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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


1 match /ˈmætʃ/ noun
plural matches
1 match
plural matches
Learner's definition of MATCH
[singular] : someone or something that is equal to or as good as another person or thing(势均力敌的)对手,敌手
: two people or things that are suited to each other相配的两人(或事物);般配的两人(或事物)
: someone or something that is suited to another person or thing与…适合的人(或事物);和…相配的人(或事物)usually + for
[count] : a contest between two or more players or teams比赛;竞赛
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
see also return match, grudge match at 1grudge
compare 3match
2 match /ˈmætʃ/ verb
matches; matched; matching
2 match
matches; matched; matching
Learner's definition of MATCH
: to be suited to (someone or something) : to go well with (someone or something)与…相配;与…搭配
[+ object]
[no object]
: to have the same appearance, color, etc.(外形、颜色等)相同,相似,相一致
[no object]
[+ object]
[+ object] : to make or see a connection or relationship between (two people or things)找相称的人(或物);使相配
often + with
see also mix and match at 1mix
: to be in agreement with (something)与…一致;与…相符
[+ object]
[no object]
: to be the equal of (something or someone) : to be as good as (something or someone)与…相匹敌;比得上;敌得过
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to provide, produce, or do something that is equal to (something else)等额提供;与…相等
[+ object] : to place (someone or something) in competition against another使较量often + against
often + with
[+ object] : to compare (something) with something else使比较;使对比usually + against

— matching

adjective, always used before a noun
3 match /ˈmætʃ/ noun
plural matches
3 match
plural matches
Learner's definition of MATCH
: a short, thin piece of wood or thick paper with a special tip that produces fire when it is scratched against something else火柴
compare 1match


1 of 3

noun (1)

: a person or thing equal or similar to another
: one able to cope with another
He was no match for his opponent.
: an exact counterpart
a lake that was almost the match of one he remembered from Switzerland
: a pair suitably associated
carpet and curtains are a match
: a contest between two or more parties
a golf match
a soccer match
a shouting match
: a contest (as in tennis or volleyball) completed when one player or side wins a specified number of sets or games
: a marriage union
: a prospective (see prospective sense 2b) partner in marriage
would make a good match for any man


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matched; matching; matches

transitive verb

: to encounter successfully as an antagonist
: to set in competition or opposition
: to provide with a worthy competitor
: to set in comparison
: to join or give in marriage
: to put in a set possessing equal or harmonizing attributes
: to cause to correspond : suit
matched programs to local needs
: to be the counterpart of
also : to compare favorably with
: to harmonize with
the jacket matched the pants
: to provide with a counterpart
: to provide funds complementary to
employers may match the employee contribution D. J. Miller
: to fit together or make suitable for fitting together
: to flip or toss (coins) and compare exposed faces
: to toss coins with

intransitive verb

: to be a counterpart
matchable adjective
matcher noun


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noun (2)

: a chemically prepared wick or cord formerly used in firing firearms or powder
: a short slender piece of flammable material (such as wood) tipped with a combustible mixture that bursts into flame when slightly heated through friction (as by being scratched against a rough surface)

Example Sentences

Verb This color matches your skin tone. She was wearing a beautiful skirt, but her sweater didn't match it. The upbeat music matched her mood. Her skirt and sweater matched perfectly. The pillows on the couch all match. Your socks don't match each other. His story doesn't match the facts. See More

Word History


Noun (1) and Verb

Middle English macche, from Old English gemæcca mate, equal; akin to Old English macian to make — more at make entry 1

Noun (2)

Middle English macche, mecche candlewick, from Anglo-French meche

First Known Use

Noun (1)

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a


14th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a

Noun (2)

1549, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler
The first known use of match was before the 12th century


1 (especially BrE) in sports體育ADJECTIVE | VERB + MATCH | MATCH + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEboxing, NAmE) , chess, NAmE) , football, rugby, soccer (usually football match in BrE and soccer game in NAmE) , tennis, NAmE) , wrestling (BrE, NAmE) , etc.拳擊比賽、象棋比賽、足球比賽、英式橄欖球比賽、網球比賽、摔跤比賽等
final, quarter-final, semi-final決賽;四分之一決賽;半決賽He almost made it to the final match.他差點兒就進了決賽。friendly (= not part of a competition) (BrE) 友誼賽away, home (both BrE) 客場/主場比賽Some fans travel miles to go to away matches.一些球迷到數英里外觀看客場比賽。grudge冤家對頭的比賽a grudge match between two of the best teams in the league聯賽中兩支最佳球隊之間的一場恩怨對決big, crucial, important大賽;關鍵比賽;重要比賽exciting, thrilling激動人心的/扣人心弦的比賽title冠軍賽championship, competitive, cup, league (BrE) 錦標賽;競賽;杯賽;聯賽sparring友好的辯論We were just having a little verbal sparring match. (figurative) 我們剛進行了小小的語言“交鋒”。screaming, shouting (figurative) 大呼小叫;大聲吵嚷的爭論The two of them then got into a shouting match (= an argument with a lot of shouting).然後,他們兩個大吵大嚷起來。VERB + MATCHplay進行比賽The match will be played in the new stadium.比賽將在新體育場進行。have打比賽The team had an excellent match.該隊打了一場漂亮的比賽。go to, see, watch去看比賽;看比賽;觀看比賽be defeated in, lose在比賽中被打敗;輸掉比賽clinch, win在比賽中獲勝;贏得比賽A late goal clinched the match for Porto.臨近終場的一記進球為波爾圖隊鎖定了勝局。draw, tie (NAmE) 打成平局We drew our first match of the season 1-1.在本賽季第一場比賽中,我們 1 比 1 打成了平局。Lubov fought back to tie the match.盧博夫反擊並戰成了平局。level (especially BrE) 追平比賽They managed to level the match, then went 2-1 ahead.他們成功地追成平局,然後以 2 比 1 領先。MATCH + VERBtake place比賽舉行PREPOSITIONduring a/the match在比賽期間an incident which took place during Saturday's match發生在週六比賽中的事件in a/the match在比賽中She was injured in last week's match.她在上週的比賽中受了傷。match against對⋯的比賽the match against Wales對陣威爾士隊的比賽match between⋯之間的比賽the match between Japan and Brazil日本隊和巴西隊之間的比賽match with與⋯的比賽They lost their match with Estonia.他們輸掉了與愛沙尼亞隊的比賽。


2for lighting a fire點火用物ADJECTIVE | ... OF MATCHES | VERB + MATCH | PHRASES ADJECTIVElighted, lit (especially NAmE) 點着的火柴... OF MATCHESbook, box一板/一盒火柴VERB + MATCHlight, strike點火柴;劃火柴He lit a match so they could see in the cave.他點了根火柴,這樣他們就能在山洞裏看得見。blow out吹滅火柴PHRASESput a match to sth用火柴點燃⋯Someone had put a match to the pile of papers.有人點燃了那堆文件。


3good combination合適的組合ADJECTIVE | VERB + MATCH | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexcellent, good, perfect極好的配對;完美的搭配The blouse and skirt are a perfect match.這襯衣和裙子堪稱絕配。Freddie and Kate are a perfect match.弗雷迪和凱特非常般配。VERB + MATCHfind, make找到匹配物;使匹配Our job is to find the right match for our clients.我們的工作是為客戶找到適合自己的東西。This fabric makes a good match for the wallpaper.這種織物跟牆紙很相配。PREPOSITIONmatch between⋯之間的匹配an excellent match between our goals and what your company offers貴公司所提供的與我們所定的目標的高度契合match for與⋯相匹配That sweater should be a good match for your skirt.那件毛衣與你的裙子應該很配。PHRASESmeet your match (= meet someone equally good, strong, etc.) 遇到對手I think he's finally met his match in Lisa.我想他碰到莉薩終於算是遇到了對手。the right match合適的匹配物You need to feel confident that the candidate is the right match.你應該相信這個候選人就是合適的人選。


4sth the same相似物ADJECTIVE | VERB + MATCH | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEexact一模一樣VERB + MATCHfind找到相似物She has a rare blood type, and finding a match could take years.她的血型罕見,要找到合適的匹配有可能需要幾年時間。PREPOSITIONmatch for⋯的相似物To forge the certificate, she needed an exact match for the paper and the fonts.她需要一模一樣的紙和字體來偽造證書。


1combine well with sb/sth與某人或某物相配ADVERB | PHRASES ADVERBwell很相配As a couple they are not very well matched (= they are not very suitable for each other).作為夫妻他們並不是很般配。nicely, perfectly很般配;完美地匹配The music perfectly matches the tone of the movie.音樂與影片的基調配合得天衣無縫。exactly, precisely準確/精確相配They found a paint that exactly matched the existing paint on the walls.他們找到了一種漆,與牆上現在的漆一模一樣。closely密切匹配He chose wine that closely matched each dish.他挑選了與每道菜非常相配的酒。The students' results closely matched their predicted scores.學生的考試成績與之前預期的分數極為接近。not quite不太相配The room was full of old furniture that didn't quite match.房間裏全是不太相配的舊傢具。PHRASESto match與之相配的I bought a duvet cover and some curtains to match.我買了牀羽絨被套和與之相配的窗簾。


2find sth similar/connected找到相似物或相關物ADVERB | VERB + MATCH | PREPOSITION ADVERBcarefully仔細地使相一致correctly正確地使相對應up配對We have to match up the right pet with the right owner.我們必須給每個寵物配上合適的主人。VERB + MATCHseek to, try to尋求/試圖匹配PREPOSITIONfor在⋯方面相對應The control group in the experiment was matched for age and sex.實驗中的對照組在年齡和性別上都一致。to使與⋯相一致The aim of the competition is to match the quote to the person who said it.比賽的要求是把某個人和他的語錄對應起來。The available organs are carefully matched to people in need of transplants.可用的器官要與需要進行器官移植的病人進行審慎的匹配。with使與⋯匹配The agency tries to match single people with suitable partners.婚介所試圖為單身男女尋找合適的伴侶。


3be/make sth equal/better(使)媲美;(使)敵得過ADVERB | VERB + MATCH | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBalmost, nearly幾乎比得上She found that his determination almost matched her own.她發現他幾乎和她一樣堅決。not quite不太比得上Nothing quite matches the fine, subtle taste of this cheese.這種奶酪細膩、精妙的味道無與倫比。rarely難以匹敵Her lovers rarely match her wit and intelligence.她的情人們在聰明才智上很少能比得上她。VERB + MATCHbe able to, be unable to能夠/不能與⋯相當The company was unable to match his current salary.該公司不能提供與他目前的薪金相當的薪酬。try to試圖與⋯相當fail to不能與⋯相當Children can be made to suffer when they fail to match their parents' expectations.孩子不能達到父母的期望值時,有可能會吃苦頭。PREPOSITIONfor在⋯方面相當No other rock band comes even close to matching their talent.論才華,任何其他的搖滾樂隊都無法與他們相提並論。PHRASEScome close to matching幾乎與⋯匹敵be equally matched, be evenly matched, be well matched勢均力敵;不相上下The teams were very evenly matched.各隊之間旗鼓相當。be unevenly matched實力不相稱
Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
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0_0: Translations of match
  • # v.
    比擬: compare, draw a parallel, match
    搭調: go together, match, be reasonable, stand to reason, be in a tune
    當: accept, be, bear, be in charge of, manage, match
    敵: fight, match, oppose, resist
    偩: believe, confide, correlate, match, parallel, rely
    競爭: compete, contend, emulate, match, strive
    抗衡: contend, match
    倫: match, peer
    配: dose, fit, join, make up, match, mate
    匹: equal, be equal, match
    媲: match, be a match for, pair
    逑: collect, match
    相稱: match, suit
    相當: balance, correspond, equal, be equal, match
    相配: match
  • # n.
    比賽: competition, contest, game, match, play, tournament
    敵手: adversary, antagonist, competitor, match, opponent
    對手: adversary, antagonist, competitor, equal, match, mate
    火柴: match, matches
    匹配: matching, accordance, adaptation, match
    親: blood relation, match, parent, relative, parents-in-law
    球賽: ball game, match
    賽: competition, contest, game, match

0_0: Definitions of match
  • # noun.
    - a contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport.
    * a boxing match
    - a person or thing able to contend with another as an equal in quality or strength.
    * they were no match for the trained mercenaries
    - a person or thing that resembles or corresponds to another.
    * the child's identical twin would be a perfect match for organ donation
    - a person viewed in regard to their eligibility for marriage, especially as regards class or wealth.
    * he was an unsuitable match for any of their girls
    - a short, thin piece of wood or cardboard used to light a fire, being tipped with a composition that ignites when rubbed against a rough surface.
    * he struck a match against the wall
  • # verb.
    - correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect; make or be harmonious.
    * the jacket and pants do not match
    - be equal to (something) in quality or strength.
    * his anger matched her own
    - place (a person or group) in contest or competition with another.
    * the big names were matched against nobodies

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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