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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


1 board /ˈboɚd/ noun
plural boards
1 board
plural boards
Learner's definition of BOARD
[count] : a long, thin, flat piece of wood木板
: a flat piece of material (such as wood or cardboard) that is used for a special purpose(有特定用途的)薄木板,硬纸板
: bulletin board 1
see also message board
: a large, smooth surface for writing on写字板
see also blackboard, whiteboard
: a group of people who manage or direct a company or organization(公司或机构的)董事会,理事会
: a group of people who have been chosen to learn information about something, to give advice, etc.咨询委员会;顾问委员会
see also boardroom, school board
[noncount] : daily meals that you pay for when you are paying to stay at a hotel, school, etc.(住旅馆、住校等所包含的)伙食,膳食
see also room and board
[count] : circuit board
boards [plural] US : special tests that you take when you want to be accepted as a student at a college or medical school(美国大学或医学院的)入学考试
the boards US : the low wooden wall that surrounds the playing surface in ice hockey(冰球场四周的)界墙

across the board

: in a way that includes or affects everyone or everything全体;整体;全面
see also across-the-board

go by the board

or US go by the boards
: to no longer be used or considered : to be discarded, rejected, or abandoned被丢弃;被忽视;被遗弃

on board

: in or on a train, boat, etc. : aboard上(车、船等);在(车、船等)上
: included among the group of people who support a particular goal, project, etc.(支持某一目标或项目的)团队成员

sweep the board

see 1sweep

take (something) on board

: to decide to accept or deal with (something, such as a suggestion or idea)接受,采纳(建议或想法)

tread the boards

see 1tread
2 board /ˈboɚd/ verb
boards; boarded; boarding
2 board
boards; boarded; boarding
Learner's definition of BOARD
: to get into or onto (an airplane, a bus, a train, etc.)上(飞机、公共汽车、火车等)
[+ object]
[no object]
: to put or allow (someone) into or onto an airplane, a bus, a train, etc.允许…上(飞机、公共汽车、火车等)
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to cover or close (something) with pieces of wood用木板覆盖(或封闭)
usually + up
[+ object] : to provide (someone) with daily meals and a place to live in exchange for money收费为(某人)提供膳宿
[no object] : to pay for daily meals and a place to live付费膳宿
see also boardinghouse, boarding school


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: a piece of sawed lumber of little thickness and a length greatly exceeding its width
nailed boards over the windows
: a surface, frame, or device for posting notices
Pin the photo to the board.
: blackboard
wrote the assignment on the board
: a flat usually rectangular piece of material (such as wood) designed for a special purpose: such as
: skateboard
… Tony Hawk has just legitimized the youthful rebellion they'd abandoned along with their boards. Sean Pamphilon
: springboard sense 1
Do a backflip off the board.
boards plural : skis
a new pair of boards
basketball : backboard sense 1
a rebound off the boards
also : a rebound in basketball
averaging 7.8 boards per game
: a group of persons having managerial, supervisory, investigatory, or advisory powers
She is on the bank's board of directors.
board of examiners
a board member
: an examination given by an examining board
often used in plural
pass the medical boards
: league, association
local board of realtors
: daily meals especially when furnished for pay
paid for her room and board
: a table spread with a meal
offered to help clear the board
: a table at which a council or magistrates sit
sat at the council board
f card games
: the exposed hands of all the players in a stud poker (see stud entry 1 sense 5) game
: an exposed dummy (see dummy entry 1 sense 2a) hand in bridge
archaic : table sense 1a
electronics : a sheet of insulating material carrying circuit elements and terminals so that it can be inserted in an electronic apparatus (such as a computer)
boards plural, ice hockey : the low wall enclosing a hockey rink
computers : message board sense 2
Add a link to the board.
: the stiff foundation piece for the side of a book cover
nautical : the side of a ship
boards plural, theater : stage sense 2a(2)
one of the best actors that ever trod the boards
finance : a securities or commodities exchange (see exchange entry 1 sense 5a)
obsolete : border, edge
boardlike adjective


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boarded; boarding; boards

transitive verb

: to go aboard (something, such as a ship, train, airplane, or bus)
boarded a bus to Chicago
: to put aboard
an airliner boarding passengers
: to cover or seal off with a long, thin, and often narrow piece of sawed lumber : to cover or seal off with boards (see board entry 1 sense 1)
usually used with up
board up a windowboard up a house
: to provide with regular meals and often also lodging usually for compensation
supplemented her income by boarding college students
ice hockey : to check (a player) into the low wooden wall enclosing a hockey rink : to check (a player) into the boards (see board entry 1 sense 5)
archaic : to come up against or alongside (a ship) usually to attack
archaic : accost, address
boarded me with some light remark W. A. White

intransitive verb

: to receive meals or lodging
bachelors who board at the inn
specifically : to live at a boarding school
informal : to ride a skateboard, snowboard, etc.
At 12, Danny joined his 16-year-old brother … on the slopes, boarding every day after school. Scott DeSimon
: to get into or onto a means of transportation (such as an airplane, bus, ship, etc.)
A bit late, we hurried to the gate just in time to board. Ellen Creager
: to put or allow passengers into or onto such a means of transportation
… before my plane boarded I wandered into a duty-free shop to pick up a few last-minute presents. Ted Mooney
across the board
: so as to include or affect all classes or categories
cut spending across the board
also : in all areas or respects
considered an average player across the board
on board
: aboard
: in support of a particular objective
needed to get more senators on board for the bill to pass

Example Sentences

Noun They nailed some boards over the broken window. They covered the board in fabric and pinned some photographs to it. the board that is used to play games like chess and checkers I saw a notice on the board calling for volunteers. Write the answers on the board. She is on the town's planning board. The parole board has decided that the prisoner is not yet ready for release. Verb You must have a ticket in order to board the train. The pirates tried to board the ship, but we fought them off. We're supposed to board at 10:15. We're now boarding all passengers. The flight is about to begin boarding. Passengers should remain in the boarding area. The caretaker boarded the window. They board guests during the summer season. Many students board at the college. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
The volunteer board, together with other community volunteers, supports Anneslie in a variety of ways, including hosting several events each year, such as picnics, bowling, concerts, family movie nights and more. Tony Roberts, Baltimore Sun, 14 Sep. 2022 President Joe Biden then appointed a presidential emergency board, which held hearings and issued recommendations last month that included 24% pay raises and thousands of dollars in bonuses. David Koenig, ajc, 14 Sep. 2022 For mood-board style inspiration, Averett is drawn to Kate Moss, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, and fictional characters Carrie Bradshaw, Serena Van Der Woodsen, and Rachel Green—personas that now help her eliminate noise when shopping or dressing. Maria Santa Poggi, Glamour, 14 Sep. 2022 Advocate submitted applications earlier this year for the change to the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review board, which typically must approve hospital mergers and sales. Lisa Schencker, Chicago Tribune, 13 Sep. 2022 The board of the high-end stationary bikes and treadmills named Karen Boone as chairperson. BostonGlobe.com, 13 Sep. 2022 ByteDance’s board and often exerts heavy-handed control over domestic companies). Jacob Carpenter, Fortune, 12 Sep. 2022 Skylights here admit ample light while the stylish vertical louver-board screening enhances privacy while admitting fresh air. James Alexander, Hartford Courant, 9 Sep. 2022 In fact, the first draft of the C.M.F. cited the statistics from the school-board presentations. Rivka Galchen, The New Yorker, 8 Sep. 2022
Airlines don’t check for proof of a negative Covid test to board domestic flights. Allison Pohle, WSJ, 2 Aug. 2022 Beginning in May 2023, all travelers will need Real ID-compliant documents to board flights in the U.S. Zach Wichter, USA TODAY, 18 July 2022 Once arriving back to Base Camp, tired climbers have been unable to board flights back to Kathmandu from the small airstrip in Lukla. Ben Ayers, Outside Online, 16 May 2022 The experts had cleared the 59% of Americans who are vaccinated to return to a semblance of pre-pandemic life — to board flights and cram into homes without masks for long-overdue reunions. Los Angeles Times, 1 Dec. 2021 Finally, Hanna and her son grabbed the opportunity to board a bus. Palabra, oregonlive, 8 Apr. 2022 With the Taliban searching their Kabul neighborhood, Tamim Bedar’s children cried as his wife urged him to board a U.S. evacuation flight alone. Chris Kenning, USA TODAY, 14 Aug. 2022 Unfortunately, Cardi logged off Twitter Friday evening to board a flight, just several hours before Poarch had a chance to reveal she’d been hacked. Kat Bouza, Rolling Stone, 13 Aug. 2022 He was set to board a flight to Los Angeles and expressed concern about missing a trip to visit his daughter. Ariana Garcia, Chron, 4 Aug. 2022 See More

Word History


Noun and Verb

Middle English bord piece of sawed lumber, border, ship's side, from Old English; akin to Old High German bort ship's side

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 11


15th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 5

Time Traveler
The first known use of board was before the 12th century


1flat piece of wood, plastic, etc.木板;塑料板ADJECTIVE | BOARD + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbulletin, drawing, poster (NAmE) 公告板;畫板;招貼板ironing熨衣板diving跳板circuit電路板chopping, cutting (NAmE) 砧板;切菜板emery指甲銼BOARD + NOUNgame棋類遊戲PREPOSITIONon a/the board在板上There's a notice on the board.佈告板上有個通知。


2group of people who control an organization委員會ADJECTIVE | VERB + BOARD | BOARD + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEadvisory, editorial, executive, governing, management, review顧問委員會;編輯委員會;執行董事會;理事會;管理委員會;審查委員會health, parole, school, etc.衞生局、假釋裁決委員會、學校董事會等VERB + BOARDbe on, serve on, sit on擔任委員;是委員會成員He sits on the company's management board.他是公司的管理委員會委員。join加入理事會appoint sb to, elect sb to任命/選舉某人為委員resign from辭去委員職務go to提交到委員會The project will go to the board for consideration.這個項目將提交委員會考慮。submit sth to, take sth to把⋯提交到委員會She took her ideas to the board.她把自己的構想提交給了委員會。BOARD + NOUNmember委員會成員meeting董事會會議PREPOSITIONboard of⋯委員會the company's board of directors公司的董事會PHRASESat board level在委員會層面The issue has been discussed at board level.該議題委員會已討論過。chairman of the board董事會主席;董事長a member of the board委員會成員a seat on the board委員會席位She was promoted and offered a seat on the board.她獲得了提拔,進入了委員會。


3meals that are provided when you stay in a hotel旅館膳食ADJECTIVE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfull (BrE) (American plan in NAmE) 全食宿half (BrE) (European plan in NAmE) 半食宿(包括早餐和一頓主餐)PHRASESboard and lodging, room and board (especially NAmE) 食宿
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0_0: Translations of board
  • # n.
    板: board, pedantry, plank, shutter
    板子: bamboo for corporal punishment, birch for corporal punishment, board, plank
    部: board, department, division, ministry, part, section
    管理: administration, board, management
    木板: board, bred, plank, slab
    木版: board, plank
    舷: board, sides of boat
    鑲板: board, pane, panel, plate, sheet
  • # v.
    包飯: board, get meal at a fixed rate, supply meals at a fixed rate
    寄宿: board, lodge, put up
    鋪地板: board
    上: apply, board, climb, fill, go up, leave for

0_0: Definitions of board
  • # noun.
    - a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes.
    * loose boards creaked as I walked on them
    - a thin, flat piece of wood or other stiff material used for various purposes.
    - a group of people constituted as the decision-making body of an organization.
    * he sits on the board of directors
    - the provision of regular meals when one stays somewhere, in return for payment or services.
    * your room and board will be free
    - a distance covered by a vessel in a single tack.
    * we were tacking up to the anchor, shortening cable at each board
  • # verb.
    - get on or into (a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle).
    * we boarded the plane for Oslo
    - live and receive regular meals in a house in return for payment or services.
    * the cousins boarded for a while with Ruby
    - cover or seal a window, storefront, or other structure with pieces of wood.
    * the shop was still boarded up
    - ride on a snowboard.
    * when we're not boarding, we're skiing

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