removes; removed; removing
removes; removed; removing
Learner's definition of REMOVE
[+ object]
: to move or take (something) away from a place移開;挪走;去除 -
Remove the trash from the front yard.把垃圾從前院弄走。
My tonsils were removed when I was five years old.我五歲時扁桃體就被切除了。
Trees help to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.樹木有助於清除大氣中的二氧化碳。
: to cause (something) to no longer exist去掉;除去;消除 -
These new findings should remove any doubt about his innocence.這些新的調查結果應該會消除所有對他清白的質疑。
What's a good way to remove stains from a silk dress?有什麽好方法能去除絲裙上的污漬?
The new law would remove obstacles to obtaining a work permit.這一新法律將掃清獲得工作許可的障礙。
: to force (someone) to leave a job : to dismiss (someone) from a job把…免職;開除 4
somewhat formal : to take off (something, such as a piece of your clothing)脫下;摘下 2 remove /rɪˈmuːv/ noun
plural removes
plural removes
Learner's definition of REMOVE
: a distance separating one person or thing from another距離;間距;差距 —
used with at與at連用 [count]
usually singular通常用單數 -
His anger remains, even at a remove of 20 years. [=even after 20 years have passed]即使時隔20年,他的憤怒依然存在。
He keeps the children at a safe remove from the dangers of the city.他使孩子們與城市各種有危險的事物保持一段安全距離。