conscience /ˈkɑːnʃəns/ noun plural consciences
plural consciences
Learner's definition of CONSCIENCE
: the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right or wrong良心;良知;是非觀念 [count]
usually singular通常用單數 -
You should decide what to do according to your own conscience.你應該憑良心來決定你的行爲。
Her conscience was bothering her, so she finally told the truth.她良心不安,最終說出了真相。
He doesn't seem to have a conscience. [=doesn't seem to know or care about what is morally right]他似乎已經良心泯滅。
I cannot do anything that is/goes against my conscience. [=that I believe is morally wrong]我不能做任何違背良心的事。
After searching my conscience, I realized that I could not accept their offer.扪心自問後,我意識到我不能接受他們的給予。
At least now I can face him with a clear conscience. [=without guilt]至少現在我可以問心無愧地面對他。
She had a guilty/troubled conscience. [=she had a feeling of guilt about something she had done]她問心有愧。
I urged the senator to vote his conscience [=vote as he felt he should], even if it was at odds with the party line.我敦促那位議員憑良心投票,即便與政黨路線不一致。
The issue is a matter of (individual) conscience. [=something that people must decide about according to what they believe is morally right]這個問題事關(個人的)良知。
I can't work for a company that has no social conscience. [=a company that does not care about important social issues]我不能爲沒有社會良知的公司工作。
— see also prisoner of conscience 2
[noncount] : a feeling that something you have done is morally wrong内疚;愧疚 -
She felt a pang/prick of conscience [=guilt] about not inviting him.她對沒有邀請他深感内疚。
The thief must have had an attack of conscience, because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it.這個小偷一定是突然良心發現,因爲他把錢包又原封不動地還了回來。
in (all/good) conscience
◊ If you cannot do something in (all/good) conscience, you cannot do it because you think that it is morally wrong.憑良心
on your conscience
◊ If something is on your conscience, it makes you feel guilty.使感到内疚