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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 3198 COCA: 4409


1 gross /ˈgroʊs/ adjective
grosser; grossest
1 gross
grosser; grossest
Learner's definition of GROSS
[also more gross; most gross]
always used before a noun : very obvious or noticeable明显的;显而易见的
: rude or offensive粗鲁的;冒犯的;令人不快的
informal : very disgusting令人恶心的
always used before a noun : including everything总的
used especially to describe a total amount of money that exists before anything (such as taxes or expenses) is taken away(尤指税费扣除前或开支前等的)总钱数
compare 3net
: very big or fat肥胖的;硕大的

— grossly


— grossness

noun [noncount]
2 gross /ˈgroʊs/ adverb
2 gross
Learner's definition of GROSS
used to describe a total amount of money that exists before anything (such as taxes or expenses) is taken away(尤指税费扣除前或开支前等的钱数)总共
3 gross /ˈgroʊs/ verb
grosses; grossed; grossing
3 gross
grosses; grossed; grossing
Learner's definition of GROSS

gross out

[phrasal verb]
gross (someone) out also gross out (someone) chiefly US, informal
: to cause (someone) to feel disgusted使作呕;使恶心
see also gross-out
compare 4gross
4 gross /ˈgroʊs/ verb
grosses; grossed; grossing
4 gross
grosses; grossed; grossing
Learner's definition of GROSS
[+ object]
: to earn (an amount of money) before taxes, expenses, etc., are taken away(税费、开支等扣除前的)总收入为,总共赚得
compare 4net
compare 3gross
5 gross /ˈgroʊs/ noun
plural grosses
5 gross
plural grosses
Learner's definition of GROSS
: the amount of money earned before taxes, expenses, etc., are taken away(税费、开支等扣除前的)毛收入,总收入
compare 5net
compare 6gross
6 gross /ˈgroʊs/ noun
plural gross
6 gross
plural gross
Learner's definition of GROSS
: a group of 144 things : 12 dozen一罗(144个)
compare 5gross
IELTS BNC: 3198 COCA: 4409


1 of 4


: glaringly noticeable usually because of inexcusable badness or objectionableness
a gross error
: out-and-out, utter
a gross injustice
: visible without the aid of a microscope
a gross lesion
archaic : immediately obvious
Now to all sense 'tis gross you love my son. William Shakespeare
: coarse in nature or behavior : unrefined
has gross table manners
: gravely deficient in civility or decency : crudely vulgar
merely gross, a scatological rather than a pornographic impropriety Aldous Huxley
informal : inspiring disgust or distaste
That sandwich looks gross.
: of, relating to, or dealing with general aspects or broad distinctions
a gross outline of the plan
: consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions
gross income
compare net
: big, bulky
: growing or spreading with excessive luxuriance
a gross riot of vegetation
: made up of material or perceptible elements
: deficient in knowledge : ignorant, untutored
archaic : not fastidious in taste : undiscriminating
grossly adverb
grossness noun


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grossed; grossing; grosses

transitive verb

: to earn or bring in (an overall total) exclusive of deductions (as for taxes or expenses)
The movie grossed over 100 million dollars.
grosser noun


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noun (1)

: overall total exclusive of deductions
The company's gross doubled in five years.
obsolete : amount, sum


4 of 4

noun (2)

plural gross
: an aggregate of 12 dozen things
a gross of pencils
Choose the Right Synonym for gross

coarse, vulgar, gross, obscene, ribald mean offensive to good taste or morals.

coarse implies roughness, rudeness, or crudeness of spirit, behavior, or language.

found the coarse humor of coworkers offensive

vulgar often implies boorishness or ill-breeding.

a loud vulgar belch

gross implies extreme coarseness and insensitiveness.

gross eating habits

obscene applies to anything strongly repulsive to the sense of decency and propriety especially in sexual matters.

obscene language not allowed on the air

ribald applies to what is amusingly or picturesquely vulgar or irreverent or mildly indecent.

entertained the campers with ribald folk songs

flagrant, glaring, gross, rank mean conspicuously bad or objectionable.

flagrant applies usually to offenses or errors so bad that they can neither escape notice nor be condoned.

flagrant abuse of the office of president

glaring implies painful or damaging obtrusiveness of something that is conspicuously wrong, faulty, or improper.

glaring errors

gross implies the exceeding of reasonable or excusable limits.

gross carelessness

rank applies to what is openly and extremely objectionable and utterly condemned.

rank heresy

Example Sentences

Adjective They have suffered a gross injustice. She has a gross habit of chewing on the ends of her hair. Verb They grossed $50,000 before taxes.

Word History


Adjective, Verb, and Noun (1)

Middle English grosse, from Anglo-French & Late Latin; Anglo-French gros large, thick, whole, from Late Latin grossus coarse

Noun (2)

Middle English gros, probably from Anglo-French grosse sum, whole, from feminine of gros

First Known Use


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1c


1884, in the meaning defined above

Noun (1)

1579, in the meaning defined at sense 2

Noun (2)

14th century, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler
The first known use of gross was in the 14th century
IELTS BNC: 3198 COCA: 4409
IELTS BNC: 3198 COCA: 4409
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of gross
  • # a.
    過胖的: adipose, chub, chubby, corpulent, gross, heavy
    毛: careless, gross, rash, rude
    重大的: considerable, gross
  • # n.
    合計: aggregate, entirety, gross, sum, summation, tot
  • # v.
    總共賺得: gross

0_0: Definitions of gross
  • # adjective.
    - (especially of wrongdoing) very obvious and unacceptable; blatant.
    * gross human rights abuses
    - (of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total.
    * the gross amount of the gift was $1,000
    - very rude or coarse; vulgar.
    * the duties we felt called upon to perform toward our inferiors were only gross, material ones
    - general or large-scale; not fine or detailed.
    * at the gross anatomical level
  • # adverb.
    - without tax or other contributions having been deducted.
    * if the value of your Bond is $50,000 or more the interest will be paid gross
  • # verb.
    - produce or earn (an amount of money) as gross profit or income.
    * the film went on to gross $8 million in the U.S
  • # noun.
    - an amount equal to twelve dozen; 144.
    * fifty-five gross of tins of processed milk
    - a gross profit or income.
    * the box-office grosses mounted

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