Recent Examples on the WebEventually, the smaller, cystic kidney was no longer visible in an ultrasound. Demaris Mills, Forbes, 24 June 2022 When he was born, Heydorn had part of his trapezius removed after he was diagnosed with cystic hygroma and spinal stenosis, which eventually required more surgery. Bob Narang,, 14 May 2021 Specifically for under-the-skin pimples, which tend to be deep and cystic, bringing the pimple to a head may release some fluid above the skin. Sydney Poe,, 7 Apr. 2021 The bacteria multiplies, causing the inflammation that starts a cystic pimple. Carolyn Twersky, Seventeen, 30 July 2020 But Mike's junior year, he was diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma and lost part of his face. Dana Hunsinger Benbow, The Indianapolis Star, 21 May 2020 These are a legit must-have for folks with inflamed or cystic acne. Jessica Kasparian, USA TODAY, 13 May 2020 Tests confirmed that a gallstone migrated to her cystic duct, causing a blockage and infection.NBC News, 4 May 2020 As far as pimples go, those deep, cystic acne flare-ups are probably the most traumatic. Rebecca Dancer, Allure, 3 Mar. 2020 See More