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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 403 COCA: 355


1 open /ˈoʊpən/ adjective
opener; openest
1 open
opener; openest
Learner's definition of OPEN
[or more open; most open]
: not closed敞开的;打开的;张开的: such as
: not covering an opening开着的
: having an opening that is not covered开放的;张开的;敞开的
: not sealed or locked未封口的;没锁的
: allowing movement or travel : not blocked开放的;可通行的
: able to be entered and used by customers, visitors, etc.营业的;开放的
: having parts that are spread apart instead of folded together or attached展开的;张开的;撑开的
: not containing or surrounded by walls, fences, buildings, etc.未围上的;开阔的
of a building or room : having few walls开放式的;无围墙的
: including or allowing a particular group of people(对特定群体)开放的usually + to
: including or allowing all people全面公开的;包括所有人的
: available to be used可得到的;可使用的
often + to
of a job, position, etc. : not yet taken : available for someone to take or fill职位空缺的
: happening or done in public so that people can participate or know what is being said or done公开的;对公众开放的
: not hidden or secret不保密的;人人皆知的
: expressing thoughts and feelings in a direct and honest way坦诚的;直率的
: willing to listen to or accept different ideas or opinions思想开明的;不固执己见的
: not having ended : not yet finished or decided未结束的;未完成的;待决定的
: allowing further comments or discussion无定论的;待决定的
see also open to debate at 1debate
: able to be criticized, harmed, doubted, etc.会受到…的;会被…的usually + to
sports : not blocked or guarded by players from the other team无人盯防的
computersused to describe a file, document, etc., that is being used(文件夹、文档等)正在使用中的
used to describe a microphone that is turned on(麦克风)打开的
of fabric : having large openings or spaces between threads(布料)编织稀疏的,网眼大的

keep your eyes open

see 1eye

with your/both eyes open

see 1eye
2 open /ˈoʊpən/ verb
opens; opened; opening
2 open
opens; opened; opening
Learner's definition of OPEN
[+ object] : to move (a door, window, etc.) so that an opening is no longer covered开;打开;开启
[no object] : to move and no longer cover an opening开;打开
◊ The opposite of open is close in every sense except sense 10.除了义项10以外,open其他义项的反义词都是close。
[+ object] : to cause (something) to no longer be covered, sealed, or blocked打开;开封;开启
: to separate the parts or edges of (something)翻开;打开
[+ object]
[no object]
: to make a hole or opening in (something)开口子
[+ object]
[no object]
: to allow (a park, road, etc.) to be used开放
[+ object]
[no object]
: to begin the regular services or activities of (a business, school, etc.)开门;营业
[+ object]
[no object]
: to begin the activities or services of (a business, school, etc.) for the first time开张;首次启动
[+ object]
[no object]
: to begin (something)开始(某事)
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to begin keeping money in (an account at a bank)开立(银行账户)
[+ object] computers : to begin to use (a file, document, or program) on a computer启动,打开(计算机文件夹、文档或程序)
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to allow movement or passage through a doorway or other opening通往;通向
often + out
[no object] : to have a specified price or be at a specified level at the beginning of the day开价;开市;开盘

open doors for

: to give special opportunities to (someone)提供良机;为…敞开大门

open fire

: to begin shooting开枪

open for

[phrasal verb]
open for (someone or something)
: to perform before (the main performer at a concert, show, etc.)在主要演员上场之前表演;暖场

open out

[phrasal verb] British
: to become less shy and speak more freely畅言
see also 2open 10 (above)

open someone's eyes

see 1eye

open the door

or open the way
: to make (something) easier or more likely to happen给…机会;为…敞开方便之门often + for or to

open to

[phrasal verb]
open (something) to (someone or something) : to allow (a particular group of people) to enter, use, or participate in (something)向(特定人群)开放
open (someone or something) to (something) : to cause or allow (someone or something) to be affected by (something bad, such as criticism)使…受(不良影响,如批评)

open up

[phrasal verb]
: to become less shy and speak more freely畅谈;倾吐心事
: to begin shooting开火;射击
used to demand that someone who is inside a room, building, etc., let you in开门
open up or open up (something) or open (something) up
: to become or cause (something) to become available or possible(使)可达到,可得到
: to become or cause (something) to become wider or less crowded(使)变宽,扩大
: to develop or cause (something) to develop(使)发展

open your bowels

see bowel

open your doors

see door

open your heart

: to behave in a kind and generous way善良慷慨
often + to

open your mind

: to become able to understand different ideas or ways of thinking开放思想;能接受新观念
often + to

— openable

/ˈoʊpənəbəl/ adjective
3 open /ˈoʊpən/ noun
plural opens
3 open
plural opens
Learner's definition of OPEN
[count] : a competition (such as a major golf tournament or tennis tournament) that allows both professionals and amateurs to participate公开赛usually used in names通常用于名称
the open
: an area or place without walls, barriers, etc. : an area or place that is not covered or enclosed开阔地;旷野used in the phrase (out) in/into the open用于短语(out) in/into the open
: a situation in which something (such as a feeling) is no longer hidden or kept secret公开状态;众所周知used in the phrase (out) in/into the open用于短语(out) in/into the open
BNC: 403 COCA: 355


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ˈō-pən How to pronounce open (audio)
ˈō-pə- How to pronounce open (audio)
; openest
ˈō-pə- How to pronounce open (audio)
: having no enclosing or confining barrier : accessible on all or nearly all sides
cattle grazing on an open range
: being in a position or adjustment to permit passage : not shut or locked
an open door
: having a barrier (such as a door) so adjusted as to allow passage
the house was open
: having the lips parted
stood there with his mouth wide open
: not buttoned or zipped
an open shirt
: completely free from concealment : exposed to general view or knowledge
their hostilities eventually erupted with open war
: exposed or vulnerable to attack or question : subject
open to doubt
: being an operation or surgical procedure in which an incision is made such that the tissues are fully exposed
: not covered with a top, roof, or lid
an open car
her eyes were open
: having no protective covering
open wiring
: having the skin cracked, cut, or broken so that underlying tissue is exposed
abrasions, lacerations, and other open wounds
see also open fracture
of a head injury : marked by fracture or penetration of the skull
: not restricted to a particular group or category of participants
open to the public
open housing
: such as
: enterable by both amateur (see amateur sense 1) and professional (see professional entry 1 sense 2a) contestants
an open tournament
: enterable by a registered voter regardless of political affiliation
an open primary
: presenting no obstacle to passage or view : : not enclosed, obstructed, or filled with objects
the open road
open country
see also open water
of large bodies of water : away from the coastal regions : pelagic
fish of the open ocean
In open seas, the smaller the ship, the more motion you can expect. Matt Hannafin et al.
: having the parts or surfaces laid out in an expanded position : spread out : unfolded
an open book
: low sense 15
an open vowel
: formed with the tongue in a lower position
Italian has an open and a close e
: having clarity and resonance unimpaired by undue tension or constriction of the throat
an open vocal tone
of a tone : produced by an open string or on a wind instrument by the lip without the use of slides, valves, or keys
: available to follow or make use of
the only course open to us
: not taken up with duties or engagements
keep an hour open on Friday
: not finally decided : subject to further consideration
the salary is open
an open question
: available for a qualified applicant : vacant
the job is still open
: remaining available for use or filling until canceled
an open order for more items
: available for future purchase
these items are in open stock
: available for breeding : not now pregnant
an open heifer
computers : not proprietary : available to third party developers
But while IBM pushes Notes, a proprietary technology created in the 1980s, a raft of new and much smaller rivals is plying the "open" technology of the 1990s: software on the World Wide Web, the fastest growing part of the Internet. Bart Ziegler
compare open-source
: characterized by ready accessibility and usually generous attitude: such as
: generous in giving
: willing to hear and consider or to accept and deal with : responsive
open to an offer
open to suggestion
: free from reserve or pretense : frank
was open about his personal life
of a relationship : not restricted to one partner at a time by mutual agreement see also open marriage
: accessible to the influx of new factors (such as foreign goods)
an open market
: having openings, interruptions, or spaces
open mesh
: such as
: being porous (see porous sense 2a) and friable
open soil
: sparsely distributed : scattered
open population
of a compound : having components (see component entry 1 sense 1) separated by a space in writing or printing (such as opaque projector)
: not made up of a continuous closed circuit (see circuit entry 1 sense 2a) of channels
the insect circulatory system is open
of an organ pipe : not stopped at the top
of a string on a musical instrument : not stopped by the finger
: being in operation
an open microphone
especially : ready for business, patronage, or use
the store is open from 9 to 5
the new highway will be open next week
: characterized by lack of effective regulation of various commercial enterprises (see enterprise sense 2)
an open town
: not repressed (see repress sense 1) by legal controls
open gambling
: free from checking or hampering restraints
an open economy
: relatively unguarded by opponents
passed to an open teammate
: having been opened by a first ante, bet, or bid
the bidding is open
of punctuation : characterized by sparing use especially of the comma when possible without causing misinterpretation
: containing none of its endpoints
an open interval
: being a set or composed of sets each point of which has a neighborhood all of whose points are contained in the set
the interior of a sphere is an open set
: being an incomplete electrical circuit
: not allowing the flow of electricity
an open switch
of a universe : having insufficient mass (see mass entry 2 sense 1c) to halt expansion gravitationally
open adverb
openly adverb
openness noun


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opened ˈō-pənd How to pronounce open (audio)
; opening
ˈō-pə- How to pronounce open (audio)

transitive verb

: to move (something, such as a door) from a closed position
: to make available for entry or passage by turning back (something, such as a barrier) or removing (something, such as a cover or an obstruction)
: to make available for or active in a regular function
open a new store
: to make accessible for a particular purpose
opened new land for settlement
: to initiate access to (a computer file) prior to use
: to disclose or expose to view : reveal
: to make more discerning or responsive : enlighten
must open our minds to the problems
: to bring into view or come in sight of by changing position
: to make an opening in
opened the boil
: to loosen and make less compact
open the soil
: to spread out : unfold
opened the book
: to enter upon : begin
opened the meeting
: to commence action in a card game by making (a first bid), putting a first bet in (the pot), or playing (a card or suit) as first lead
: to restore or recall (something, such as an order) from a finally determined state to a state in which the parties are free to prosecute or oppose

intransitive verb

: to become open
the office opened early
: to spread out : expand
the wound opened under the strain
: to become disclosed
a beautiful vista opened before us
: to become enlightened or responsive
: to give access
the rooms open onto a hall
: speak out sense 2
finally he opened freely on the subject
: to begin a course or activity
: to make a bet, bid, or lead in commencing a round or hand of a card game
: to provide the opening performance of a show before the main event
ˌō-pə- How to pronounce open (audio)
ˈō-pə- How to pronounce open (audio)


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: open and unobstructed space: such as
: open water
: an open contest, competition, or tournament
: a public or unconcealed state or position
Choose the Right Synonym for open

frank, candid, open, plain mean showing willingness to tell what one feels or thinks.

frank stresses lack of shyness or secretiveness or of evasiveness from considerations of tact or expedience.

frank discussions

candid suggests expression marked by sincerity and honesty especially in offering unwelcome criticism or opinion.

a candid appraisal

open implies frankness but suggests more indiscretion than frank and less earnestness than candid.

open in saying what they think

plain suggests outspokenness and freedom from affectation or subtlety in expression.

plain talk

liable, open, exposed, subject, prone, susceptible, sensitive mean being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse.

liable implies a possibility or probability of incurring something because of position, nature, or particular situation.

liable to get lost

open stresses a lack of barriers preventing incurrence.

a claim open to question

exposed suggests lack of protection or powers of resistance against something actually present or threatening.

exposed to infection

subject implies an openness for any reason to something that must be suffered or undergone.

all reports are subject to review

prone stresses natural tendency or propensity to incur something.

prone to delay

susceptible implies conditions existing in one's nature or individual constitution that make incurrence probable.

very susceptible to flattery

sensitive implies a readiness to respond to or be influenced by forces or stimuli.

unduly sensitive to criticism

Example Sentences

Adjective The door suddenly swung open. You left the blinds wide open. The meat was roasted over an open fire. I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. Don't chew with your mouth open. staring with her eyes wide open There's already an open jar of pickles in the refrigerator. They kept the road open throughout the winter. Verb This door is hard to open. Open the door!” shouted the police officer. Would you mind if I opened a window? The car door opened and a beautiful woman stepped out. The door opened and closed so quietly that I didn't notice he had come in the room. This drawer is stuck. It just won't open! She comes home, turns on the TV, and starts opening her mail. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. I opened my umbrella and stepped out into the rain. Open your mouth wide for me,” said the dentist. Noun a daguerreotype of a cowboy whose face is roughened from a hard life in the open See More
Recent Examples on the Web
This type of welcome offer is one FanDuel won’t keep open for very long. Xl Media, cleveland, 11 Sep. 2022 Lamont said Connecticut weathered the early months of the COVID-19 crisis by keeping open manufacturers, construction work, parks, beaches and golf courses. Stephen Singer, Hartford Courant, 11 Sep. 2022 Season 5 leaves plenty of threads open to follow in the future, and all of them are good ones. Evan Romano, Men's Health, 11 Sep. 2022 Some Google employees say Google’s culture has grown less open. WIRED, 11 Sep. 2022 Robinson was arrested on Nov. 23 after both women’s bodies were found in an open lot in a commercial district in Harrisonburg. Justin Jouvenal, Washington Post, 11 Sep. 2022 With a pro-republic Labor Party government in power, Australia’s constitutional ties to the British monarchy will again be open to debate for the first time since change was rejected in a 1999 referendum. Alicia Victoria Lozano, NBC News, 11 Sep. 2022 DeMint went on to win the open seat by nearly 10 percentage points, a margin typical in recent South Carolina statewide elections. Meg Kinnard, BostonGlobe.com, 11 Sep. 2022 On Saturday’s no-frills, open-lit stage, Clapton served up his distinct licks and Stratocaster tones joined by a band that included several longtime accompanists. Brian Mccollum, Detroit Free Press, 11 Sep. 2022
The team plans to open with eight different beers and will likely go up to 12, with eight core beers and four rotating seasonals. Emma Balter, Chron, 12 Sep. 2022 Phipps Plaza owner Simon Property Group on Monday announced Hermès will open a new boutique at the posh Buckhead mall. Zachary Hansen, ajc, 12 Sep. 2022 The full slate of River Center dining options is to open in spring 2023. Tom Daykin, Journal Sentinel, 12 Sep. 2022 Typically the Heat talk about playing fast during the preseason, attempt to open seasons doing so, and then, invariably, the turnovers go up and the pace goes down. Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 12 Sep. 2022 Instead of going through the formulaic questioning, the queen paused and asked him to open a box on the table, Roscoe said. Jean-nicholas Fievet, NBC News, 12 Sep. 2022 Meanwhile, Sherman and Thompson had entered into a partnership with the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board to open a restaurant in a new riverfront park. Carolyn Kormann, The New Yorker, 12 Sep. 2022 Village at Prasada is a new West Valley development located at Loop 303 and Waddell Road that promises to open 700,000 square feet of shops, restaurants and entertainment in fall 2022. Bahar Anooshahr, The Arizona Republic, 12 Sep. 2022 He is tasked with helping the company open a corporate location of the chain in Southern California and secure contracts for 19 franchise stores. Suhauna Hussainstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 12 Sep. 2022
The Hargraves said that the big push right now is just to get the restaurant open, but that part of the business model with Celebrity’s is to support community organizations. Stefene Russell, The Salt Lake Tribune, 8 Sep. 2022 Wisely, though, Lafarge leaves the central question of the novel open. Ella Fox-martens, The Atlantic, 3 Sep. 2022 After marking each one, stitch the slotted areas in a straight vertical line, leaving the top open. Sarah Martens, Better Homes & Gardens, 31 Aug. 2022 Plopping down on a green velvet couch and adjusting the mic stand before her, Meghan wore a brown-and-white pinstriped blouse from Anthropologie, leaving the neck tie open. Chelsey Sanchez, Harper's BAZAAR, 23 Aug. 2022 Hinch wanted Soto to challenge Abreu, rather than pitching around him or intentionally walking him with first base open. Evan Petzold, Detroit Free Press, 8 July 2022 Sergeant Monti ordered his men to set up a defensive post behind a rock formation, then noticed that Private First Class Brian Bradbury was injured and lying out in the open with the enemy forces advancing. Bryan Marquard, BostonGlobe.com, 27 Aug. 2022 The family circle and gallery is set well back from the balcony line, avoiding the cavernous appearance so often noticeable from the stage, and enabling the occupants of balcony seats to fee out in the open. San Diego Union-Tribune, 23 Aug. 2022 Fitted with electronic collars, dogs are turned loose to face off with rattlesnakes, some in cages and some slithering in the open. Jim Carlton, WSJ, 16 Aug. 2022 See More

Word History


Adjective, Verb, and Noun

Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German offan open, Old English ūp up

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a


13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler
The first known use of open was before the 12th century
BNC: 403 COCA: 355


1door, window, box, etc.門;窗;箱ADVERB | VERB + OPEN ADVERBfully, wide完全打開;大開She opened all the windows wide to let some fresh air in.她敞開所有窗戶讓新鮮空氣進來。gingerly小心翼翼地打開Fred opened the box gingerly and peered inside.弗雷德小心翼翼地打開箱子,朝裏面仔細看了看。quickly, suddenly迅速/突然打開slowly慢慢打開automatically自動打開The glass doors opened automatically for him.玻璃門為他自動打開了。out, up展開I opened out the map and laid it on the table.我展開地圖,平鋪在桌子上。'Open up!' He shouted, hammering on the door.“開門!”他用力捶着門喊道。VERB + OPENtry to試圖打開manage to成功打開fail to未能打開Her parachute failed to open.她的降落傘沒能打開。


2building, road, etc.建築物;公路ADVERB | VERB + OPEN | PHRASES ADVERBformally, officially正式開放up開闢the opportunity to open up new markets開拓新市場的機會VERB + OPENbe due to, be expected to, be scheduled to預計開放;預期開放The museum is due to open next year.博物館預計明年開放。hope to, intend to, plan to, want to, wish to希望開放;計劃開放;盼望開放PHRASESnewly opened, recently opened最近開放的the newly opened gallery of Western decorative art新開放的西方裝飾藝術館


1not closed開着VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, gape, hang, lie, stand開着;大敞四開;一直開着She stared at him, her mouth hanging open.她死死盯着他,嘴巴半張着。The book lay open in front of him.書攤開放在他面前。The door stood open.門一直開着。burst, creak, fall, flutter, fly, shoot, slide, snap, swing猛地打開;吱呀一聲打開;一下子打開;晃悠悠地打開;飛快地打開;慢慢地滑開;啪地打開;緩緩地打開The bag fell open.包一下子打開了。Suddenly the door flew open.突然,門猛地開了。The gate swung open.大門緩緩地開了。remain一直開着break sth, cut sth, fling sth, flip sth, get sth, prise/prize sth, pry sth, pull sth, push sth, rip sth, tear sth, throw sth, wrench sth, yank sth破開⋯;切開⋯;猛力打開⋯;弄開⋯;撬開⋯;拉開⋯;推開⋯;撕開⋯;猛拉開⋯She flung the door open and rushed in.她猛地推開門,衝了進去。She flipped open Chris's diary.她迅速翻開克里斯的日記。I tried to pry open the locket.我試圖把盒式項鏈墜撬開。He tore the letter open.他撕開了信。have sth, hold sth, keep sth, leave sth讓⋯開着She held the door open for them.她一直為他們留着門。find sth, see sth發現⋯開着I found the door open.我發現門是開着的。ADVERBfully, wide完全張開The door was wide open.門大開着。partially半開着slightly微微開着


2honest and willing to talk坦率VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION VERBSbe, seem坦率;好像坦率ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/頗為/非常坦率completely坦蕩磊落PREPOSITIONabout坦言⋯She's very open about her mistakes.她對她的錯誤直言不諱。with對⋯坦率I don't think you've been completely open with me.我覺得你對我並非完全坦白。


3available for people to use開放VERBS | PREPOSITION VERBSbe可用remain, stay仍可通行;一直營業In spite of the snow, the roads remained open.雖然下雪,道路仍可通行。Some of the supermarkets stay open till ten.一些超市營業至晚上 10 點。keep sth保持⋯營業We want to keep the school open.我們希望那所學校一直開下去。PREPOSITIONto對⋯開放The pool is only open to residents.這個游泳池僅對居民開放。


4having begun已開始VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe開始使用declare sth (especially BrE) 宣佈⋯開始The Australian premier declared the Olympic Games open.澳大利亞總理宣佈奧運會開幕。ADVERBofficially正式開始使用The bridge is officially open now.那座橋已正式通車。
BNC: 403 COCA: 355
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
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0_0: Translations of Open
  • # p.
    開門: Open

0_0: Definitions of Open
  • # adjective.
    - allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked up.
    * the pass is kept open all year by snowplows
    - exposed to the air or to view; not covered.
    * an open fire burned in the grate
    - with the outer edges or sides drawn away from each other; unfolded.
    * the trees had buds and a few open flowers
    - (of a store, place of entertainment, etc.) officially admitting customers or visitors; available for business.
    * the store stays open until 9 p.m.
    - freely available or accessible; offered without restriction.
    * the service is open to all students at the university
    - (of a person) frank and communicative; not given to deception or concealment.
    * I was quite open about my views
    - (of a question, case, or decision) not finally settled; still admitting of debate.
    * students' choice of major can be kept open until the second year
    - (of a string) allowed to vibrate along its whole length.
    * None
    - (of a vowel) produced with a relatively wide opening of the mouth and the tongue kept low.
    * None
    - (of an electrical circuit) having a break in the conducting path.
  • # verb.
    - move or adjust (a door or window) so as to leave a space allowing access and view.
    * she opened the door and went in
    - unfold or be unfolded; spread out.
    * the eagle opened its wings and circled up into the air
    - make officially ready for customers, visitors, or business.
    * one woman raised $731 by opening her home and selling coffee and tea
    - formally establish or begin (a new business or enterprise).
    * she began to teach and opened her own school
    - make (something) present, available, or accessible.
    * a civil war there has opened the possibility of a peace treaty with the Federation
    - (of a piece of writing or music) begin.
    * the chapter opens with a discussion of Anglo-Irish relations
    - break the conducting path of (an electrical circuit).
    * the switch opens the motor circuit
  • # noun.
    - outdoors, especially in an exposed or unprotected setting.
    * guests were sitting in the open on the terrace
    - a championship or competition with no restrictions on who may compete.
    * his victory in the 2003 Australian Open
    - an accidental break in the conducting path for an electric current.

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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