plural balances
plural balances
Learner's definition of BALANCE
1 [noncount]
a : the state of having your weight spread equally so that you do not fall(身體的)平衡 -
He held on to the rail for balance. = He held on to the rail to keep/maintain his balance.他抓住扶手以保持身體平衡。
She had trouble keeping her balance as the boat rocked back and forth.小船來回搖晃,她很難保持平衡。
The skater suddenly lost his balance and fell.滑冰者突然失去平衡,摔倒了。
Another skater bumped into him and knocked/threw him off balance.另一個滑冰者撞到他身上,使他失去了平衡。
◊ In figurative use, to knock/throw someone off balance or keep someone off balance is to make someone feel unsure about how to behave or what to expect.(用作比喻)不知所措
He was surprised and thrown off balance by her strong personality.她的個性之強令他詫異,不知如何應對。
The sudden change in the schedule knocked me off balance.日程突然改變讓我不知所措。
The author keeps her readers off balance by always changing the subject.這個作者總在變換她的話題,把讀者弄得雲裏霧裏。
b : the ability to move or to remain in a position without losing control or falling平衡能力 2
[singular] : a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance平衡;均衡 -
To provide balance in her news story, she interviewed members of both political parties.爲使新聞報道不偏不倚,她對兩個政黨的成員都進行了采訪。
Temperature changes could upset the delicate balance of life in the forest.氣溫變化可能會打亂森林脆弱的生態平衡。
To lose weight you need the proper/right balance of diet and exercise.你想減肥就需要注意飲食和運動的合理平衡。
The food had a perfect balance of sweet and spicy flavors.這種食品很好地融合了甜和辣兩種味道。
He needs to achieve/create/strike a better balance between his work life and his family life. [=he needs to spend less time at work and more time with his family]他需要更好地平衡他的事業和家庭生活。
He's trying to keep his work life and his family life in balance. = He's trying to keep his work life in balance with his family life. [=he's trying to give a proper of amount of time and attention to both his work life and his family life]他正在努力使他的事業和家庭生活保持平衡。
It's important to keep your life in balance.保持你的生活平衡很重要。
His work life and his family life are out of balance. = His work life is out of balance with his family life.他的事業和他的家庭生活失衡了。
If these ingredients are out of balance [=not used in good or correct amounts], the dish will not taste good.如果這些調料的用量掌握不當,菜的味道就不會好。
The death of his wife threw/sent his life out of balance.妻子的去世使他的生活失去了平衡。
a [count] : the amount of money in a bank account賬戶結存;賬戶餘額 -
He has a comfortable/healthy/hefty bank balance. [=he has plenty of money in the bank]他有很多銀行存款。
You must maintain a minimum balance of $1,000 [=you must keep at least $1,000] in your bank account.你的銀行賬戶至少要有1000美元的餘額。
b [count] : the amount of money that still needs to be paid結欠:差額 -
What are the unpaid balances on your credit cards?你的信用卡有多少應付欠款?
The bill was $500 and we've received $400, so the balance (of the bill) is $100.賬單是500美元,我們已收400美元,因此還差100美元。
c the balance : something that remains or is left over after other things have been done or used剩餘部分 -
We planned to stay there for the balance [=the rest, the remainder] of the summer.我們打算在那兒度過餘夏。
Although the beginning is funny, the balance of the book is very serious.這本書的開頭部分很有趣,但後面的内容很嚴肅。
in the balance
◊ If something (such as your future) hangs in the balance or is in the balance, it is not certain but will soon be known or decided.(未來)不明朗;(事情)未定,懸而未決
Our future hangs in the balance as we await their decision. [=our future depends on their decision; their decision will control our future]我們的未來尚不可知,取決於他們的決定。
With his job in the balance, he went to ask his boss for a raise.盡管有可能導致飯碗不保,他還是去找了老板要求加薪
on balance
: with all things considered : in general總的說來 -
The meeting went well on balance.會議總的說來進展不錯
Although our lives are difficult now, I believe that on balance we are becoming stronger people.盡管現在我們的生活很艱難,但我認爲總的說來我們的民族正在變得更加強大。
tip the balance
— see 1tip 2 balance /ˈbæləns/ verb
balances; balanced; balancing
balances; balanced; balancing
Learner's definition of BALANCE
: to make (something, such as a plate or your body) steady by keeping weight equal on all sides使平衡 [+ object]
usually + on -
The waiters balanced the food on large trays.服務生把食物均勻地放在大托盤上。
She learned to walk while balancing a book on her head.她學習把一本書平放在頭頂上走路。
Can you balance a spoon on your nose?你能把一個勺子平放在你的鼻子上嗎?
[no object]
I find it difficult to balance on one foot.我發現單腳站立很難保持平衡。
He had trouble balancing on his skis.他在滑雪板上很難保持平衡。
He helped his daughter balance on her bicycle before she started peddling.他在女兒開始蹬腳蹬之前,幫她在自行車上保持平衡。
— see also balancing act at 1act 2
a [+ object] : to adjust (an account or budget) so that the amount of money available is more than or equal to the amount of money that has been spent使(賬戶的借方和貸方)平衡;使(預算)平衡 b : to check and make adjustments to financial records so that they are accurate結平(賬戶);銷(賬) [+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to make (different or opposite things) equal in strength or importance使(力量或重要性)均衡 -
She's able to balance her career with her family life. = She balances work and family.她能夠做到事業與家庭兼顧。
The group is balanced between new and old members. [=the group had an equal number of new and old members]這組新老成員的人數相等。
— see also balance out 2 (below) 4
[+ object] : to make (a different or opposite thing) less powerful, noticeable, etc.抵消;相抵 -
Serve black coffee to help balance the sweetness of the dessert.來杯不加奶的咖啡解解甜點的膩。
His quickness will balance [=compensate for, make up for] the other fighter's greater strength.他的敏捷將使他可以與力量更大的對手相抗衡。
The movie's serious subject matter is balanced [=offset] with humor.這部電影的幽默掩蓋了其嚴肅的主題。
His sadness was balanced by memories of happier days.回憶昔日的快樂時光沖淡了他的憂傷。
— see also balance out 1 (below) 5
[+ object] : to think about (different things) and decide which is better or more important —
usually + against or with衡量;權衡 -
Their fears must be balanced [=weighed] against the need for change.必須將他們的畏懼心理與改變的必要性進行權衡。
A national government must balance [=compare] the needs of individuals with/against the needs of the entire country.一國政府必須權衡個人需求和整個國家的需求。
They'll have to balance the risks with the rewards. [=they'll have to decide if the possible good results are worth the possible bad results]他們必須要權衡一下風險和回報
balance out
[phrasal verb] 1
balance out (something) or balance (something) out : to make (a different or opposite thing) less powerful, noticeable, etc.抵消;相抵 -
Serve black coffee to help balance out the sweetness of the dessert.來杯不加奶的咖啡解解甜點的膩。
His quickness will balance out [=compensate for, make up for] the other fighter's greater strength.他的敏捷將使他可以與力量更大的對手相抗衡。
The discount balances out the shipping charge. = The discount and the shipping charge balance each other out. [=the shipping charge and the discount together equal zero]折扣與運費相抵。
— see also 2balance 4 (above) 2
: to be or become equal or even(與…)相等,不相上下 — see also 2balance 3 (above)