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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


1 time /ˈtaɪm/ noun
plural times
1 time
plural times
Learner's definition of TIME
[noncount] : the thing that is measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc.(以分秒、時日、年月計算的)時間
[singular] : a particular minute or hour shown by a clock(鐘表上的)時間,時刻
[noncount] : the time in a particular area or part of the world(某地的)時間
see also british summer time, daylight saving time, greenwich mean time, local time, standard time
: the part of a day, week, month, or year when something usually happens or is scheduled to happen(某事通常或預定發生的)時間,時刻
see also bedtime, dinnertime, drive time, lunchtime, mealtime, playtime, prime time, teatime
[count] : a particular part of a day, week, month, or year(一日、一周、一月或一年中的)某個特定時間
see also christmastime, daytime, nighttime, noontime, springtime, summertime, wintertime
[count] : an occurrence of an action or event : an instance of something happening or of someone doing something(某行爲或事件的)發生次數
[singular] : the period of time when something happens(某事發生的)時段,時刻,時間
often used after at常用在at後
see also at the same time (below), at times (below)
[count] : the exact moment when a particular event happens or is scheduled to happen(某一特定事件發生或預定發生的)時刻,準確時間
see also closing time, showtime
: a period of time when a situation or set of conditions exists : a period of minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc., when something is happening or someone is doing something(某情況出現的、某事發生的或某人做某事的)時間段,時刻
often + when
often used after at常用在at後
[noncount] : the number of minutes, days, years, etc., before something happens : the amount of time it takes for something to happen(某事發生所要花費的)一段時間usually used after in通常用在in後
[noncount] : the amount of time that is used, needed, available, or allowed for a particular activity or for someone to do something(某特定活動或做某事需要的)時間
often used with save常與save連用
often used with lose常與lose連用
often used with spend常與spend連用
often used with waste常與waste連用
often followed by to + verb常接動詞不定式
: the right moment to do something or for something to happen(做某事或某事發生的)恰當時機,恰當時刻
often followed by to + verb常接動詞不定式
often used with come常與come連用
[count] : the quality of a person's experience on a particular occasion or during a particular period(某人在某情境或某時段的)感受
[count] : a specific period in the past(過去某一特定的)時代,時期
often used after in常用在in後
often used in the titles of books, newspapers, etc.常用於書名、報紙名等
times [plural]
: the conditions experienced by a group of people now or during a particular period in the past(某段時期的)境況;(某段)日子
: the styles, events, or ideas that are popular or important in a culture now or at a particular period in the past(某風格或思想流行的)某個時代;某事件重要的時期
[count] : a period or stage in a person's life(某人生命中的)一段時期,一個階段
[singular] : the time when a woman gives birth to a child分娩時間
[singular] : the time when someone dies壽終之時
[singular] : the number of months, years, etc., that a person spends at a particular place or in a particular group or organization(在某地或某團體、組織度過的)時日,時期
[singular] : the number of months or years that an active member of the military is required to stay in the military服役期
[noncount] informal : the number of days, months, or years that a person must stay in prison刑期
[count] : the seconds, minutes, etc., it takes to do something (such as finish a race)完成(競賽等)的時間
[noncount] : the minutes, hours, or days that a person works or is required to work for a company : the time during which a company is paying a worker(規定的)工作時間
see also double time, flextime, full-time, overtime, part-time, short time, time and a half
times [plural]used to say how much bigger, smaller, faster, etc., something is than something else倍數
see also times
[noncount] music
: the rate of speed at which a piece of music is performed音樂的節奏
see also keep time 2 (below)
: the way that beats are grouped together in a piece of music節拍;拍子
often used after in常用在in後

against time

◊ If you are racing/working (etc.) against time or are in a race against time, you are doing something quickly because you have only a small amount of time.爭分奪秒;與時間賽跑

ahead of time

: before something happens : earlier than a time or event提前;提早

ahead of your/its time

◊ If you are ahead of your time or if your ideas, creations, etc., are ahead of their time, you are too advanced or modern to be understood or appreciated during the time when you live or work.(想法或創作等)超前

(all) in good time

: when the appropriate moment arrives : when the time is right適時地

all (of) the time

: always
informal : very often or frequently時常;多次
usually all the time : since something began自始至終;一直

(and) not before time (too)

chiefly British
used to say that something should have happened sooner早該發生;早該如此

any time (now)

: very soon馬上;立刻

a sign of the times

see 1sign

a stitch in time (saves nine)

see 1stitch

at all times

: without stopping or changing at any time : always一直;總是

at a time

: during one particular moment在某特定時刻
: during one period of time without stopping一下子;持續不斷地
◊ If you take one day at a time or take it/things one day at a time, you make progress in a slow and careful way by dealing with each day as it comes.一點一點推進;一步一步地來

at the same time

: during the same moment同時
used to introduce a statement that adds to and differs from a preceding statement另一方面,不過,然而(用於引出與之前不同的另一陳述)

at times

: sometimes

before your time

used to say that something happened before you were born or before you were involved in some activity在你出生之前;在你參與之前
◊ If you become old before your time, you look and feel older than you are.看起來比實際年紀大;感覺比實際年紀大
◊ If you die before your time, you die at a younger age than you should.英年早逝

behind the times

: not having or showing knowledge of current ideas or styles : outdated陳舊的;過時的

be living on borrowed time

see borrow

better luck next time

see 1luck

bide your time

see bide

buy time

see 1buy

call time

US, sports : to ask for a time-out請求暫停
: to give the order for a time-out宣布暫停
: to announce that it is time for a bar or pub to close宣布(酒吧或酒館)打烊
: to say or decide that something has ended : to end something宣布某事結束;終止某事usually + on

for the time being

: during the present time but possibly not in the future暫時;目前

from time to time

: sometimes

give (someone) a hard time

see 1hard

half the time

: very often經常

hard times

see 1hard

have a thin time (of it)

see 1thin

have time

: to be able to use an amount of time for a particular purpose有時間
often followed by to + verb常接動詞不定式
often + for
: to like or be willing to spend time dealing with (something or someone)喜歡在…上花費時間;願意在…上花費時間usually + for

in no time

: very quickly or soon立刻;很快

in the nick of time

see 1nick

in time

: before something happens : early enough來得及;及時
often followed by to + verb常接動詞不定式
often + for
: when an amount of time has passed一段時間後;最終

in your own (good) time

: at the time that is right or appropriate for you and not sooner在自己認爲合適的時間

it's about time

used to say often in an annoyed way that something should have happened sooner是時候…;早該…(惱怒地述說某事早該發生)

it's high time

see 1high

keep time

of a watch or clock : to show the correct time(鐘表等)走得準
music : to perform music at the correct speed合拍子;按節拍表演

make good time

: to travel somewhere quickly快速前進

make time

: to cause an amount of time to be available for an activity騰出時間;爭取時間;抽空
often + for

mark time

see 2mark

most of the time

or most times
: on most occasions : usually絕大部分時間;在很多時候;通常

ninety/ninety-nine (etc.) percent of the time

: on most occasions : usually大多數情況下;通常

not give someone the time of day

◊ If you do not give someone the time of day, you do not give that person any attention or help.不理睬,不幫助(某人)

of all time

: that has ever lived or existed有史以來;一直;始終
see also all-time

once upon a time

see 1once

(only) time will tell

used to say that the results of a situation will be known only after a certain amount of time has passed(只有)時間會證明

on time

: at or before the correct moment : at a time that is not late按時;準時

play for time

see 1play

stand the test of time

see 1test

take (the) time to do something

: to use an amount of time in order to do something important花工夫去做(要緊的事)

take time

◊ People say that something takes some/no (etc.) time to describe how much time is needed for something to happen or be done.(某事的發生或完成)需要時間

take your time

: to do something slowly or without hurrying從容做;慢慢來

tell time

(US) or British tell the time
: to be able to know what time it is by looking at a clock認鐘表;看時間

the end of time

see 1end

the whole time

: since something began : during the entire period of time自始至終;一直
British : always
British, informal : very often頻繁地;時常

time after time

or time and again or time and time again
: on many occasions : very often or frequently屢次;反複

time flies

used to say that time passes quickly時間飛逝

time heals all wounds

or chiefly British time is a/the great healer
used to say that feelings of sadness, disappointment, etc., gradually go away as time passes時間會治愈一切創傷

time is money

see money

time is (not) on your side

◊ If time is on your side, you have a good chance of success because you can wait until a situation improves. If time is not on your side, your chance of success is less because you have to do something very soon.時間越長對你越有利/越不利;有的是時間,沒有時間(等待情況改善以獲得成功)

time marches on

: time continues to pass時光流逝

time was (when)

used to say that something was true in the past and usually to express annoyance that it is no longer true曾經有…的時刻,想當年(通常用於表達氣惱,感慨昔日的某事物當今已不再存在)

until such time as

: until the time when : until直到

your (own) sweet time

chiefly US, informal
◊ If you do something in your (own) sweet time or you take your (own) sweet time about doing something, you do it slowly even though other people want you to do it more quickly.慢騰騰地
2 time /ˈtaɪm/ verb
times; timed; timing
2 time
times; timed; timing
Learner's definition of TIME
[+ object]
: to choose the hour, day, month, etc., when (something) will happen : to schedule (something, such as an event) to happen at a particular time爲…安排時間;爲…選擇時機
often used as (be) timed常用作(be) timed
see also ill-timed, well-timed
sports : to cause (something, such as a throw or pass) to happen at a certain moment在某一特定時刻傳球(或投球)
: to measure the amount of time needed by someone to do something (such as to finish a race)測定(做某事所需的)時間;計時


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plural times
: the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues : duration
: a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future
: leisure
time for reading
: the point or period when something occurs : occasion
: an appointed, fixed, or customary moment or hour for something to happen, begin, or end
arrived ahead of time
: an opportune or suitable moment
decided it was time to retire
often used in the phrase about time
about time for a change
: a historical period : age
: a division of geologic chronology
: conditions at present or at some specified period
usually used in plural
times are hardmove with the times
: the present time
issues of the time
: a period of apprenticeship
: a term of military service
: a prison sentence
: season
very hot for this time of year
: rate of speed : tempo
: the grouping of the beats of music : rhythm
: a moment, hour, day, or year as indicated by a clock or calendar
what time is it
: any of various systems (such as a sidereal or solar system) of reckoning time
: one of a series of recurring instances or repeated actions
you've been told many times
b times plural
: added or accumulated quantities or instances
five times greater
: equal fractional parts of which an indicated number equal a comparatively greater quantity
seven times smaller
three times closer
: turn
three times at bat
: finite as contrasted with infinite duration
: a person's experience during a specified period or on a particular occasion
a good time
a hard time
: the hours or days required to be occupied by one's work
make up time
on company time
: an hourly pay rate
straight time
: wages paid at discharge or resignation
pick up your time and get out
: the playing time of a game
: a period during which something is used or available for use
computer time

see also a race against time, take one's time


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timed; timing

transitive verb

: to arrange or set the time of : schedule
: to regulate (a watch) to keep correct time
: to set the tempo, speed, or duration of
timed his leap perfectly Neil Amdur
: to cause to keep time with something
: to determine or record the time, duration, or rate of
time a horse
: to dispose (something, such as a mechanical part) so that an action occurs at a desired instant or in a desired way

intransitive verb

: to keep or beat time


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: of or relating to time
: recording time
: timed to ignite or explode at a specific moment
a time charge
: payable on a specified future day or a certain length of time after presentation for acceptance
a time draft
time deposits
: based on installment payments
a time sale


Example Sentences

Word History



1what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.時間TIME + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES TIME + VERBelapse, go by, pass時間流逝As time went by we saw less and less of each other.光陰荏苒,我們見面越來越少。The changing seasons mark the passing of time.變化的四季標誌着時間的流逝。fly時光飛逝How time flies!光陰似箭!go時間流逝Where does the time go?時間去哪兒了?drag時間過得很慢Time drags in this job.這項工作讓人感覺時間過得很慢。heal sth時間治瘉⋯Time heals all wounds.時間能醫好一切創傷。PREPOSITIONin time在時間上The play takes us back in time to the 1940s.這出劇把我們帶回到 20 世紀 40 年代。over time隨時間Perceptions change over time.認識隨時間而變。through time穿越時間travel through time穿越時間的旅行PHRASESa matter of time時間的問題It was only a matter of time before someone tried to kill him.肯定會有人試圖殺死他,這只是一個時間問題。the mists of time時間的迷霧The origins of this custom are lost in the mists of time.這個習俗的起源湮沒在時間的迷霧中。


2time shown on a clock鐘錶顯示的時間ADJECTIVE | VERB + TIME | TIME + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgood, perfect準時;非常準時My watch keeps good time.我的手錶走得很準。local當地時間The attacks were launched at 9 p.m. local time.攻擊在當地時間晚上 9 點發起。daylight saving夏令時British Summer, Eastern Standard, Greenwich Mean, etc.英國夏令時間、東部標準時間、格林尼治平時等VERB + TIMEtell認時間Can he tell the time yet? (BrE) 他會認時間了嗎?Can he tell time yet? (NAmE) 他會認時間了嗎?have知道時間Do you have the time?你知道幾點了嗎?What time do you have? (NAmE) 你知道幾點了嗎?make看時間What time do you make it? (BrE) 你的錶幾點了?look at看時間Look at the time! We'll be late.看看幾點了!我們要遲到了。check查看時間Let me just check the time.讓我查看一下時間。keep走時準確TIME + NOUNzone時區PREPOSITIONahead of... time, behind... time提前;晚10 hours behind Pacific Standard Time比太平洋標準時間晚 10 個小時PHRASESat... time in the morning/afternoon/evening, at... time of day, at... time of the morning/afternoon/evening/night上午/下午/晚上⋯時候;白天/一上午/一下午/一晚上/一夜⋯時候There's less traffic at this time of day.白天這個時段車輛較少。What are you doing out of bed at this time of night?深更半夜你下牀幹什麼?time of year, time of the year一年中的⋯時候The leaves start to turn red at this time of (the) year.樹葉在一年中的這個時候開始變紅。this time tomorrow, etc.明天這個時候等This time tomorrow I'll be in Canada.明天這個時候我就在加拿大了。


3time when sth happens/should happen發生或應該發生的時間ADJECTIVE | VERB + TIME | TIME + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEpeak峰值時間There are extra buses at peak times.高峰時間公交車有加車。prime黃金時間closing, opening關門/開門時間arrival, departure抵達/啟程時間VERB + TIMEfix, set安排/確定時間We need to set a time for the next meeting.我們得為下次會議定個時間。change變更時間TIME + VERBcome時間到來You'll feel differently about it when the time comes.到時候你對它會有不同的感覺。PREPOSITIONahead of time提前We had everything worked out ahead of time.我們提前把一切都搞定了。behind time (BrE) The plane took off an hour behind time.飛機晚點一個小時才起飛。by the time到⋯的時候By the time you get there the meeting will be over.等你趕到,會議都結束了。in time及時We got home in time to see the end of the game.我們到家剛好趕上看比賽的結尾。on time準時The trains are rarely on time.火車很少準時。time for做⋯的時間It's time for dinner.晚餐時間到了。


4amount of time時間量ADJECTIVE | ... OF TIME | VERB + TIME | TIME + VERB | TIME + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, long大量時間;長時間little, short少量時間;短時間limited有限的時間It is a special price for a limited time.這是限時特價。total總時間reasonable合理的時間precious寶貴的時間We're wasting precious time.我們在浪費寶貴的時間。idle閒散時間free, leisure, spare空閒時間;閒暇;業餘時間quality(增進感情、尤其是親情的)珍貴時光journey, travel, travelling/traveling旅行時間running放映時間;運行時間the movie's two-hour running time電影兩個小時的放映時間playing, screen(運動員的)上場時間;(電影等的)放映時間;(電視節目的)播放時間The coach plans to give younger players more playing time.教練計劃給年輕球員更多上場時間。De Niro makes the most of limited screen time.德尼羅充分利用了有限的出鏡時間。lead, waiting前置期;等待時間There is a long lead time between order and delivery of the product.該產品在訂貨和交貨之間有很長一段備貨時間。... OF TIMEamount, length, period一段時間Have you lived overseas for any length of time?你有沒有在國外住過一段時間?great deal大量時間A great deal of time has been spent on developing this software.開發這款軟件已花費了大量的時間。VERB + TIMEhave有時間Do you have time for a chat?你有時間聊會兒嗎?I had no time to think.我沒有時間思考。need需要時間Do you need more time?你需要再多點兒時間嗎?give sb/sth給⋯時間I can certainly do the job if you give me time.只要你給我時間,我肯定能完成那項工作。take (sb)花費(某人)時間It takes time to make changes in the law.修改法律需要時間。It took her a long time to read the report.她讀這份報告花了很長時間。Take your time (= take as much time as you like).慢慢來。spend花時間She spends much of her time reading.她大部份時間都在閱讀。I hope to spend more time with my family.我希望有更多時間陪陪家人。kill, pass, while away消磨時間;打發時間It helps to pass the time.它有助於消磨時間。fritter away, idle away浪費時間;虛度時光devote, put, use投入時間;利用時間She devotes all her spare time to gardening.她把閒暇都用在園藝上。He put all his time into the show.他把時間都花在這個節目上了。allow, leave給出/留出時間They didn't allow much time for discussion.他們沒有留出多少時間討論。This doesn't leave much time for us to get ready.這沒給我們留出多少時間做準備。find, make找時間;抽出時間I can never find time to write letters.我總是抽不出時間寫信。I can probably make the time to see them.我大概可以擠出時間見見他們。wait等一段時間We had to wait some time before the bus arrived.我們等了一段時間公交車才到。gain, save贏得/節省時間You would save time with a dishwasher.用洗碗機可以節省時間。reduce縮短時間measures to reduce waiting times縮短等候時間的措施waste浪費時間lose, run out of失去/用完時間We have no time to lose (= we must hurry).我們得抓緊時間。I didn't finish the test-I ran out of time.我沒做完試卷 - 沒時間了。be pressed for, be short of時間緊迫/不夠be out of不是時候play for(以拖延的手段)爭取時間Not knowing what to do, she played for time by going to the bathroom.她不知道該怎麼辦,於是就藉口去衞生間以拖延時間。TIME + VERBbe up, run out時間用盡/用完Sorry, your time is up.對不起,你的時間到了。TIME + NOUNframe, interval, period, scale, span時間範圍;時間間隔;時間段;時標;時間跨度limit時限lag時滯PREPOSITIONat a time一次He surfs the Internet for hours at a time.他一次在網上待好幾個小時。for a time一段時間I lived there for a time.我在那兒住過一段時間。in time最終You'll get used to the work in time.你遲早會適應這份工作的。over time, with time隨着時間Her skills improved with time.她的技藝隨着時間的推移而不斷提高。PHRASESall in good time (= sth will happen when the time is right) 還沒到時候Be patient, Emily! All in good time.耐心點兒,埃米莉!還沒到時候。all the time一直The letter was in my pocket all the time (= while I was looking for it).那封信一直在我口袋裏。She leaves the lights on all the time (= always / repeatedly).她總是讓燈開着。the entire time, the whole time整個時間for quite some time頗長一段時間He'd been thinking about quitting his job for quite some time.相當一段時間以來他一直在考慮辭職。if time permits如果時間允許的話We will discuss this matter later, if time permits.如果時間允許的話,我們待會兒討論這件事。in the fullness of time (= when the time is right, usually after a long period) 在時機成熟的時候in good time, in plenty of time及早;儘早Get to the airport in good time (= plenty of time before the plane leaves).早早到機場。in next to no time, in no time at all立即in ten minutes', three hours', etc. time (especially BrE) * 10 分鐘後、3 小時後等I'll be back in ten minutes' time.我 10 分鐘後回來。in your own good time, in your own time (= taking as long as you want/need) 不急不忙地most of the time大部份時間a race against time與時間賽跑Finishing the book was a race against time.完成這本書是在與時間賽跑。a long time ago, some time ago很久以前;前一段時間Her parents died a long time ago.她父母很久以前就去世了。a waste of time浪費時間What a waste of time!真是浪費時間!


5(often times) period in the past/present過去或現在的一個時期ADJECTIVE | TIME + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgood, great, happy好日子;快樂時光bad, difficult, hard, rough, sad, tough, troubled, unhappy糟糕的時期;艱難時期;悲傷的日子;坎坷的歲月Times are hard for the unemployed.失業者的日子很難熬。ancient, early, former, old古時候;早期;以前;過去in ancient times在古代modern, recent現代;近代medieval, prehistoric, etc.中世紀、史前等時期TIME + VERBchange時代變化Times have changed since Grandma was young.時代變了,與奶奶年輕那會兒已經不一樣了。PREPOSITIONat a/the time在⋯時期He lived at the time of the Civil War.他生活在內戰時期。At one time Mary was my best friend.瑪麗一度是我最好的朋友。before sb's time在某人出生以前The Beatles were before my time.披頭士樂隊風靡的時候我還沒有出生。in sb's time在某人經歷的那段時間Mr Curtis was the manager in my time (= when I was working there).我在那會兒柯蒂斯先生是經理。in times在⋯時期in times of trouble在困難時期PHRASESfrom time immemorial, since time immemorial (= for a very long time) 自遠古以來of all time古往今來the greatest hockey player of all time有史以來最優秀的曲棍球運動員a sign of the times時代的標誌It's a sign of the times when sports stars earn more than movie stars.體育明星收入超過電影明星,這是時代的標誌。time was when曾經Time was when (= there was a time when) we never needed to lock our house at night.以前我們晚上從來不需要鎖門。


6occasion次;時機ADJECTIVE | ... OF TIMES | VERB + TIME | TIME + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEthat, this那次;這次I'm determined to pass this time.這次我決心通過。final, last最後一次;上次When was the last time you saw her?你上次見她是什麼時候?another, next再一次;下一次Next time you're here let's have lunch together.下次你來這兒時我們一起吃午飯吧。one一次each, every每次Every time I hear that song I feel happy.每次我聽到那首歌都感到高興。only唯一一次same同時appropriate, good, suitable恰當的時機;好時機;合適的時機Is this an appropriate time to discuss my salary?這是討論我薪水的適當時機嗎?appointed, right約定的/正確的時間bad, wrong不當的/錯誤的時機This would be a bad time to tell her.這不是告訴她的合適時機。first, second, etc.第一次、第二次等For the first time in history, more than half of us now live in cities.有史以來第一次半數以上的人口生活在城市。umpteenth無數次countless, many無數次;許多次I've told you countless times.我已經告訴你無數遍了。several數次... OF TIMEScouple幾次number數次VERB + TIMEremember記得某次I can remember the first time I met her.我記得第一次見到她時的情形。bide等待時機We'll have to bide our time until the rain stops.我們得等到雨停。TIME + VERBcome時機到來Your time will come.你的機會會來的。be ripe時機成熟The time is ripe for revolution.革命時機已經成熟。PREPOSITIONat a/the time一次;在⋯時候The chairlift can take four people at a time.索道吊椅一次可載 4 人。At the time of writing, a ceasefire is under discussion.寫稿時停火問題仍在磋商中。Hot water is available at all times.隨時都有熱水。He can be rather moody at times.他有時候相當情緒化。by the time到⋯的時候She'll have gone by the time we get there.等我們到那兒時她應該已經走了。for the... time第⋯次I told her not to do it for the umpteenth time.我無數次告訴她不要做那件事。PHRASESat the present time目前for the time being (= temporarily) 暫時a number of times數次x times out of x⋯次中有⋯次three times out of ten10 次中有 3 次


7when you experience sth in a particular way以特定方式體驗的時候ADJECTIVE | VERB + TIME ADJECTIVEenjoyable, fun, good, grand, great, marvellous/marvelous, pleasant, splendid, wonderful愉快的經歷;美妙的經歷It was a fun time for us girls.我們女孩子過得很愉快。awful, dreadful, horrible, miserable, sad, terrible可怕的經歷;悲慘的經歷;傷心的經歷difficult, hard困難時期;艱難時光VERB + TIMEhave度過⋯時光Did you have a good time in Spain?你在西班牙玩得愉快嗎?We had a great time at the party.我們在聚會上玩得非常開心。enjoy享受時光


8time taken in a race, etc.比賽用時ADJECTIVE | VERB + TIME | TIME + NOUN ADJECTIVEfast用時短record破紀錄的時間He completed the course in record time.他以創紀錄的用時完成比賽。VERB + TIMEclock up, record達到⋯時間She clocked up one of the fastest times of the year.她創造了當年最短用時之一。TIME + NOUNtrial計時賽


9musical rhythm音樂節奏ADJECTIVE | VERB + TIME | TIME + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEwaltz華爾茲節拍double, quick兩拍;快拍VERB + TIMEbeat, keep打拍子;合着拍子The conductor beat time with a baton.指揮用指揮棒打着拍子。TIME + NOUNsignature節拍記號PREPOSITIONin time, in time to, in time with, out of time with合着拍子;合着⋯的拍子;不合着⋯的拍子Kelly played guitar and everyone clapped their hands in time.凱利彈着吉他,大家都用手打拍子。They were clapping in time to the music.他們隨着音樂的節奏拍着手。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBconveniently, well時間安排得方便/很好This campaign is well timed.這次活動的時間安排得很好。beautifully, perfectly, to perfection時間安排得極好/盡善盡美/分秒不差a beautifully timed entrance時間掌握得恰到好處的入場We had timed our arrival to perfection.我們把我們到達的時間安排得分秒不差。badly, poorly不合時宜carefully仔細安排時間The schedule must be carefully timed.日程必須仔細安排。precisely精確地安排時間PREPOSITIONfor時間安排在⋯The meeting is timed for 3 o'clock.會議時間安排在 3 點。PHRASESbe timed to coincide with sth與⋯的時間安排在一起The show is timed to coincide with the launch of her new book.節目與她的新書發佈會特意安排在同一時間。

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