plural counters
plural counters
Learner's definition of COUNTER
: a piece of furniture with a flat surface that workers and customers stand on opposite sides of when doing business in a store, restaurant, etc.櫃台;前台 -
He walked up to the counter and ordered his food.他走近櫃台點了菜。
There was a long line at the sales/checkout counter.銷售櫃台/收銀台前排起了長龍。
I put my money down on the counter.我把錢放到了櫃台上。
She recognized the man behind the counter.她認出了櫃台後面的那個人。
— see also lunch counter 2 US
a : a long, flat surface on which food is prepared in a kitchen(廚房中的)長台面,操作台 — called also countertop, (British) worktop
— see picture at kitchen b : a flat surface around a sink in a bathroom(衛生間水槽周圍的)洗漱台 — called also countertop
: a small object that is used in some board games(某些棋盤遊戲的)籌碼
over the counter
: without a special note (called a prescription) from a doctor非處方;不憑處方
under the counter
: secretly and usually illegally偷偷地;非正大光明地;非法地 2 counter /ˈkaʊntɚ/ noun
plural counters
plural counters
Learner's definition of COUNTER
counters; countered; countering
counters; countered; countering
Learner's definition of COUNTER
a [no object] : to do something in defense or in response to something反擊;反對 —
often + with b [+ object] : to make (something) less effective or ineffective抵消;使失效 2
: to say (something) in response to something that another person has said回應;反駁 [+ object]
When they blamed him for the collapse of the bridge, he countered that his warnings about the bridge had been ignored.當他們因橋梁坍塌而譴責他時,他回應說他過去對此提出的警告無人理會。
“I could say the same thing about you,” she countered.“你也是一樣。”她反駁說。
[no object]
4 counter /ˈkaʊntɚ/ noun
plural counters
plural counters
Learner's definition of COUNTER
[count] formal
: something that is made or done as a defense against or response to something else : something that makes something else less effective or ineffective反擊;抵消—
usually singular通常用單數;—
usually + to 5 counter /ˈkaʊntɚ/ adverb
5 counter
Learner's definition of COUNTER
: in a way that goes against or does not agree with something相反地;對立地 —
+ to -
The soldier acted counter to his orders. [=he did something that was against his orders]這名士兵違抗了命令。
His theory ran counter to [=was opposed to; did not agree with] the beliefs of his time.他的理論與他所處時代的信仰相對立。
Such behavior runs counter to the values of society.這樣的行爲與社會的價值觀背道而馳。