Recent Examples on the WebClonal hematopoiesis was identified in blood samples from astronauts 20 years before the average age when it is normally detected at age 70, compared to 157 cancer patients. Ashley Strickland, CNN, 25 Nov. 2020 One of the new studies also identified clonal hematopoiesis, when blood cells carrying mutations spread more quickly than others, as a potential risk among astronauts for cardiovascular disease, lymphoma and leukemia. Ashley Strickland, CNN, 25 Nov. 2020 Gut microbiota metabolism of dietary fiber influences allergic airway disease and hematopoiesis. Enea Rezzonico, Scientific American, 17 Feb. 2015 The danger of leukemia is especially great in people with a preleukemic condition called clonal hematopoiesis. Bradley J. Fikes,, 21 Aug. 2017 Even among younger people, those with the mutations—called clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential, or CHIP—showed a higher rate of heart disease. Alice Park, Time, 22 June 2017