plural patches
plural patches
Learner's definition of PATCH
: a piece of material that is used to cover a hole in something or to provide extra protection to an area補丁;補片;補塊 -
His pants have patches on the knees.他的褲子膝蓋上有補丁。
a jacket with brown patches on the elbows肘部有棕色補丁的夾克
He put a patch over the hole in the tire tube.他將輪胎内胎上的洞補起來。
a : a piece of material that is worn over your eye because of injury or for medical reasons(保護受傷的眼睛或醫療用的)眼罩
b : a piece of material that contains a drug and that is worn on your skin to allow the drug to slowly enter your body over a long period of time藥膏;膠布 3
: a small spot or area that is different from the surrounding area斑;塊 -
There were icy patches [=areas of ice] on the road.路上有結冰的地方。
Fog patches made driving difficult.部分地區有霧,給駕駛造成困難。
He is developing a bald patch on the back of his head.他後腦開始秃頂。
The cat has black patches on its forehead and tail.這只貓在前額和尾巴上有黑斑。
The chair's original paint is still visible in patches. [=in spots]這把椅子原來的油漆塊還可以見到。
often + of 4
: a small area of land where a particular fruit or vegetable grows果園;菜地 6
US : a piece of cloth with words or pictures that is sewn on clothing as a decoration or as part of a uniform : badge(衣服上的)徽章,標識 7
computers : a program that corrects or updates an existing program(用來校正錯誤或更新程序的)程序補丁 8
British, informal : an area that someone knows well, works or lives in, or comes from熟悉的地方;工作地;家鄉
be not a patch on
British, informal
: to be much less good, appealing, impressive, etc., than (someone or something)遠比不上,遠不如(某人或某事物) 2 patch /ˈpætʃ/ verb
patches; patched; patching
patches; patched; patching
Learner's definition of PATCH
[+ object]
: to cover a hole in (something) with a piece of material打補丁;修補 -
She patched (the hole in) the blanket.她在毛毯的洞上打了補丁。
The fence needs to be patched.栅欄需要修補。
He patched (up) the roof.他修補了房頂。
: to connect (a person, telephone call, etc.) to a communication system especially for a short period of time臨時連接,臨時接入(通信系統) —
often + through
patch together
[phrasal verb] patch (something) together or patch together (something)
: to put (something) together usually in a quick or careless way倉促拼湊;草草拼合
patch up
[phrasal verb] 1
patch (something) up or patch up (something) : to deal with (a problem, disagreement, etc.) in order to improve or repair a relationship處理,修補(問題、分歧等) 2
patch (something or someone) up or patch up (something or someone) : to give quick and usually temporary medical treatment to (someone or something)臨時治療 -
The doctor patched him up, so he's going to be as good as new.醫生給他做了臨時治療,所以他身體會和以前一樣好。
She patched up his wounded arm.她將他受傷的胳膊包紮起來。
— see also 2patch 1 (above)