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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 620 COCA: 711


1 share /ˈʃeɚ/ verb
shares; shared; sharing
1 share
shares; shared; sharing
Learner's definition of SHARE
[+ object] : to have or use (something) with others共有;合用
often + with
[+ object] of two or more people : to divide (something) into parts and each take or use a part分配;分摊
: to let someone else have or use a part of (something that belongs to you)分享
[+ object]
often + with
[no object]
: to have (something that someone or something else also has) : to have (something) in common共有;共同具有
[+ object]
often + with
[no object]
+ in
: to tell someone about (your feelings, opinions, thoughts, etc.)把(自己的感觉、意见等)告诉(某人)
[+ object]
often + with
[no object]
: to have equal responsibility for or involvement in (something)共同承担;分担
[+ object]
[no object]
+ in

share out

[phrasal verb]
share out (something) or share (something) out chiefly British
: to divide (something) into parts and give the parts to different people分配;分发
see also share-out

— sharer

noun, plural sharers [count]
2 share /ˈʃeɚ/ noun
plural shares
2 share
plural shares
Learner's definition of SHARE
[singular] : a part of something that has been divided into parts and given to different people(分到的)一份
often + of
see also lion's share, time-share
[count] : any of the equal parts into which the ownership of a property or business is divided股;股份;股票
see also market share
[singular] : the amount of something that someone owes or deserves or is responsible for(分担的)一部分often + of

a share of the pie

see pie
BNC: 620 COCA: 711


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shared; sharing; shares

transitive verb

: to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others
: to have in common
they share a passion for opera
: to distribute on the Internet
… anyone you share a link with can share that link with someone else if they choose. Jeremy Scott
: to post (something) on a social media platform
Fans were also quick to screenshot and share the photo. Yasmin Quaid
The collective mind-set feels akin to that old adage about a tree falling in the forest: If you don't share it on Instagram, did it even happen? Emily Farra
It pulls in words and pictures from news and blog feeds as well as from links that your pals share on Facebook and Twitter. Harry McCracken
: to grant or give a share in
often used with with
shared the last of her water with us
: to tell (thoughts, feelings, experiences, etc.) to others
often used with with
: to divide and distribute in shares : apportion
usually used with out
shared out the land among his heirs

intransitive verb

: to have a share
used with in
we all shared in the fruits of our labor
: to apportion and take shares of something
: to talk about one's thoughts, feelings, or experiences with others
sharer noun


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noun (1)

: a portion belonging to, due to, or contributed by an individual or group
: one's full or fair portion
has had his share of bad luck
: the part allotted or belonging to one of a number owning together property or interest
: any of the equal portions into which property or invested capital is divided
specifically : any of the equal interests or rights into which the entire stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is regularly evidenced by one or more certificates
shares plural, chiefly British : stock sense 2a


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noun (2)

Choose the Right Synonym for share

share, participate, partake mean to have, get, or use in common with another or others.

share usually implies that one as the original holder grants to another the partial use, enjoyment, or possession of a thing.

shared my toys with the others

participate implies a having or taking part in an undertaking, activity, or discussion.

participated in sports

partake implies accepting or acquiring a share especially of food or drink.

partook freely of the refreshments

Example Sentences

Verb They shared the last cookie. We shared the money equally. The children need to learn to share their toys.

Word History


Noun (1)

Middle English, from Old English scearu cutting, tonsure; akin to Old English scieran to cut

Noun (2)

Middle English schare, from Old English scear; akin to Old High German scaro plowshare, Old English scieran to cut — more at shear

First Known Use


1590, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 4

Noun (1)

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Noun (2)

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler
The first known use of share was before the 12th century
BNC: 620 COCA: 711


1part of sth that has been divided分出的部份ADJECTIVE | VERB + SHARE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbigger, greater, higher, large, the lion's, major, significant, substantial較大的一份;較多的一份;大份;最大的份額;主要份額;重要的一份;數目可觀的一份The region receives a higher share of tax revenue than it raises.該地區分到的稅賦收入大於其所徵稅額。full全部份額small小份額modest不多的份額a modest share of total exports出口總量中不大的份額growing, increasing日益增加的份額5%, 10%, etc. * 5%、10% 等的份額The wife owns an 80% share of their second home.妻子擁有他們第二套房產 80% 的份額。equal相等的份額disproportionate不成比例的份額The government devotes a disproportionate share of the budget to military expenditure.政府用於軍費開支的預算不合比例。proportionate成比例的份額audience, market受眾/市場份額to lose market share損失市場份額to win market share贏得市場份額The supermarket giant has continued to gain market share.這家大型連鎖超市繼續搶佔市場份額。VERB + SHAREget, have, receive, take得到份額;擁有份額;佔有份額You should receive a large share of the profits.很大一部份利潤應該給你。Hospitals take the lion's share of the budget.醫院得到了預算的絕大部份撥款。increase, reduce增加/減少份額lose失去份額Broadcast networks are losing share to cable networks.廣播公司的市場份額正被有線電視搶佔。be entitled to有權獲得份額She may be entitled to a share of his future earnings.她可能有權獲得他未來的一部份收入。claim要求得到份額Everyone wants to claim their share of fame and fortune.所有人都追逐名利。contribute, do獻出一份力;做分內事We must all do our share of the work.我們所有人都必須做好各自分內的工作。PREPOSITIONshare of一份⋯a reduced share of the vote更小份額的選票I accept my share of the blame.我承擔自己應負的責任。PHRASESdo your share of sth, have your share of sth, see your share of sth做自己分內的⋯;擁有自己的那份⋯;得到應有的⋯He had done his share of partying in college.他在大學期間盡情吃喝玩樂。She has seen her share of suffering.她遭報應,吃了不少苦。The industry has had its fair share of problems.這個行業也有其本身的問題。a share of the spoils (BrE) 一份好處She won a share of the spoils at the last competition.她在最後一場比賽中如願以償。


2in a company公司 see also stock ADJECTIVE | VERB + SHARE | SHARE + VERB | SHARE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEordinary (BrE) 普通股preference, preferred (NAmE) 優先股penny (BrE) 低價股outstanding已發行股份The stock dividend would increase the company's outstanding shares to a total of 1 100 000.股票分紅可以將公司已發行股票的總量增至 110 萬股。additional追加股份company's公司的股份The company's shares slumped 11% .該公司的股價驟跌了 11%。VERB + SHAREacquire, buy, get, invest in, purchase獲得股份;買股票;投資股票have, hold (formal) , own有股份;持有股份;擁有股權
dump (informal) , sell拋售/出售股份deal in, trade in買賣股份;買賣股票a new company dealing in US shares從事美國股票交易的新公司float, issue將股票上市;發行股票The company has issued four classes of shares.這家公司已發行了 4 種股票。SHARE + VERBtrade股票交易The shares were trading at $1.10.這支股票當時的交易價格是 1.10 美元。go up, rise股票上漲;股價上升American shares rose 2.7% the next day.第二天美股上漲了 2.7%。fall股票下跌SHARE + NOUNprice, value股票價格/價值Hong Kong share prices plunged.港股股價跳水。valuation股份估值certificate股票證書portfolio股份組合index股票價格指數the FTSE 100 share index富時 100 股價指數capital股本option, scheme (both BrE) 股票期權;股份計劃The Chief Executive's share option has earned him over £2 million.總經理的股票期權讓他賺了 200 多萬英鎊。ownership持股權transaction, transfer股票交易;股份過戶purchase股票購買buy-back股票回購The group recently announced a £300 m share buy-back.該集團最近宣佈了價值 3 億英鎊股份的回購計劃。issue, offer, offering, sale股票發行;售股建議;招股;股票銷售A share issue has been launched to finance the restoration of the building.已發行了股票為修復這棟大樓融資。dealing股票交易allegations of illegal share dealings非法股票交易指控PREPOSITIONshare in⋯發行的股票I have a few shares in the gas company.我有一些煤氣公司的股票。PHRASESa class of shares一種股票stocks and shares (BrE) 股票與股份I have some money in stocks and shares.我在股市裏投了些錢。the value of your shares股票的價值Will this affect the value of my shares?這會影響我手上股票的價值嗎? note at per cent (for more verbs)  topic at business


ADVERB | VERB + SHARE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBfully充分分享knowledge that others cannot fully share不能充分與他人分享的知識equally均分We shared the money equally between the three of us.我們 3 人把錢平分了。broadly, freely廣泛地/自由地分享an environment where information is freely shared自由分享信息的環境VERB + SHAREwant to, would like to想要/希望分享be prepared to, be willing to樂意/願意分享experienced teachers willing to share their expertise with others願意與他人分享專業知識的經驗豐富的教師be reluctant to不願意分享be forced to, have to被迫/不得不分享agree to同意分享refuse to拒絕分享let sb讓某人分擔She wished he would let her share his pain.她希望他能讓自己分擔他的痛苦。PREPOSITIONamong在⋯中分享The patterns are shared among the potters.陶工們共享這些圖案。between在⋯間分擔Responsibility is shared between parents and teachers.責任由家長和老師共同承擔。in共同對⋯感興趣He shared in our enthusiasm for rowing.他和我們一樣都喜歡划船。with與⋯共用She had to share a bedroom with her sister.她不得不與姐姐合住一間卧室。PHRASESwidely shared得到廣泛認同These ideas are widely shared in the community.這些想法在社區中取得了廣泛認同。
BNC: 620 COCA: 711
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
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0_0: Translations of share
  • # n.
    部分: part, piece, section, share
    分: branch, fen, fraction, mark, measure word, share
    份: copy, part, portion, share
    股: part, ply, portion, section, share, thigh
    股份: share, stock
    股票: equity capital, share, stock, stock market
  • # v.
    分享: partake, share
    共: share
    共享: enjoy together, share

0_0: Definitions of share
  • # noun.
    - a part or portion of a larger amount which is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.
    * under the proposals, investors would pay a greater share of the annual fees required
    - one of the equal parts into which a company's capital is divided, entitling the holder to a proportion of the profits.
    * they bought 33 shares of American Standard
    - an instance of posting or reposting something on a social media site or application.
    * there have been 25,000 shares on Twitter and 117 likes on Facebook as of 7:30 p.m.
    - short for plowshare.
  • # verb.
    - have a portion of (something) with another or others.
    * he shared the pie with her

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