声播报;大声念出
call out (someone) or call (someone) out
: to order or tell (a group of people, such as soldiers) to come or go somewhere命令行动;调动
: to order or tell (workers) to go on strike下令(工人)罢工

call (someone) on the carpet

see 1carpet

call (something) to order

see 1order

call the shots

see 1shot

call the tune

see 1tune

call time

see 1time

call to account

see 1account

call to mind

see 1mind

call up

[phrasal verb]
call (someone) up or call up (someone) chiefly US : to make a telephone call to (someone)打电话给
call (something) up or call up (something)
: to bring (something, such as a memory) into the mind使想起;使回忆起
: to bring (strength, courage, etc.) from within yourself发挥出;激发出
: to get (something) from the memory of a computer and show it on the screen从计算机中调出
call (someone) up or call up (someone)
: to order or tell (someone) to come or appear命令过来;传唤
: to bring (an athlete) to a higher league(高一级联盟)选调,征调(运动员)
: to order (soldiers) to come for active military duty征召(士兵)入伍
see also call-up

call your bluff

see 2bluff
2 call /ˈkɑːl/ noun
plural calls
2 call
plural calls
Learner's definition of CALL
[count] : an act of using the telephone : an act of calling someone on the telephone打电话;通话
see also toll call, trunk call, wake-up call
: an act of calling with the voice : a loud cry or shout喊叫;呼叫
: the sound made by an animal or bird(鸟、兽的)叫声
: an imitation of the sound made by a bird or animal模仿(鸟、兽)的叫声
: a device that is used to imitate the sound made by a bird模仿鸟叫声的哨子
: a loud sound or signal made with a musical instrument器乐声
[count] : a public request or statement that asks or tells people to do something号召;呼吁
see also clarion call, curtain call, call to arms at 2arm
: a request for something需求;要求;请求
[noncount] : a reason for doing something必要;理由used in negative statements to criticize someone's behavior用于否定句以批评某人的行为
[count] : a brief visit(短暂的)拜访,访问
see also house call, port of call
[count] : something that is called or announced说出的;喊出的
especially : an announcement telling passengers to get on a plane, train, etc., that will be leaving soon登机(上车)通知
see also last call
: a decision made by an official in a sports contest裁决;判定
chiefly US : a decision决定
see also close call, judgment call
[singular] : the appeal or attraction of something that makes a person want to go somewhere(风光等的)吸引力,诱惑力
see also call of nature
[count] : something that requires a person's attention or effort需要关注或努力的事+ on

at someone's beck and call

see 1beck

on call

: available to be called when needed : ready to come when needed随叫随到的;听候召唤的
IELTS BNC: 161 COCA: 122


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called; calling; calls

intransitive verb

: to speak in a loud distinct voice so as to be heard at a distance : shout
call for help
: to make a request or demand
call for an investigation
of an animal : to utter a characteristic note or cry
: to speak to or attempt to reach someone by means of a call (see call entry 2 sense 8)
just called to say hello
I call once a week to talk to my parents.
Several weeks later our son's family called to FaceTime with us. Daily Reporter (Greenfield, Indiana)
often used with up
She called up and asked if we wanted to come over for dinner.
: to make a demand in card games (as for a particular card or for a show of hands)
: to give the calls for a square dance
: to make a brief visit
called to pay his respects
called on a friend

transitive verb

: to utter in a loud distinct voice
often used with out
call out a number
: to announce or read loudly or authoritatively
call the roll
call off a row of figures
: to announce the play-by-play of (a sports event, such as a football game)
: to command or request to come or be present
was called to testify
: to cause to come : bring
calls to mind an old saying
: to summon to a particular activity, employment, or office
was called to active duty
was called to the bar of justice
: to invite or command to meet : convoke
call a meeting
: to rouse from sleep or summon to get up
: to give the order for : bring into action
call a strike against the company
call a pitchout
: to manage by giving the signals or orders
that catcher calls a good game
: to make a demand in bridge for (a card or suit)
: to require (a player) to show the hand in poker by making an equal bet
: to challenge to make good on a statement
: to charge with or censure for an offense
deserves to be called on that
: to attract (game) by imitating the characteristic cry
: to halt (something, such as a baseball game) because of unsuitable conditions
: to rule on the status of (a pitched ball, a player's action, etc.)
call balls and strikes
call a base runner safe
: to give the calls for (a square dance)
often used with off
: to demand payment of especially by formal notice
call a loan
: to demand presentation of (something, such as a bond or option) for redemption
The bonds could be called 10 years after issue.
: to speak to or attempt to reach (someone) by means of a call (see call entry 2 sense 8)
call the doctor to make an appointment
I try to call my parents at least once a week.
He arranged for his wife, Stacey, to call him via Skype online from Kylee's fourth-grade classroom on Monday morning—a complete surprise to his daughter. Elaine Allenemrich
often used with up
Call me up when you get back from your vacation.
: to generate signals for (a telephone number) in order to reach the party to whom the number is assigned
call 911
: to make a signal to in order to transmit a message
call the flagship
: to speak of or address by a specified name : give a name to
call her Kitty
: to regard or characterize as of a certain kind : consider
can hardly be called generous
: to estimate or consider for purposes of an estimate or for convenience
call it an even dollar
: to describe correctly in advance of or without knowledge of the event : predict
He called the upward trend of the stock market in February.
: to name or specify in advance
call the toss of a coin
: to temporarily transfer control of computer processing to (something, such as a subroutine or procedure)


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plural calls
: an act of calling with the voice : shout
a call for help
: an imitation of the cry of a bird or other animal made to attract it
: an instrument used for calling
a duck call
: the cry of an animal (such as a bird)
: a request or command to come or assemble
: a summons or signal on a drum, bugle, or pipe
: admission to the bar as a barrister
: an invitation to become the minister of a church or to accept a professional appointment
: a divine vocation or strong inner prompting to a particular course of action
: a summoning of actors to rehearsal
the call is for 11 o'clock
: the attraction or appeal of a particular activity, condition, or place
the call of the wild
: an order specifying the number of men to be inducted into the armed services during a specified period
: the selection of a play in football
the quarterback's call in the huddle
: demand, claim
The aircraft industry continues to have first call on aluminum production. Americana Annual
: need, justification
there's no call for such behavior
: a demand for payment of money
: an option to buy a specified amount of a security (such as stock) or commodity (such as wheat) at a fixed price at or within a specified time compare put sense 2
: an instance of asking for something : request
many calls for Christmas stories
: a short usually formal visit
pay a call on a neighbor
: the name or thing called
the call was heads
: the act of calling in a card game
: the act of speaking to or attempting to reach someone by telephone or by a similar online communication service
a telephone call
a video call
made a call to the mayor
In a time before keeping in touch was an internet call away, I'd have to say goodbye forever to bedrooms, to classrooms, to friends. Soniah Kamal
Soon after news of Bazemore's return broke, Curry shared a screenshot on Instagram of the two friends on a FaceTime call. Both were smiling, no longer thinking of what-ifs. Wes Goldberg
: a direction or a succession of directions for a square dance rhythmically called to the dancers
: a decision or ruling made by an official of a sports contest
also : decision sense 1
a tough call to make
: a temporary transfer of control of computer processing to a particular set of instructions (such as a subroutine or procedure)
call a spade a spade
: to call a thing by its right name however coarse
: to speak frankly
Why don't you just call a spade a spade and say that he is a liar?
call for
: to call (as at one's house) to get
I'll call for you after dinner
: to require as necessary or appropriate
the job calls for typing skills
the design calls for three windows
call forth
: elicit, evoke
these events call forth great emotions
call in question or call into question
: to cast doubt upon
a report calling into question the drug's effectiveness
call it a day
: to stop for the remainder of the day or for the present whatever one has been doing
worked another couple of hours and then called it a day
call it quits
: to call it a day : quit
call names
: to address or speak of a person or thing contemptuously or offensively
call on
: to call upon
Is there anyone you can call on in an emergency?
: to elicit a response from (someone, such as a student)
the teacher called on her first
US, informal : to directly criticize (someone) for (something, such as bad behavior)
… offering ample ammunition to anyone wanting to call her on her fascination with all things violent and degrading. Michael Upchurch
call one's bluff
: to challenge in order to expose an empty pretense or threat
I called his bluff just to see if he really meant what he said. Brandy Rankins
call the shots
: to be in charge or control : determine the policy or procedure
The secretary called the shots all through the meeting.
call the tune
: to call the shots
call time
: to ask for or grant a time-out
call to account
: to hold responsible : reprimand
He was called to account by his boss for making the error.
call upon
: require, oblige
may be called upon to do several jobs
: to make a demand on : depend on
universities are called upon to produce trained professionals
at call or on call
: available for use : at the service of
thousands of men at his call
: ready to respond to a summons or command
a doctor on call
: subject to demand for payment or return without previous notice
money lent at call
within call
: within hearing or reach of a summons : subject to summons
Choose the Right Synonym for call

summon, call, cite, convoke, convene, muster mean to demand the presence of.

summon implies the exercise of authority.

was summoned to answer charges

call may be used less formally for summon.

called the legislature into special session

cite implies a summoning to court usually to answer a charge.

cited for drunken driving

convoke implies a summons to assemble for deliberative or legislative purposes.

convoked a Vatican council

convene is somewhat less formal than convoke.

convened the students

muster suggests a calling up of a number of things that form a group in order that they may be exhibited, displayed, or utilized as a whole.

mustered the troops

Example Sentences

Verb He called to passersby for help. She called up to her husband, who was at the top of the stairs. Her husband called back down to her. She saw her friends across the street and called over to them. He called her name in his sleep. The birds were calling as the sun rose. I call once a week to talk to my parents. Where are you calling from? May I say who's calling? I try to call my parents at least once a week. Noun A local call costs less than a long-distance or an international call. If there are any calls for me during the meeting, say that I'll call back later. I got a call from my brother last night. He gave a call to passersby for help. We heard a bird that had a very loud and unusual call. He's an expert at doing bird calls. He has a large collection of duck calls. the call of a trumpet The government has issued a call to its supporters to defend it and hopes they will answer its call. The campaigners renewed their calls for reform. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Those who wish to report anonymously can call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS or 480-TESTIGO for Spanish speakers. Angela Cordoba Perez, The Arizona Republic, 18 Sep. 2022 For a more manageable bite of the ATL, as locals call it, follow these guides to five​ key sections of the city. Mike Jordan, WSJ, 17 Sep. 2022 Anyone with information about the incident can call Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana at 317-327-3475 or submit a tip online at www. Shari Rudavsky, The Indianapolis Star, 17 Sep. 2022 Anyone with information about the incident can call the Maryland State Police JFK Memorial Highway Barrack at 410-537-1150. Jason Fontelieu, Baltimore Sun, 16 Sep. 2022 Mayfield, or Coach Nikki as her players call her, was born and raised in Cabrini-Green. Shakeia Taylor, Chicago Tribune, 15 Sep. 2022 Anyone with information can call police at 330-375-2490 or Summit County Crimestoppers at 330-434-COPS. Cliff Pinckard, cleveland, 15 Sep. 2022 However, Ferxxo – as some affectionately call him – has grown into somewhat of an emblematic figure, representing his home city with an alluring and emotive sound that’s idolized far beyond the forests of Antioquia. Thania Garcia, Variety, 13 Sep. 2022 Previously, a source shared that Lili, as her parents call her, and the Queen met virtually on a video call in shortly after her birth on June 4, 2021. Brenton Blanchet, Peoplemag, 12 Sep. 2022
Omar has been trying to unravel the meaning of this call—and have his painting authenticated—for the past twenty years. Sam Knight, The New Yorker, 19 Sep. 2022 Greeting her at the outset of the call might inspire her to move along. Amy Dickinson, oregonlive, 18 Sep. 2022 Greeting her at the outset of the call might inspire her to move along. Amy Dickinson, cleveland, 18 Sep. 2022 Greeting her at the outset of the call might inspire her to move along. Amy Dickinson, Chicago Tribune, 18 Sep. 2022 Greeting her at the outset of the call might inspire her to move along. Amy Dickinson, Washington Post, 18 Sep. 2022 Greeting her at the outset of the call might inspire her to move along. Amy Dickinson, Detroit Free Press, 18 Sep. 2022 Agents played an audio recording of the call and told Leavy that records showed it was made from her phone, according to the document. Jeremy C. Fox, BostonGlobe.com, 15 Sep. 2022 The rough contents of the call were revealed at Peterson’s probable cause hearing last December. Nancy Dillon, Rolling Stone, 14 Sep. 2022 See More

Word History


Verb and Noun

Middle English, from Old Norse kalla; akin to Old English hildecalla battle herald, Old High German kallōn to talk loudly, Old Church Slavonic glasŭ voice

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1a


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler
The first known use of call was before the 12th century
IELTS BNC: 161 COCA: 122


1on the telephone打電話ADJECTIVE | VERB + CALL | CALL + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEphone, telephone電話long長時間通話quick, short時間很短的電話I'll just make a quick phone call.我就打一個很短的電話。local本地電話international, long-distance國際長途/長途電話collect (especially NAmE) 對方付費電話incoming打進來的電話outgoing打出去的電話conference電話會議business, follow-up, sales, telemarketing (especially NAmE) 業務/跟進/推銷/營銷電話We always make follow-up calls to ensure customer satisfaction.我們總會打跟進電話以確保顧客滿意。personal私人電話We're not supposed to make personal calls from work.我們不應該在工作時間打私人電話。emergency, urgent緊急呼叫電話He received an urgent call and had to leave.他接到一個緊急電話,不得不離開了。frantic慌亂的電話She made a frantic phone call to her mother.她慌忙地給母親打了一個電話。anonymous, crank, hoax, nuisance, prank, unsolicited匿名/神秘/惡作劇/騷擾/玩笑/主動打來的電話missed未接電話The screen display said '8 missed calls'.屏幕上顯示有“ 8 個未接來電”。wake-up叫醒電話;當頭棒喝I ordered a wake-up call for 6.30 the next morning.我預訂了第二天早晨 6 點 30 分的叫醒電話。Last night's defeat should be a wake-up call for the team. (figurative) 昨晚的失利應當是給該隊敲響的警鐘 。VERB + CALLgive sb, make, place(給某人)打電話Give us a call to say when you have arrived.你到了就給我們打個電話。She placed an anonymous call to the Dutch Embassy in Dublin.她給在都柏林的荷蘭大使館打了一個匿名電話。get, have, receive接到電話answer, deal with, field, handle, take接電話;處理電話I'll take the call upstairs.我要上樓接電話。He spent the whole day fielding calls from concerned parents.他一整天都在處理焦慮的家長們打來的電話。return回電話I left a message but he didn't return my call.我留了言,但他沒有給我回電話。expect等電話打來Could you get off the phone? I'm expecting a call.你把電話掛了好嗎?我在等一個電話。miss錯過電話She was out and missed an important call.她在外面,錯過了一個重要電話。end, finish結束通話I ended the call as quickly as possible.我盡快地結束了通話。put through, transfer接通/轉接電話Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room.讓接待員把你的電話接到我房間。intercept, monitor, screen, trace攔截/監聽/審查/追踪電話The police managed to trace the call.警方設法追查到了這個電話。CALL + NOUNbox (BrE) 公共電話亭centre/center呼叫中心PREPOSITIONcall for給⋯的電話Were there any calls for me while I was out?我不在時有電話找我嗎?call from來自⋯的電話You had a call from Fred.弗雷德給你打過一個電話。call to給⋯的電話I made a call to a friend in London.我給倫敦的一個朋友打了電話。


2sound to attract attention呼喚ADJECTIVE | VERB + CALL | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEloud大叫distinctive獨特的叫聲the distinctive call of the cuckoo布穀鳥獨特的叫聲alarm, distress求救呼叫bird鳥叫聲clarion, rallying (both figurative) (起號召作用的)召喚聲This election is a clarion call for our country to face the challenges of the new era.這次選舉吹響了號角,號召我國去面對新時代的挑戰。VERB + CALLlet out, make, sound發出叫聲The mosque was sounding the call to prayer.清真寺裏傳來鐘聲,召喚人們去祈禱。hear聽到叫聲PREPOSITIONcall for⋯的叫聲a call for help求救聲call to去⋯的召喚the morning call to prayer去晨禱的召喚


3short visit短暫的拜訪ADJECTIVE | VERB + CALL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbusiness, courtesy, sales, social公務/禮節性/推銷/社交性拜訪house上門出診The doctor does not usually make house calls.那位醫生一般不上門出診。VERB + CALLmake, pay (sb)拜訪(某人)The doctor has several calls to make this morning.今天上午,這個醫生要巡診好幾戶人家。PREPOSITIONon a call在訪問中She's out on a call.她出去拜訪別人了。call on對⋯的訪問When he went to Ethiopia, his first call was on the ambassador.他去埃塞俄比亞的時候,首站拜訪的是大使。PHRASESfirst port of call, last port of call, next port of call第一個/最後一個/下一個短暫停留的地方Our first port of call (= the first place we went) was the bank.我們的第一站是銀行。


4request/demand號召;要求ADJECTIVE | VERB + CALL | CALL + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVErenewed, repeated重新發出的/重複的通知last最後的通知This is the last call for PAM flight 199 to Salvador.這是泛美航空公司飛往薩爾瓦多的 199 號航班的最後一次通知。strike (BrE) 罷工號召VERB + CALLissue提出要求renew, repeat重申/重複要求Campaigners have renewed their call for an independent inquiry.倡議者再次呼籲進行獨立調查。answer, heed, respond to響應號召It is unlikely that they will heed calls for a crackdown.他們不大可能聽從嚴打的號召。Around 10 000 workers heeded the union's strike call. (BrE) 約有 1 萬名工人響應工會的罷工號召。ignore, reject, resist無視/拒絕/抵制要求The government has resisted the calls of the international community.政府拒絕了國際社會的要求。CALL + NOUNbutton呼叫按鈕He pushed the call button for the flight attendant.他按了呼叫器呼叫航班服務員。PREPOSITIONcall for⋯的號召The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.慈善團體發出了為地震災民募捐的號召。PHRASESa call to action呼籲採取行動The book is a call to action.這本書是行動的號召。a call to arms (= a strong request for people to fight in the army) (often figurative) 入伍號召The president's speech was a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream.總統的演講是為了重振美國夢而發出的入伍參戰號召。


5 (informal) decision決定ADJECTIVEtough棘手的決定close難分高下的結果judgement/judgment(因無特定規章可循而作出的)自行決定line, strike (both sport體育) 邊線球/好球判決


1give a name to sb/sth給⋯命名ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBcommonly, frequently一般/常常稱為Buenos Aires is often called the Paris of South America.布宜諾斯艾利斯常被稱為“南美洲的巴黎”。formerly, originally以前/原來叫做The area was formerly called West Meadow.該地區舊稱西牧場。affectionately親切地稱為His friends affectionately call him 'Bear'.他的朋友親切地叫他“大熊”。just, simply僅僅/乾脆稱為a character whom the writer calls simply 'The Girl'作者乾脆稱為“那女孩”的一個角色officially正式稱為The system is officially called the NPV System.該系統的正式名稱為 NPV 系統。collectively統稱為a range of very small organisms, collectively called nanoplankton統稱為微型浮游生物的一類很小的生物variously以不同的名稱稱呼a tree variously called 'rowan' and 'mountain ash'一種既稱為 rowan 又稱為 mountain ash 的樹aptly, rightly貼切地稱為tentatively暫時稱為He is writing a novel, tentatively called 'My Future'.他正在創作一部小說,暫定名為《我的未來》。euphemistically委婉地稱為soldiers killed by what is euphemistically called 'friendly fire'被委婉地說成死於“友軍炮火”的士兵PREPOSITIONby按⋯稱呼We usually call him by his nickname.我們通常叫他的綽號。PHRASESyou could hardly call sth..., you would hardly call sth...幾乎不能稱某物⋯You could hardly call the show perfect, but it was successful.這場演出稱不上十全十美,但很成功。


2make sound to attract attention呼喚ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBsoftly輕聲呼喚loudly大聲呼喚out喊叫She called out in pain.她疼得叫出了聲。PREPOSITIONfor呼喚⋯He called for help, but no one could hear.他大聲呼救,可是沒人聽見。to向⋯呼喚a female penguin calling to her mate呼喚配偶的雌性企鵝


3telephone電話ADVERBback回電話I'll call back later.我一會兒回電話。Leave a message and I'll call you back.留個話,我會給你回電話的。ahead預先打個電話You should call ahead to make sure that seats are available.你應該預先打個電話,弄清楚確實有空座。free, toll-free (NAmE) 打免費電話Call us free / toll-free on this number.打這個免費電話號碼同我們聯繫。collect (NAmE) 打對方付費的電話
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0_0: Translations of call
  • # v.
    拜訪: call, call upon, pay a visit
    拜會: call, pay an official call
    拜望: call, call to pay one's respect
    稱: fit, suit, call, commend, name, praise
    偁: call
    稱呼: address, call
    稱為: call, be called, be known as
    訪問: access, call, interview, pay a visit
    顧: attend, call, take into consideration, turn around and look at, look after, look at
    喊: call, cry, shout
    呼: breathe out, call, cry out, exhale, shout
    虖: call, exhale
    呼喚: call, shout
    呼叫: call, shout, yell
    呼籲: appeal, call
    叫: bray, call, be called, make, order, shout
    看: care, guard, look after, watch, call, consider
    看望: call, overestimate, see, visit
    謚: call, name
    探望: call, look about, look in, visit
    望: call, expect, gaze, hope, look towards, view
    謂: call, name, say, speak, tell
    邀: apply for, ask, ask for, beg, bid, call
    謁: call, visit
    曰: call, name, say, speak
    招呼: accost, call, glad-hand, greet, hail
    找: approach, ask for, call, try to find, look for, want to see
    召喚: call, summon
    走: call, exit, go, go along, leak, leave
  • # n.
    喊聲: bellow, call, cry, roar, scream, shout
    通話: call, converse, talking

0_0: Definitions of call
  • # verb.
    - give (an infant or animal) a specified name.
    * they called their daughter Hannah
    - cry out (a word or words).
    * he heard an insistent voice calling his name
    - contact or attempt to contact (a person or number) by phone.
    * could I call you back ?
    - order or request the attendance of.
    * representatives of all three teams have been called to appear before the stewards
    - announce or decide that (an event, especially a meeting, strike, or election) is to happen.
    * there appeared to be no alternative but to call a general election
    - (of an umpire or other official in a game) pronounce (a ball, stroke, or other action) to be the thing specified.
    * the linesman called the ball wide
    - cause (a subroutine) to be executed.
    * one subroutine may call another subroutine (or itself)
  • # noun.
    - a cry made as a summons or to attract someone's attention.
    * a nearby fisherman heard their calls for help
    - the characteristic cry of a bird or other animal.
    * it is best distinguished by its call, a loud “pwit”
    - an instance of speaking to someone on the phone or attempting to contact someone by phone.
    * I'll give you a call at around five
    - a brief social visit.
    * we paid a call on Howard
    - an appeal or demand for something to happen or be done.
    * the call for action was welcomed
    - an order or request for someone to be present.
    * he was delighted that so many former players had heeded the call to attend the conference
    - (in sports) a decision or ruling made by an umpire or other official, traditionally conveyed by a shout, that the ball has gone out of play or that a rule has been breached.
    * he was visibly irritated with the umpire's calls
    - a command to execute a subroutine.
    * parameter values may be changed by calls to a special purpose input specification subroutine
    - a demand for payment of lent or unpaid capital.
    * None

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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