Recent Examples on the WebYet Watts’ crisply reliable beat kept them sounding vital — an irreproducible blend of chaos and beauty.Los Angeles Times, 7 Oct. 2021 And money spent on invalid science is money wasted: one study puts the cost of irreproducible medical research in the U.S. alone at $28 billion a year. Naomi Oreskes, Scientific American, 19 July 2021 The sole way to justify those hyper-super-ultra-deluxe premiums is by supplying a scarce and irreproducible resource: an aerial view of Central Park and all the cute little behemoths down below. Justin Davidson, Curbed, 7 June 2021 Like so many other features of our sclerotic political order, the Ethics Committee was the product of a peculiar, irreproducible political moment after World War II. Alex Pareene, The New Republic, 7 June 2021 Parmigiano Reggiano is also irreproducible for the simple fact that it has been produced for a thousand years and no one has been able to copy it. . John Mariani, Forbes, 13 May 2021 By tying career advancement to the publishing of papers, academia already creates incentives for scientists to do attention-grabbing but irreproducible work. Ed Yong, The Atlantic, 3 Aug. 2020 That this was a fool’s errand would become painfully clear in a few years; Lorrie Moore’s voice is, of course, singular and irreproducible. Lauren Groff, The New York Review of Books, 18 Feb. 2020 This approach, known as reduction printing, yields pieces that are unique and irreproducible, not mass-produced. Mark Jenkins, Washington Post, 20 Sep. 2019 See More