Recent Examples on the WebEnter Danish astronomer Olaus Rømer, who heralded an innovation that would change thermometry forever. Phil Jaekl, Time, 1 June 2021 But the reports have been convincing, says Luís Carlos, a nanoscientist at the University of Aveiro in Portugal, who studies intracellular thermometry but was not involved in the new study. Alla Katsnelson, Scientific American, 15 Jan. 2021 The newly bright prospects for ocean acoustic thermometry are also a validation for Munk, who was deeply saddened when his global acoustic dreams were muted, Cornuelle says. Paul Voosen, Science | AAAS, 17 Sep. 2020 But by then, oceanographers had left acoustic thermometry behind and were relying on Argo, Dushaw says. Paul Voosen, Science | AAAS, 17 Sep. 2020 There are also surprising opportunities for errors simply because of the massive technological changes from the early 1800s to the present day: How were temperatures taken, and could the change be because of more precise thermometry? Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 9 Jan. 2020 The researchers considered this and controlled for any variation in thermometry. Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 9 Jan. 2020 See More