Recent Examples on the WebThe use of planar magnetic drivers coupled with a custom fit should produce an exceptionally smooth sound. Mark Sparrow, Forbes, 4 May 2022 Tiffany divided my training program into phases, starting with relearning basic movements with proper form, and gradually moving up to multi-planar functional movements focused on control and balance. Sarah Madaus, SELF, 3 Feb. 2022 But in some cases, the embedding of a graph itself might be disguising a way the edge could be inserted in planar fashion. Sarah Wells, Popular Mechanics, 1 Mar. 2021 When adding a new edge to a planar graph is required, there are two scenarios: There is a safe way to add the edge, possibly after modifying the drawing, or no drawing admitting the edge exists. Sarah Wells, Popular Mechanics, 1 Mar. 2021 Shaping and sizing the winglet properly is crucial to getting a vortex away from the flat, planar part of the wing Clark says. Eric Tegler, Popular Mechanics, 5 July 2020 Examples include desktop motion blur, planar reflections, multiple shadows, and more. Mark Hachman, PCWorld, 4 Dec. 2019 Pratt believes his team can make a leggy, planar robo-bird that outruns an ostrich. David Wilson, Popular Mechanics, 16 Oct. 2019 But, rather than being a completely flat, planar molecule, these materials have a somewhat more complex arrangement of atoms, with some slightly above or below a plane running through the center of the sheet. John Timmer, Ars Technica, 18 Dec. 2018 See More