Recent Examples on the WebThe light brown body was topped by a tannish head that lasted throughout the sampling and left globs of lacing on the glass, which enhanced the spicy rye and sweet caramel malts even more. Todd Haefer, The (appleton, USA TODAY, 22 Oct. 2017 As damage progresses, which may go unnoticed for months, the outer bark starts sloughing off, revealing a brownish/tannish area created by a mass or mat of fungal roots packed together. Sallie Lee,, 2 Aug. 2017 Homestead and Florida City, much in rubble, fields flooded with creamy tannish water. By Mark Silva, Charles Strouse And John Donnelly, miamiherald, 24 Aug. 2015 Rasmussen, a popular manufacturer of artificial fireplace kits, offers eight shades: black, dark gray, light gray, white, beige, brown, adobe red and natural (tannish gray). Paul Hodgins, Orange County Register, 20 Jan. 2017