1 limbo noun
Learner's definition of LIMBO
[singular] in the Roman Catholic religion
: a place where the souls of people who have not been baptized go after death地狱的边缘(罗马天主教中未受洗礼者死后灵魂的归处)
in limbo
: in a forgotten or ignored place, state, or situation被遗忘;被忽视 2
: in an uncertain or undecided state or condition处于不确定状态 2 limbo /ˈlɪmboʊ/ noun
Learner's definition of LIMBO
: a dance or contest in which you have to bend backward and go under a bar which is lowered further after each time you go under it林波舞(一种舞蹈或竞赛,舞者边跳边后仰钻过不断降低的横竿) -
do/dance the limbo跳林波舞
a limbo dancer林波舞表演者