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🔍 韋氏詞典 🎯

(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 463 COCA: 400


ADJECTIVE | VERB + WAIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEendless, lengthy, long無盡的等待;長時間的等候We had a long wait to see the doctor.為了看醫生我們等了很長時間。short短時間的等待agonizing, anxious, nail-biting, nerve-racking, nervous, worrying (all especially BrE) 痛苦的等待;焦急的等候;緊張的等待frustrating令人沮喪的等待boring, tedious無聊的等待;令人厭煩的等候two-hour, one-month, three-year, etc.兩小時、一個月、三年等的等候VERB + WAITface, have面對等候;等待The accused faces an agonizing wait while the jury considers its verdict.陪審團作裁斷期間,被告面臨痛苦的等待。PREPOSITIONwait for等候a short wait for an ambulance等了一會兒救護車PHRASESbe worth the wait值得等待The dress was so beautiful when it arrived that it was well worth the wait.送到的連衣裙實在是太漂亮了,等待完全值得。


ADVERB | VERB + WAIT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBa while, long等候一段時間;長時間等待You might have to wait a while before you get an answer.你可能要等候一段時間才能得到答案。Have you been waiting long?你等了很長時間嗎?forever永遠等待We can't wait forever.我們不可能永遠等下去。in vain白等They waited in vain for a response.他們等待答復,但沒有結果。quietly, silently安靜地/默默地等待patiently, politely耐心地/有禮貌地等待He waited patiently while she got ready.她收拾準備的時候,他耐心地等着。anxiously, impatiently, nervously, tensely焦急地等待;不耐煩地等待;緊張地等待Their parents waited anxiously for news.他們的父母焦急地等待着消息。breathlessly, eagerly, expectantly, with bated breath屏住呼吸地/急切地/滿懷期望地/焦慮地等待I waited with bated breath for what would happen next.我屏息以待接下來要發生的事情。about, around無所事事地乾等;空等VERB + WAIThave to, must不得不/必須等待You'll have to wait until you're older.必須等你再大一些再說。can hardly, cannot幾乎不能/不能等待I could hardly wait for the weekend.我幾乎等不及週末的到來。I can't wait to see their new baby.我急着要看他們的新生寶寶。PREPOSITIONfor等候I'm waiting for a bus.我在等公共汽車。till, until等到We'll have to wait until it stops raining.我們不得不等到雨停。PHRASEScan't afford to wait等不起We simply cannot afford to wait any longer.我們再也等不起了。keep sb waiting讓某人等候I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉讓你久等了。wait a long time久等She had to wait a long time for the right man to come along.她等了很長時間意中人才出現。wait a minute, moment, second, etc.等一會兒Hey! Wait a minute! I'll come with you!喂,等一下!我和你一起去!wait and see等等看We'll wait and see what the weather's like before we make a decision.先等一下,看看天氣如何我們再作決定。wait in line (especially NAmE) 排隊等候I had to wait in line at the bank.我不得不在銀行排隊等候。wait your turn等着輪到你You'll have to wait your turn. These people all come before you.你只能等着輪到你。這些人都比你先來。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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