replacement /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/ noun plural replacements
plural replacements
Learner's definition of REPLACEMENT
[noncount] : the act of replacing something代替;取代;更换 -
She underwent a hip replacement. [=a doctor replaced her hip with an artificial hip]她做了髋关节置换手术。
Is your old dictionary in need of replacement? [=do you need a new dictionary?]你需要换掉你的旧词典吗?
Your car's replacement cost is less than the cost to repair it. [=it costs less to buy a new car than it does to fix your car]购置新车的费用低于你的汽车修理费用。
[count] : a person or thing that replaces someone or something else接替者;代替物;替换品 -
I'm training my replacement.我正在培养我的接班人。
We need a replacement for our old vacuum cleaner.我们的旧吸尘器需要更换了。
Where can we get replacement parts for the tractor?我们在哪儿可以给这台拖拉机找到更换的零件?