childish /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ adjective Learner's definition of CHILDISH
[more childish; most childish]
: of a child or typical of a child孩子的;孩子般的 -
She has a childish face.她長着一張娃娃臉。
a letter written in childish scrawl像孩子寫的似的歪歪扭扭的信
He opened the gifts with childish delight.他打開了禮物,開心得像個孩子。
especially disapproving : having or showing the unpleasant qualities (such as silliness or lack of maturity) that children often have幼稚的;愚蠢的;不成熟的 — compare childlike
— childishness
noun [noncount]