tie uportie (something) uportie up (something):to become attached or to attach (something) to a fixed object with a string, rope, etc.被拴住;(用线或绳子等)拴住
They tied (the boat) up and jumped out.他们把小船拴好后跳上了岸。
The ferry ties up at the south slip.渡船在南部停泊处抛锚。
tie (something) uportie up (something)
a :to deal with (something) in order to complete something处理完;完成
The project is almost finished, but we still have a few final details to tie up. = We still have to tie up some loose ends.这个工程基本完工了,但我们最后还有一些细节要处理。
The writer ties up all the loose ends at the end of the story.在故事结尾处,作者对所有零星内容做了收尾。
b US:to prevent the use or progress of (something)使…受阻
He tied up the phone for an hour. [=he used the phone for an hour and other people could not use it]他占用了一小时的电话。
Traffic was tied up [=backed up] for hours/miles.交通堵了好几小时/英里。
tie up (money) in (something)ortie (money) up in (something):to invest (money) in (something) in a way that prevents it from being used for some other purpose占用,搁死(资金);使(资金)不能挪用
They tied up all of their money in their new business.他们把所有钱都投在了新的生意里。
— usually used as (be) tied up in通常用作(be) tied up in
The money was tied up in stocks.钱被投在股市里了。
tie up with (something)orbe tied up with (something):to be connected or related to (something)与…有联系;与…有关
Today's lesson tied up with what was taught yesterday.今天的课和昨天讲的有关联。
My life is tied up with hers.我和她的生活密不可分。
tie (someone) uportie up (someone)
a :to tie rope, tape, etc., around the body, arms, or legs of (someone) in order to keep that person from moving or escaping(用绳子、胶带等)捆绑(某人)
The robbers tied up the clerk.劫匪把那名职员绑了起来。
b :to prevent (someone) from doing other things or from going to a particular place阻止(某人)做某事;阻止(某人)去某地;使脱不开身
Meetings tied me up for most of the afternoon.我一下午大部分时间都在开会。
— usually used as (be) tied up通常用作(be) tied up
She was tied up in traffic.交通堵塞,她被堵在路上了。
I'd like to help but I'm a bit tied up at the moment.我很愿意帮忙,但是目前我脱不开身。
Verb an accident is tying up traffic at 5th and Broadway
Recent Examples on the Web
Once audited, pass this information or get advice from a sector-specific brand strategist who can help tie up design, copy and tonality into one all-encompassing vision. Rolling Stone Culture Council, Rolling Stone, 18 Aug. 2022 But back in the Dreaming, the Sandman still has some loose ends to tie up. Alex Raiman, EW.com, 5 Aug. 2022 In order to tie up its biggest star, the last-place club in the National League East offered him a deal reportedly worth almost half a billion dollars for up to 15 years. Joshua Robinson, WSJ, 2 Aug. 2022 Dropshipping presents much lower risk, as well as the possibility to add significantly more products to the inventory, with no need to tie up working capital. Tejas Dave, Forbes, 15 July 2022 The men removed a cord from a speaker in a bedroom to use to tie up the woman, the complaint says. Kaylee Remington, cleveland, 29 June 2022 Average house prices in the U.K. hit a record 269,945 pounds in September as buyers rushed to tie up deals before a property tax cut came to an end. Andrew Atkinson, Bloomberg.com, 17 Nov. 2021 The man who could brain Mr. Lingk with Rusty’s ashes, or the one who could harm and tie up a helpless old lady, would almost certainly be game for something that nasty. Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 9 Aug. 2022 Living with the consequences of an extended Chinese hiatus from the world’s airports has prompted Dufry to tie up with Alibaba in the hope of expansion in the Chinese market. Kevin Rozario, Forbes, 20 May 2022 See More