plural busts
plural busts
Learner's definition of BUST
: a sculpture of a person's head and neck and usually a part of the shoulders and chest半身雕像 2
a : a woman's breasts(女人的)胸,胸部 b : a measurement taken around a woman's chest and back(女人的)胸圍 2 bust /ˈbʌst/ verb
busts; busted also British bust; busting
busts; busted also British bust; busting
Learner's definition of BUST
[+ object] informal
: to break (something): such as弄壞;打破
a : to cause (something) to stop working by damaging it砸壞;摔壞 b : to cause (something) to separate into parts or pieces打碎 2
a : to arrest (someone)逮捕 b : to catch (someone) doing something wrong當場抓獲;當場發現 3
US, impolite —
used in phrases like bust your butt/ass to describe working very hard賣力工作;拼命幹 4
US : to hit or punch (someone)重擊(某人)
bust a/your gut
— see 1gut
bust out
[phrasal verb] informal 1
bust out (doing something) : to begin (doing something) suddenly : to burst out (doing something)突然開始(做某事) 2
bust out (something) or bust (something) out : to take (something) from the place where it is stored so that it can be used(從儲藏處)拿出(某物)供使用 3
: to escape from a prison, jail, etc.逃出(監獄等)
bust up
[phrasal verb] informal 1
: to end your relationship with someone決裂;分手 -
Their marriage busted up after three years.他們的婚姻三年後破裂了。
Didn't you hear? They busted up. [=(more commonly) broke up, separated]你沒聽說?他倆分手了。
bust up (something) or bust (something) up : to cause (something) to end使結束 -
His gambling problem busted up their marriage.他的賭博惡習葬送了他們的婚姻。
Police hope to bust up the crime ring for good.警方希望永久鏟除這個犯罪集團。
The police busted the party up.警方中止了那場聚會。
or bust
used to say that you will do everything possible to get somewhere千方百計去(某地) 3 bust /ˈbʌst/ noun
plural busts
plural busts
Learner's definition of BUST
[count] informal
US : a complete failure : flop徹底失敗;慘敗 —
usually singular通常用單數。 -
The new product was a bust.新産品徹底失敗了。
Although critically acclaimed, the play has been a bust.盡管評論界叫好,這部劇還是失敗了。
: an occurrence in which the police catch and arrest people committing a crime搜捕;逮捕 4 bust /ˈbʌst/ adjective
Learner's definition of BUST
go bust
: to spend or lose all of your money : to go broke破産