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IELTS BNC: 541 COCA: 414


1 cut /ˈkʌt/ verb
cuts; cut; cutting
1 cut
cuts; cut; cutting
Learner's definition of CUT
: to use a sharp tool (such as a knife) to open or divide (something, such as paper or wood)切开;剪开;劈开
[+ object]
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
[no object]
[+ object] : to make a hole or wound in (a person's skin)割破;划破
[+ object] : to make (a hole) in something by using a sharp tool凿(洞);挖开
[+ object] : to divide or separate parts of (something) by using a sharp tool切开;切去;切下
often + into
often + from
often + off
[no object]
: to be able to cut something能切割;可用于切割
: to be able to be cut能被切开;能被割开
[+ object] : to make (hair, grass, etc.) shorter by using a sharp tool (such as scissors)剪短(头发);修剪(草坪)
[+ object]
: to give (hair or clothing) a certain style by cutting it剪(发型);裁剪(衣服)usually used as (be) cut通常用作(be) cut
: to give (something) a new shape by using a sharp tool(用利器)切出新形状
[+ object] : to make or form (something) by cutting or removing material刻;雕刻
often + out
[+ object] : to make the amount of (something) smaller : reduce减少;削减;降低
often + off
[+ object]
: to make (a book, film, etc.) shorter by removing parts删节,删减
: to remove (something) from a book, film, etc.(从书本、电影中)删去,删剪
often + from
[+ object] : to remove (something) from a computer document in a way that allows you to move it to another part of the document or to another document剪切(计算机文档)
see also cut-and-paste
[+ object] : to remove (a plant or part of a plant) by cutting it砍,切,割(植物)
◊ A cut flower is a flower that has been cut off the plant that it grew on.切花;鲜切花
[+ object] : to cause (something) to no longer be connected切断;割断;斩断
[+ object] : to allow (someone or something) to be free, loose, etc., by cutting something that stops movement(割断束缚物)使脱身,使松开
see also cut loose at 1loose
[+ object] : to remove (someone) from a team, organization, etc.开除;除名
often + from
: to divide (a pack of cards) into two piles切牌
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to divide (an area of land) into two parts将(某一区域)一分为二
[no object] : to move or go across or through something穿过;通过
often used figuratively to describe something that is not limited in the usual way常用作比喻,表示超出常态的局限
[no object]
: to move quickly快速行进
: to move suddenly in a different direction突然转向
[no object] : to move in front of other people in a line插队;加塞儿
often + in
[+ object] chiefly US : to not go to (school or a class) when you should go to it逃学;逃课
[+ object] informal : to record (a song, album, etc.)录(歌曲);灌(唱片)
[no object] : to suddenly move from one image or scene to another in a movie, television program, etc.切换镜头
often + away
[no object] : to stop filming a scene in a movie or television show(电影或电视中)停止拍片usually used as a command通常用作命令
[+ object] : to stop saying or doing (foolish or annoying things)停止说(愚蠢或讨厌的话);停止做(愚蠢或讨厌的事)usually used in phrases like cut the nonsense and (less politely) cut the crap通常用于cut the nonsense、cut the crap等短语,后者更不礼貌
[+ object] : to stop (a motor) by moving a switch关掉(马达)
often + off
[no object] : to go to or deal with something in a very direct way径直去;(直截了当地)处理usually + to
: to cause painful feelings or emotions(从感情上)伤害
[no object]
[+ object]
[+ object]
US : to make (alcohol) less strong by adding water or another liquid(加水或其他液体)稀释(酒精)
: to make (a drug, such as heroin) less strong by mixing it with another substance把(海洛因等毒品)与其他物质掺和
[+ object] : to cause (dirt, grease, etc.) to break apart and be removed去除(污垢、油污等)

cut a check

: to write a check and give it to someone给(某人)开支票

cut a dash

see 2dash

cut a deal

: to make an agreement usually about business : to make a deal(通常指在生意上)达成协议,成交

cut a figure

◊ If you cut a fine/dashing/heroic (etc.) figure, you look very good and impressive.帅气;俊美;英武

cut and run

: to leave quickly in order to avoid danger or trouble(为避免危险或麻烦)匆忙离开

cut a rug

old-fashioned slang
: to dance in an energetic way充满活力地跳舞

cut a tooth

of a baby
: to have a tooth begin to come through the gums出牙

cut away

[phrasal verb]
cut away (something) or cut (something) away
: to remove (something that is not needed) by cutting砍去;削去
see also 1cut 20 (above), cutaway

cut back

[phrasal verb]
: to use less or do less of something削减;缩减;减少
often + on
cut (something) back or cut back (something)
: to make (a plant) smaller or shorter by cutting its branches剪枝;修剪
: to reduce the size or amount of (something)缩小,减少(大小或数量)
see also cutback

cut both ways

: to have both good and bad results, effects, etc.有利也有弊;是福也是祸

cut corners

see 1corner

cut down

[phrasal verb]
: to use less or do less of something削减;缩减;减少
often + on
cut (something) down or cut down (something)
: to remove (a tree or bush) by cutting through its trunk or base砍倒;砍掉;砍伐
: to reduce the size or amount of (something)削减,缩小(大小或数量)
cut (someone) down or cut down (someone) : to kill or wound (someone)使(某人)丧命(或受伤)

cut from the same cloth

see cloth

cut ice

see 1ice

cut in

[phrasal verb]
: to join a conversation suddenly : interrupt打断(谈话);插嘴
often + on
: to stop two people who are dancing and take the place of one of them(插到一对舞者中)截走别人的舞伴
of a machine : to begin to work发动,启动,打开(机器)
cut (someone) in : to include (someone) in a group of people who are receiving money or other benefits让(某人)加入(分享金钱或其他好处)
often + on
cut (something) in or cut in (something) : to add (something, such as butter) to dry ingredients (such as flour) by making cutting motions with a knife or other sharp tool把…剁入;切拌
see also 1cut 17 (above)

cut into

[phrasal verb]
cut into (something)
: to reduce the amount of (something)减少(某物的数量)

cut it

: to be able to do something well enough能办好(某事)usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句
◊ People use the informal phrase any way you cut it to say that something is true no matter how you look at it or think about it.随你怎么看

cut it close

(chiefly US) or chiefly British cut it fine
: to almost not be able to do something : to almost fail, lose, etc.几乎失败;差点输掉;差点错过

cut off

[phrasal verb]
of a machine : to stop working suddenly : to turn off(机器)突然熄火,停止运转
cut (something) off or cut off (something)
: to remove (something) by cutting切掉;剪掉;砍掉
: to stop or end (something)停止;终止
: to stop people from seeing or using (something) : to block (something)阻碍;阻挡;堵塞
: to stop the movement or supply of (something)停止(或中断)供给
cut (someone or something) off or cut off (someone or something) : to cause (someone or something) to be separate or alone使隔开;使分开;使隔离often + from
cut (someone) off or cut off (someone)
: to stop (someone) from talking打断(某人)
◊ If you get cut off when you are using the telephone, the telephone connection suddenly ends and you can no longer hear the other person.(电话)中断,断线
US : to drive in front of (someone in another vehicle) in a sudden and dangerous way(突然)超车
: to move ahead and force (someone) to stop拦截
: to decide not to give money or property to (someone) after your death剥夺(某人的)继承权
: to refuse to allow (someone) to drink more alcohol不让(某人)继续饮酒
see also 1cut 1d, cutoff

cut off your nose to spite your face

see 1nose

cut out

[phrasal verb]
of a machine : to stop working suddenly(机器)突然熄火,突然停止运转
chiefly US : to leave quickly and suddenly快速离开;突然离开
chiefly US : to move out of a line of traffic(车辆)突然驶出车流
cut (something) out or cut out (something)
: to form (something) by cutting with a sharp tool剪出;裁剪
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
see also 1cut 5 (above), cutout
: to remove (something) by cutting剪去;切去
: to remove (something) from something去除;删除;剔除
: to stop doing (something)终止做,停止做(某事)
◊ If your legs, feet, or knees are cut out from under you, you are knocked down by something that hits your legs very hard. This phrase is often used figuratively.(腿、脚或膝盖)受撞击倒下(常用作比喻)
cut (someone) out or cut out (someone) : to cause (someone) to no longer be included in something把(某人)排除在外
◊ If you are cut out for (something) or cut out to do/be (something), you are naturally able or suited to do or be something.具有所需素质及才能;是…的材料
see also have your work cut out for you at 2work

cut short

see 2short

cut (someone) dead

: to pretend not to see (someone you know) : to deliberately ignore (someone)假装没看见(某人);对(某人)视而不见;故意忽略(某人的)存在

cut (someone) some slack

see 2slack

cut the Gordian knot

see gordian knot

cut the mustard

see mustard

cut through

[phrasal verb]
cut through (something)
: to get through or past (something that blocks you or slows you down) quickly and directly通过(障碍);克服(困难)
often + to
see also 1cut 15 (above)

cut to the chase

see 1chase

cut up

[phrasal verb]
US, informal : to behave in a silly or rude way瞎胡闹
see also cutup
cut (something) up or cut up (something) : to cut (something) into parts or pieces切碎;剁碎
often + into
cut (someone or something) up or cut up (someone or something)
: to hurt or damage (someone or something) by cutting割伤;划伤;砍伤
informal : to criticize (someone or something) in a harsh way严厉批评;抨击
◊ In informal British English, to be cut up about something is to be very sad or upset about something.使伤心;使悲痛

cut up rough

British, informal
: to behave in an angry or violent way大发脾气;大吵大闹

cut your losses

see loss

cut your own throat

see throat

cut your teeth

used to describe the things that people do when they are starting their careers初涉职场;开始工作
often + on

fish or cut bait

see 2fish
2 cut /ˈkʌt/ noun
plural cuts
2 cut
plural cuts
Learner's definition of CUT
: an opening or hole made with a sharp tool (such as a knife)开口;破口
: a wound on a person's body that is made by something sharp伤口;划口
: an act of making something smaller in amount : reduction削减;减少
: the act of removing something from a book, movie, etc.删节;删剪;删除
: a version of a movie at a particular stage of being edited(电影的)版本
: a song on a record, tape, or CD(唱片、磁带或CD上的)歌曲
: the shape and style of a piece of clothing(衣服的)款式,式样
: the act or result of cutting someone's hair : haircut理发;发型
see also buzz cut, crew cut
: a piece of meat that is cut from a particular part of an animal's body切下的肉块
: a part of something that is divided and shared among people(分得的)一部分usually singular通常用单数
see also a cut of the action at action
: the act of reducing the size of a group (such as a group of competitors) by removing the ones that are not good enough or that have not done well enough精简,淘汰(如参赛人员)usually used with make or miss通常与make或miss连用

a cut above

: better than other people or things优于;比…高一等;比…胜一筹

cut and thrust

chiefly British
: the lively and exciting quality of an activity in which people compete or argue with each other激烈交锋;唇枪舌剑
IELTS BNC: 541 COCA: 414


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cut; cutting

transitive verb

: to penetrate with or as if with an edged instrument
cut one's hand with a knife
: to hurt the feelings of
Her sarcasm cut him to the quick.
: to strike sharply with a cutting effect
cut him across the legs with a whip
: to strike (a ball) with a glancing blow that imparts a reverse spin
cut a tennis ball with an inclined racket
: to experience the growth of (a tooth) through the gum
The toddler is cutting a tooth.
: to harm (oneself) by making cuts or scratches on one's body
The reasons given for self-inflicted violence indicate that it is a way of relieving intolerable feelings. When cutting themselves, women (and sometimes men) report that they do not feel any pain. Deborah Feller
: trim, pare
cut one's nails
: to shorten by omissions
cut the manuscript
: dilute, adulterate
cut the whiskey with water
: to reduce in amount
cut costs
: to remove (something, such as text or a picture) from a computer document and place it on the clipboard so that it can be pasted into another position, document, or program
: mow, reap
cut hay
: to divide into parts with an edged tool
cut bread
: fell, hew
cut timber
: to separate or discharge from an organization
cut them from the team
: to single out and isolate
cut a calf out from the herd
: to turn sharply
The driver cut the steering wheel hard.
: to go or pass around or about : bypass
cut the checkout line
: to divide into segments
cut the cake
: intersect, cross
one line cutting another
: break, interrupt
cut our supply lines
: to divide (a deck of cards) into two portions
: to draw (a card) from the deck
: to divide into shares : split
: analyze, break down
Any way you cut it, we won.
: to make by or as if by cutting: such as
: carve
cut stone
: to shape by grinding
cut a diamond
: to shear or hollow out
cut a groove
: to sing, play, or act for the recording of
cut an album
cut a commercial
: to sing or play (a song, a track, etc.) for a studio recording
: to type on a stencil
: edit sense 1b
cut a motion picture
: stop, cease
cut the nonsense
: to refuse to recognize (an acquaintance)
They cut her dead at the party.
: to absent oneself from (something, such as a class)
: to stop (a motor) by opening a switch
: to stop the filming of (a motion-picture scene)
: to engage in (a frolicsome or mischievous action)
… on summer nights strange capers are cut under the thin guise of a Christian festival. Donald Culross Peattie
: to give the appearance or impression of
cut a fine figure
: to be able to manage or handle
usually used in negative constructions
can't cut that kind of work anymore
: to yield or accord to another : give
cut me some slack
: to fill out and sign (a check)

intransitive verb

: to function as or as if as an edged tool
This knife cuts well.
: to undergo incision or severance
The cheese cuts easily.
: to perform the operation of dividing, severing, incising, or intersecting
The tailor is busy cutting.
: to make a stroke with a whip, sword, or other weapon
: to wound feelings or sensibilities
remarks that cut
: to cause constriction or chafing
a coat that cuts at the armpits
: to be of effect, influence, or significance
an analysis that cuts deep
: to divide a pack of cards especially in order to decide the deal or settle a bet
: to draw a card from the pack
: to divide spoils : split
: to proceed obliquely (see oblique entry 1 sense 1) from a straight course
cut across the yard
: to move swiftly
a yacht cutting through the water
: to describe an oblique or diagonal line
: to change sharply in direction : swerve
The driver cut across three lanes of traffic.
: to make an abrupt transition from one sound or image to another in motion pictures, radio, or television
The film cuts from the ballroom to the garden.
: to make a sudden transition or imaginative leap
The story cuts to 1917.
: to stop photographing motion pictures
The director yelled "Cut!"
: to advance by skipping or bypassing another
cut to the front of the line
: to engage in self-harm by making cuts or scratches on one's body
middle school students reporting they knew of several classmates who cut


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: a product of cutting: such as
: an opening made with an edged instrument
: a wound made by something sharp : gash
: a creek, channel, or inlet made by excavation or worn by natural action
: a surface or outline left by cutting
: a passage cut as a roadway
: a grade or step especially in a social scale
a cut above the ordinary
: a subset of a set such that when it is subtracted from the set the remainder is not connected
: a pictorial illustration
: the act or an instance of cutting: such as
: a gesture or expression that hurts the feelings
made an unkind cut
: a straight passage or course
: a stroke or blow with the edge of a knife or other edged tool
: a lash with or as if with a whip
: the act of reducing or removing a part
a cut in pay
: an act or turn of cutting cards
also : the result of cutting
: the elimination of part of a large field from further participation, consideration, or competition (as in a golf tournament)
often used with miss or make to denote respectively being or not being among those eliminated
played well and made the cut
: something that is cut or cut off: such as
: a length of cloth varying from 40 to 100 yards (36.6 to 91.4 meters)
: the yield of products cut especially during one harvest
: a segment or section of a meat carcass or a part of one
: a group of animals selected from a herd
: share
took his cut of the profits
: a voluntary absence from a class
: a stroke that cuts a ball
also : the spin imparted by such a stroke
: a swing by a batter at a pitched baseball
: an exchange of captures in checkers
: a result of editing: such as
: an abrupt transition from one sound or image to another in motion pictures, radio, or television
: an edited version of a film
: the shape and style in which a thing is cut, formed, or made
clothes of the latest cut


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: marked by a well-developed and highly defined musculature
cut abs
cut a deal
: to negotiate an agreement
The band cut a deal with the recording company.
cut both ways
: to have both favorable and unfavorable results or implications
cut corners
: to perform some action in the quickest, easiest, or cheapest way
cut ice
: to be of importance
usually used in negative constructions
His opinion cuts no ice with me.
cut it
: to cut the mustard
cut loose
: to free from control or restraint
cut us loose from the contract
: to act without restraint
enjoyed cutting loose at nightclubs
cut one's teeth
: to learn, do, or perform as a beginning or at the start of one's career
an actress who cut her teeth on television
cut the mustard
: to achieve the standard of performance necessary for success
She tried to join the soccer team, but she couldn't cut the mustard.
cut to the chase
: to get to the point
She urged him to skip the details and cut to the chase.
cut of one's jib

Example Sentences

Verb cutting a piece of string He uses the ax to cut wood. The meat is so tender you can cut it with a fork. Cut along the dotted line. The saw easily cuts through metal. She cut into the melon with a knife. I cut myself while shaving. I had a cut finger. We were fighting, and he tried to cut me with his knife. Pieces of broken glass cut her face and arms. Noun Make a few small cuts in the crust to let the air escape. a two-inch cut in the cloth He came home covered in cuts and bruises. Further cuts in spending are needed. You'll have to make a few cuts in your manuscript if you want us to publish it. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Men seeking streetwear, which is often cut generously, can overlook fit’s importance. Jamie Waters, WSJ, 17 Sep. 2022 The pharmacy’s hours were cut short, and temporary staff had to be flown in on a rotating basis while the search continued. Annie Berman, Anchorage Daily News, 17 Sep. 2022 The latter also honored other seminal artists and athletes whose lives were cut short in recent years, with illustrations of Prince, Mac Miller, Juice Wrld and Kobe Bryant (with his daughter Gianna) and others appearing on a video screen. Piet Levy, Journal Sentinel, 16 Sep. 2022 Baltimore’s opening day bullpen featured four pitchers who joined the team as waiver claims and another who was cut as a teenager amid a decade-long minor league career. Nathan Ruiz, Baltimore Sun, 16 Sep. 2022 The Chili Peppers were preceded by two special guests, bass virtuoso Thundercat and indie rockers The Strokes, both of whom had their sets cut short by the weather delay. Patrick Connolly, Orlando Sentinel, 16 Sep. 2022 The show was cut after its third season on the air. Toby Grey, BGR, 16 Sep. 2022 Nerves are more frayed at this point, not only because Laurey seems to be in danger but also because of the terrifying gunshots that went off the last time the lights were cut. Charles Mcnulty, Los Angeles Times, 16 Sep. 2022 The video ultimately was cut short as Ralph's son needed to help carry the bouquet, which was tilting precariously to the left. Emily Tannenbaum, Glamour, 16 Sep. 2022
Still, there are questions about whether the plant will make the cut. Michael R. Blood, ajc, 1 Sep. 2022 Among the series of transactions were the surprise release of veteran special teams ace Justin Bethel and running back Kevin Harris, the only member of the draft class not to make the cut. Jim Mcbride, BostonGlobe.com, 30 Aug. 2022 The defensive tackle didn't make the cut as an undrafted free agent but joined the practice squad and wound up on the active roster by early October. Jr Radcliffe, Journal Sentinel, 30 Aug. 2022 The Bears seemed settled on starters Johnson, Vildor and Gordon — with Gordon able to play outside or at nickel — so the real question was which backups would make the cut. Dan Wiederer, Chicago Tribune, 30 Aug. 2022 Two guys who undoubtedly will make the cut are linebacker Zaven Collins and cornerback Marco Wilson. José M. Romero, The Arizona Republic, 26 Aug. 2022 Miami's Calle Ocho, New York City's MacDougal Street (home to perennial favorite cocktail bar Dante) and Chicago's Wentworth Avenue all make the cut. Lilit Marcus, CNN, 25 Aug. 2022 Some of my houseplants were obviously not going to make the cut, like the street rescues and the propagations that never quite flourished, but others took more consideration. Los Angeles Times, 25 Aug. 2022 It’s the third of four weeks for coaches and players to get a sense of who will make the cut and how squads work best together. Chris Morris, Fortune, 18 Aug. 2022 See More

Word History


Verb, Noun, and Adjective

Middle English cutten

First Known Use


13th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a


1530, in the meaning defined at sense 1


1990, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler
The first known use of cut was in the 13th century
IELTS BNC: 541 COCA: 414


1hole/opening made by cutting割開的口ADJECTIVE | VERB + CUT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclean, neat乾淨利落的切口little, small小切口long長切口straight筆直的切口VERB + CUTmake切出口子give切口a high-quality blade that gives a clean cut切口光潔的高質量刀刃PREPOSITIONcut in在⋯上的切口Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用鋒利的剪刀在布料上剪一個小口。


2wound傷口ADJECTIVE | VERB + CUT | CUT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbad, deep, nasty嚴重的傷口;很深的傷口little, small, tiny小傷口He has a small cut on his finger.他手指上劃了一個小口。minor, slight, superficial輕微的割傷;表皮傷口clean未受感染的傷口fresh, new新傷口open未瘉合的創傷paper被紙邊劃傷的口子VERB + CUThave有傷口get, suffer被割傷She got a bad cut over her right eye.她右眼上有一個很嚴重的傷口。clean清潔傷口Clean the cut and cover it to prevent infection.洗淨傷口並包紮起來以防感染。bandage, cover, dress用繃帶包紮/包紮/敷裹傷口heal使傷口瘉合CUT + VERBheal傷口瘉合A clean cut heals quickly.未受感染的傷口瘉合得快。PREPOSITIONcut on在⋯上的傷口a cut on her hand她手上的傷口cut to⋯的傷口One man was attacked and suffered cuts to his face.一名男子受到了襲擊,臉部受傷。PHRASEScuts and bruises, cuts and scrapes傷口和挫傷;傷口和劃傷


3act of cutting sb's hair; hairstyle理髮;髮型ADJECTIVE | VERB + CUT | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhair (usually haircut) 理髮;髮型short短髮buzz, crew板寸;平頭VERB + CUThave請人剪⋯I've made an appointment to have a haircut.我已經預約好了去理髮。need需要理髮give sb給某人剪髮PHRASEScut and blow-dry剪髮和吹乾


4reduction削減ADJECTIVE | ... OF CUTS | VERB + CUT | CUT + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, deep, large, major, severe, sharp, significant, substantial大幅削減;巨額削減draconian, dramatic, drastic, huge, massive, savage (BrE) 嚴厲的/突然的/急劇的/巨大的/大規模的/猛烈的削減across-the-board, swingeing (BrE) 全面的/巨額的削減small小幅削減federal, government聯邦政府/政府削減income, pay, salary, wage (especially BrE) 收入縮減;減薪;減工資expenditure, financial, spending開支/財政/開銷縮減benefit, budget, defence/defense, education, funding, job, service, staff補助金降低;預算削減;國防開支削減;教育經費緊縮;資金削減;工作崗位削減;服務減少;裁員cost, interest-rate, price, rate, tax成本減少;利率降低;降價;費用降低;減稅proposed提議的削減... OF CUTSround一輪裁減The company has announced a new round of job cuts.公司已宣佈進行新一輪的裁員。VERB + CUTimpose, make實行/進行削減They are planning to make substantial cuts in the service.他們計劃在服務方面進行大幅削減。announce, propose宣佈/建議縮減proposed tax cuts減稅建議face面臨縮減accept, suffer, take接受裁減The staff have all had to take a cut in salary.全體員工都得接受減薪。oppose, support反對/支持裁減CUT + VERBcome into effect裁減生效The cuts will come into effect next May.裁減將於下一個 5 月生效。PREPOSITIONcut in在⋯方面的削減cuts in public spending公共開支的緊縮


5piece of meat肉塊ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEchoice, expensive, good, lean, prime中上等肉塊;昂貴的肉塊;優質肉塊;瘦肉塊;上等肉塊cheap廉價肉塊cold cuts (especially NAmE) 冷盤肉片PREPOSITIONcut of⋯肉塊The recipe calls for a good lean cut of beef.菜譜要求用上好的精瘦牛肉塊。


6share in the profits一份利潤VERB + CUT | PREPOSITION VERB + CUTget, have, take得到分紅;有分紅;獲得分紅By the time the organizers have had their cut, there won't be much left.組織者們分紅後,就會所剩無幾。want想要分紅If there's money to be made from selling photos of her, she wants her cut.如果出售她的照片能賺錢,她想得到自己的那一份。PREPOSITIONcut of⋯的分紅He takes a cut of the profits.他獲得了一份利潤。


1with a knife, scissors, etc.切成;剪成ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBthick切厚片Make sure you cut the bread nice and thick.一定要把麪包切得厚一些。thinly切薄片cleanly, neatly切得乾淨利落Cut the stem cleanly, just beneath a leaf joint.把莖切整齊點,正好切在葉根下。easily容易切割Sandstone cuts easily.砂岩容易切割。lengthways, lengthwise縱向切;豎切Cut the carrots in half lengthwise.把胡蘿蔔縱切成兩半。away, back, down, off, out砍掉;剪短;砍倒;剁掉;砍去Some trees had been cut down.有些樹已被砍倒了。PREPOSITIONaway砍掉They cut away all the dead branches from the tree.他們修剪掉樹上所有的枯枝。back剪短from從⋯上砍下into切(入);切成⋯She picked up the knife and cut into the meat.她拿起刀來切入肉中。He cut the bread into thin slices.他把麪包切成薄片。off切掉out切去through切開I can't cut through this wood.我劈不開這塊木頭。PHRASEScut and paste (computing計算機) 剪貼You can cut and paste between different programs.你可以在不同程序之間剪貼。cut sb/sth free, cut sb/sth loose把⋯釋放出來Two survivors were cut free after being trapped for twenty minutes.兩名幸存者受困 20 分鐘後獲救。cut sb's hair short剪短某人的頭髮I told the stylist I wanted my hair cut short.我告訴髮型師我想把頭髮剪短。cut sth into pieces把⋯切成片Cut the cake into six pieces.把蛋糕切成 6 片。cut sth in half, cut sth in two把⋯切成兩半She cut the loaf in two and gave me one of the halves.她把那條麪包切成兩半,把其中一半給了我。cut sth open使⋯破開She fell and cut her head open.她摔了一跤,把頭磕破了。freshly cut剛剛剪下freshly cut flowers剛剪下來的花朵


2reduce sth削減ADVERB | VERB + CUT | PREPOSITION ADVERBconsiderably, dramatically, drastically, sharply, significantly大幅削減short中斷His career was cut short by injury.他因傷提早結束了職業生涯。VERB + CUTtry to盡量減少manage to設法減少We have managed to cut our costs drastically.我們已設法使成本大大地降低了。be forced to, have to被迫/不得不減少PREPOSITIONby減少(⋯)The department has to cut its spending by 30%.該部門得縮減 30% 的開支。from, to從⋯減少;減到⋯The price has been cut from €250 to €175.價格從 250 歐元減到了 175 歐元。


cut backADVERBdrastically, severely, significantly急劇/大幅/明顯裁減Social work services have been cut back drastically.社會工作機構已被大量裁減。VERB + CUT BACKbe forced to, have to被迫/不得不減少PREPOSITIONon在⋯方面減少Local authorities have been forced to cut back on expenditure.地方政府被迫減少開支。to減少到We should cut back to previous levels of spending.我們應該減少到先前的開支水平。cut downADVERBconsiderably, drastically大幅削減gradually逐步削減VERB + CUT DOWNtry to努力削減manage to設法減少advise sb to勸說某人削減PREPOSITIONon縮減⋯I'm trying to cut down on fatty foods.我現在盡量少吃含脂肪多的食物。cut sb/sth off1. interrupt sb/sth打斷ADVERBabruptly, suddenly使突然中斷His thoughts were abruptly cut off by a blinding flash of pain.一陣令人頭暈目眩的疼痛突然打斷了他的思緒。2. prevent sb/sth from leaving/reaching a place阻斷去路ADVERBcompletely, totally徹底/全部切斷effectively, largely, virtually基本上切斷;差不多切斷PREPOSITIONfrom使與⋯隔離They were completely cut off from the outside world.他們完全與世隔絕了。
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0_0: Translations of cut
  • # v.
    采伐: cut, fell
    劖: bore, cut, polish
    斷開: cut, disconnect
    剁: chop, cut
    剮: cut, cut up
    關: close, cut, pass, shut, turn off
    劌: cut, injure
    減: cut, decrease, diminish, lower, reduce, subtract
    戩: cut, carry to the utmost
    截: check, cut, sever, stop
    開鑿: cut, dig
    砍: chop, cut, hack, hew, slash
    刻: carve, cut, engrave
    切: chip, cut, slice, be close to, correspond
    鍥: carve, cut
    縮減: bobtail, clip, cut, prune, reduce, trim
    削: chip, chop, cut, pare, skive, reduce
    鏨: batter, chisel, cut, cut out, engrave, hole
    鍘: cut, knife, mince, shred, snip
    斬: behead, chop, cut, decapitate
    釗: cut, strain
  • # n.
    創: cut, injury, trauma, wound
    創口: cut, trauma, wound
    創傷: cut, trauma, wound
    刀口: blade, cut, incision, knife edge
    鬮: cut, fate, fortune, lot
    破口: cut
    傷口: cut, wound
  • # a.
    創口的: cut
    傷口的: cut

0_0: Definitions of cut
  • # verb.
    - make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp-edged tool or object.
    * he cut his toe on a sharp stone
    - divide into pieces with a knife or other sharp implement.
    * cut the beef into thin slices
    - make or form (something) by using a sharp tool to remove material.
    * workmen cut a hole in the pipe
    - trim or reduce the length of (something, especially grass or a person's hair or fingernails) by using a sharp implement.
    * Ted was cutting the lawn
    - reduce the size, amount, or quantity of.
    * buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want
    - end or interrupt the provision of (something, especially power or food supplies).
    * we resolved to cut oil supplies to territories controlled by the rebels
    - (of a line) cross or intersect (another line).
    * mark the point where the line cuts the vertical axis
    - stop filming or recording.
    * “Cut” shouted a voice, followed by “Could we do it again, please?”
    - adulterate (a drug) or dilute (alcohol) by mixing it with another substance.
    * dealers cut the drugs to stretch their supply
    - strike or kick (a ball) with an abrupt, typically downward motion.
    * Cook cut the ball back to him
    - divide (a pack of playing cards) by lifting a portion from the top, either to reveal or draw a card at random or to place the top portion under the bottom portion.
    * let's cut for dealer
    - ignore or refuse to recognize (someone).
    * they cut her in public
  • # noun.
    - a stroke or blow given by a sharp-edged implement or by a whip or cane.
    * he could skin an animal with a single cut of the knife
    - a long, narrow incision in the skin made by something sharp.
    * blood ran from a cut on his jaw
    - a wounding remark or act.
    * his unkindest cut at Elizabeth was to call her heartless
    - the way or style in which something, especially a garment, is cut.
    * the elegant cut of his dinner jacket

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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