plural gutters
plural gutters
Learner's definition of GUTTER
1 [count]
a : a long, hollow device that is attached to the edges of a roof to catch rain and carry it away from a building(屋頂的)檐槽,天溝 — see picture at house b : a low area at the side of a road that is used to catch water and carry it away from the road陰溝;排水溝
[count] : a long, narrow low section along the sides of a bowling lane保齡球回球槽道
3 the gutter
a : the lowest or poorest conditions of human life惡劣的生活環境;惡劣的條件 b US, informal —
used to refer in usually a joking way to thoughts that relate to sex下流思想,黃色思想(通常用作戲谑之意,指與性相關的想法) 2 gutter /ˈgʌtɚ/ adjective
2 gutter
Learner's definition of GUTTER
always used before a noun
: of the worst kind : offensive or immoral龌龊的;粗俗的;下流的