plural talkers
plural talkers
Learner's definition of TALKER
: a person who talks in a particular way or who talks a lot(以某种方式)说话的人;健谈的人;爱说话的人 -
That little girl is quite a talker. I don't think she's stopped talking since she got in the car.那个小姑娘很爱说话,我想她上车后就没停过。
He's not much of a talker.他不太爱说话。
He's more of a talker than a doer. [=he often talks about doing things without actually doing them]他是个说得多干得少的人。
She is a great/fast/loud talker.她是个健谈/快言快语/说话声音很大的人。
a smooth talker [=a person who tends to flatter people]爱说奉承话的人