a always followed by an adverb or preposition:to go to different places到处走动
She and her friends go around (together) to lots of clubs. = She goes around with her friends to lots of clubs.她和朋友们四处闲逛,去了好多家夜总会。
b chiefly British:to travel to a place that is nearby去往附近某处
I went round [=went over] to his flat.我前往他的公寓看他。
c — used to describe the way a person often dresses or behaves穿着;举止
She goes around (dressed) in a miniskirt.她穿着迷你裙。
You can't go around treating people so rudely.你不能对他人如此无礼。
go aroundorgo around (a place):to go or pass from one person to another person流传
There's a rumor going around (the office) that the boss is about to get fired.(办公室)盛传老板要被解雇。
An amusing story is going around.一个趣闻正流传开来。
There's a nasty cold going around: I hope you don't catch it.现在重感冒流行,我希望你别染上。
go aroundorgo around (something or someone):to be long enough to pass all the way around (something or someone)绕,围(一圈)
This belt isn't long enough to go around (my waist).这条腰带太短,围不住我的腰。
◊ If people want something and there is enough/plenty to go around, there is enough for all of the people who want it or need it.足够分配
There aren't enough jobs to go around.没有足够的工作岗位可供分配。
what goes around comes aroundinformal — used to say that if you treat other people badly you will eventually be treated badly by someone else恶有恶报;你对他人不好,也会受到他人不好的对待