Recent Examples on the WebDuring the time of the rash, and often for a week or two afterward, the pain is due to inflammation and damage to the nerve, called acute neuritis. Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive, 7 June 2022 By 1927, Radium Sulphur Springs had changed its name to Hollywood Mineral Springs, capitalizing on the local product, and now claiming treatments — not cures — for rheumatism, high blood pressure, neuritis and sciatica, and excess weight.Los Angeles Times, 28 Dec. 2021 One of those patients last month was Sonia Mata, who was worried about going to a hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic to be treated for optic neuritis, a condition triggered by lupus that was damaging her eyesight. Laura Garcia, San Antonio Express-News, 23 Sep. 2021 As the disease inflames the optic nerve, a condition known as optic neuritis, pain and loss of vision in the affected eye can result. Jack Guy, CNN, 11 Aug. 2021 Optic neuritis, the inflammation of the optic nerve, can affect a person’s vision, even if only temporarily. Stephanie Pagones, Fox News, 11 Apr. 2021 She was diagnosed with brachial neuritis and completed eight months of physical therapy. Ken Alltucker, USA TODAY, 4 Feb. 2021 However, he soon was declared medically unfit for service due to optic neuritis, which is an inflammation of the optic nerve, and got an honorable discharge. Morgan Watkins, The Courier-Journal, 12 Sep. 2020 The first possibility is an infection of the vestibular nerve, called vestibular neuritis, according to the Mayo Clinic. Korin Miller, SELF, 12 Aug. 2020 See More
Word History
Greek neûron "sinew, tendon, nerve" + -itis, probably after French névrite or German Neuritis