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See also: troop

See also: troop



ADJECTIVE | VERB + TROOPS | TROOPS + VERB | TROOP + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcrack, elite精銳部隊additional, extra增派的部隊armed武裝部隊a division of up to 6 000 heavily armed troops有 6,000 名全副武裝士兵的陸軍師enemy, foreign, rebel敵軍;外國軍隊;叛軍friendly, loyal友軍;忠誠的軍隊troops loyal to the government忠於政府的軍隊army, auxiliary, paramilitary, regular, reserve陸軍/輔助/準軍事/正規/預備役部隊allied, coalition, federal, government聯軍;聯合部隊;聯邦部隊;政府軍international國際部隊combat, fighting作戰部隊shock (= trained to make sudden attacks on the enemy) 突擊部隊reconnaissance偵察部隊peacekeeping, security維和/安全部隊airborne, ground空降/地面部隊border, front-line, garrison邊防/前線/衞戍部隊VERB + TROOPSdeploy, mass, put in, send, send in部署部隊;集結部隊;派遣部隊They are massing troops on the border.他們正在邊境集結部隊。The UN is sending peacekeeping troops into the trouble spot.聯合國正向該動盪地區派遣維和部隊。commit, provide (sb with), supply (sb with)(向⋯)供應部隊The army has provided troops for the UN all over the world.陸軍派出部隊為聯合國在全世界執行任務。pull out, withdraw撤軍Washington is talking about pulling out its troops next year.華盛頓正在談論其明年的撤軍。bring home召回部隊It's time to bring our troops home.是該召回我們的部隊了。command, lead, order指揮/率領/命令部隊He ordered troops to shoot to kill if attacked.他命令部隊一旦遭受襲擊便開槍射殺。call in召集部隊station派駐部隊The US had stationed over 300 000 troops in Japan.美國在日本有超過 30 萬的駐軍。transport運送部隊rally集結部隊support支持部隊We must always support our troops.我們必須永遠支持我們的部隊。train訓練部隊TROOPS + VERBfight (sb), kill sb部隊(與某人)作戰;部隊消滅某人die部隊戰死be based, be positioned, be posted, be quartered, be stationed部隊駐紮在⋯;部隊部署在⋯troops based in East Timor在東帝汶的駐軍Five hundred troops were quartered in a town just behind the front line.500 名士兵駐紮在緊靠前線的小鎮裏。serve部隊服役British troops serving in the Gulf在海灣地區服役的英國軍隊advance, march, move in, move into sth部隊前進/行進/進駐/進入⋯Allied troops were advancing on the capital.聯軍部隊正向首都推進。arrive, cross into sth, enter sth, land, reach sth部隊到達/穿過/進入/登陸/抵達⋯Iraqi troops crossed into Kuwaiti territory.伊拉克軍隊越過邊界進入科威特境內。cross sth部隊穿過⋯Troops crossed the border with Georgia.部隊越過格魯吉亞邊境。mass部隊集結Government troops have massed on the northern border.政府軍已在北方邊境集結。guard sth, patrol sth部隊守衞⋯/巡邏⋯troops patrolling the border在邊境巡邏的部隊occupy sth部隊佔領⋯attack (sb), invade (sth), overrun sth, storm sth, surround sth部隊襲擊(某人)/入侵(⋯)/侵佔⋯/猛攻⋯/包圍⋯Rebel troops stormed the presidential palace.叛軍猛攻總統府。fire on sb/sth, open fire, shoot sb軍隊向⋯開槍/開火/朝某人射擊leave sth, pull out, withdraw部隊撤離come home部隊撤軍TROOP + NOUNdeployment, levels, numbers, presence, strength軍隊的部署/水平/數量/駐紮/兵力Various figures for US troop presence in Iraq were quoted.引用了美國在伊拉克駐軍的多個數字。build-up部隊的建設reductions裁軍withdrawal撤軍movements部隊的移動carrier, ship, train, transport運兵車;運兵船;運兵火車;部隊運輸機commander部隊指揮官morale部隊的士氣PHRASESthe deployment of troops, the withdrawal of troops部隊的部署;軍隊的撤退

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