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IELTS BNC: 519 COCA: 494


1 break /ˈbreɪk/ verb
breaks; broke /ˈbroʊk/ ; broken /ˈbroʊkən/ ; breaking
1 break
breaks; broke /ˈbroʊk/ ; broken /ˈbroʊkən/ ; breaking
Learner's definition of BREAK
: to separate (something) into parts or pieces often in a sudden and forceful or violent way打破;使破裂;折断
[+ object]
[no object]
: to cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces摔断,折断(骨头)
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] : to open suddenly especially because of pressure from inside破裂
see also break open (below)
[+ object] : to cause (something, such as a machine) to stop working by damaging it损坏;弄坏
[no object] : to stop working because of being damaged被损坏;破损;坏掉
see also break down (below)
: to split or divide (something) into smaller units or parts(使)分裂;(使)分成较小的单元(或部分)
[+ object]
[no object]
see also break into (below)
[+ object]
: to go through or make a hole in (a surface, someone's skin, etc.)穿破,弄破,擦破(皮肤等的表面)
: to go through (something) by using force用力弄破
usually used figuratively通常用作比喻
see also break down (below), break through (below)
: to cut into and turn over the surface of (the ground, soil, etc.)犁地;破土
see also break ground at 1ground
[+ object] : to fail to do what is required by (a law, a promise, etc.)违反(法律等);违背(承诺等)
: to destroy or defeat (something) by using force or pressure(强行或通过施压)瓦解,削弱
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to defeat or ruin (someone) : to cause (someone) to fail or to stop trying or fighting打败,毁掉(某人);使屈服
see also break down (below), make-or-break
[no object] : to lose your health, mental or physical strength, or control(身体或精神上)崩溃,垮掉usually + under
see also break down (below)
[+ object] : to train (a wild animal) to behave in a way that is useful to people驯化;驯服
[+ object]
: to cause the end of (something that is strong or that has continued for a long time)终止;使停止
: to cause (someone) to give up a habit使…放弃习惯+ of
[+ object]
: to interrupt (something)打断;中断;打破
see also break up 4 (below)
: to cause (something, such as a curse or spell) to no longer be effective使(咒语、魔法等)失效;破除
[no object] : to stop an activity (such as working) for a brief period of time(工作等)暂停
[+ object] : to tell (bad news) to someone in a kind or gentle way(婉转地)透露,说出(坏消息)
[+ object] : to make (something, such as news) publicly known for the first time(率先)报道,披露
[no object] of news : to become publicly known(消息)公开
[+ object] : to reduce the speed or force of (something)减缓
[+ object]
: to be higher or more than (a specified number, measurement, etc.)超过
: to do better than (a record)打破(纪录)
: to have a score that is lower than or higher than (a specified total)得分(低于或高于规定总分)
[+ object]
: to find or provide an explanation or solution for (something, such as a criminal case)破案;破解
: to find the meaning of (a secret code)破译(密码)
[no object]
of the weather : to change by becoming rainy, clear, cool, etc., after a long time(天气)突变
of clouds : to separate so that the sky or sun can be seen(云)散去
of a storm : to start suddenly(暴风雨)突然来临
[no object] literary : to begin when the sun rises(天)破晓
see also daybreak
[no object]
: to begin running quickly开始快跑
: to stop fighting and run away溃败
[+ object]
: to give smaller bills or coins for (a large bill)把(大额钞票)换成零钱
: to use (a large bill) to pay for something that costs much less than the value of the bill(为购买小额商品而)破开(大额钞票)
[no object] of a wave : to curl over and fall onto or near land(浪)拍打
[no object]
of someone's voice : to change sharply in tone or pitch because of strong emotion(因强烈的情绪)声调突变
of a boy's voice : to change from the high voice of a boy to the lower voice of a man(男孩的)声音变粗,变声
[no object] sports, of a thrown or struck ball : to turn or curve(球)转向,曲线飞行
tennis : to win against (an opponent who is serving)破(对手的)发球局;接发球得分
[+ object]
[no object]
[no object] : to happen or develop发生;发展

break a leg

see 1leg

break a sweat

see 2sweat

break away

[phrasal verb]
: to get away from someone or something especially by using force or effort强行逃脱;挣脱
usually + from
often used figuratively常用作比喻
: to separate or become separate from a larger group, country, etc.离开;脱离
usually + from
see also breakaway

break bread

see 1bread

break camp

see 1camp

break cover

see 2cover

break down

[phrasal verb]
of a machine : to stop working properly(机器)损坏,出故障
see also 1break 4 (above)
: to fail or stop usually in a complete and sudden way失败;突然停止
: to become overwhelmed by strong emotions感情失控;感情崩溃
see also 1break 8c (above)
break down or break (someone) down or break down (someone) : to lose or cause (someone) to lose strength or the ability to resist or fight(使某人)垮掉,变得衰弱
see also 1break 8b (above)
break down or break (something) down or break down (something)
: to become separated or to separate (something) into simpler substances(使)分解
: to be able to be divided or to divide (something) into parts or groups(使)分为
break (something) down or break down (something) : to use force to push (something) to the ground拆除;捣毁
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
see also breakdown

break even

: to take in as much money as you spend : to operate without either a loss or a profit不盈不亏;收支平衡
see also break-even

break faith with

see faith

break free

: to become able to move or escape by using force or effort挣脱;逃脱
: to get away from someone or something that holds or limits you摆脱often + from or of

break from

[phrasal verb]
break from (someone or something)
: to end a relationship, connection, or agreement with (someone or something)与…断绝关系;与…决裂

break ground

see 1ground

break in

[phrasal verb]
: to enter a house, building, etc., illegally非法强行闯入(房屋、建筑等)
see also break into 1 (below), break-in
: to interrupt or disturb someone or something打断;插嘴
see also break into 4 (below)
break in or break (someone) in or break in (someone) : to start or help (someone) to start a new activity, job, etc.开始从事;培养
break (something) in or break in (something)
: to use (something, such as a new pair of shoes) for a period of time so that it becomes comfortable(使用一段时间后)使(新鞋等)变舒适
: to operate (a new machine) carefully for a period of time until it is ready for regular use磨合(新机器)

break into

[phrasal verb]
break into (something)
: to enter (a house, building, etc.) illegally and especially by using force非法强行闯入(房屋、建筑等)
see also break in 1 (above)
: to begin to do or have (something) suddenly突然发生
: to enter or get started in (something, such as a profession)进入,开始从事(某种职业等)
: to interrupt (something)打断
see also break in 2 (above)

break loose

: to suddenly become loose : to suddenly stop being attached to something突然松脱
: to get away from someone or something by using force or effort挣脱;摆脱
often + from
see also all hell breaks loose at hell

break new ground

see 1ground

break off

[phrasal verb]
break off or break off (something) or break (something) off or break (something) off (something) : to become separated or cause (something) to become separated because of force or violence(使)断开;折断
break off or break off (something) : to stop or end suddenly or cause (something) to stop or end suddenly(使)突然停止

break open

[phrasal verb]
break open or break open (something) or break (something) open
: to open or to cause (something) to open suddenly(使)开,突然打开,开启
see also 1break 3 (above)

break out

[phrasal verb]
: to begin happening suddenly爆发;突发
: to suddenly begin to have sweat, a rash, etc., on your skin突然出汗(或皮疹等)
: to appear on the skin suddenly(皮肤上)突然出现
: to escape from a prison, jail, etc.逃跑;逃脱;越狱
often + of
often used figuratively常用作比喻
break (something) out or break out (something) : to take (something) from the place where it is stored so that it can be used从储藏处取出(某物)
see also breakout, outbreak

break rank

see 1rank

break someone's heart

see heart

break step

see 1step

break the back of

see 1back

break the bank

see 1bank

break the ice

see 1ice

break the mold

see 1mold

break through

[phrasal verb]
break through or break through (something)
: to use force to get through (something, such as a barrier)冲破;突围;突破
sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻
see also 1break 6b (above)
of the sun : to shine through (clouds)(太阳)破云而出

break up

[phrasal verb]
break up or break (something) up or break up (something)
: to separate into parts or pieces or cause (something) to separate into parts or pieces(使)分散,分解;拆散
: to end or cause (something) to end(使)结束;终止
break up : to end a romantic relationship, marriage, etc.分手;离婚;断绝交往
often + with
break up or break (someone) up US, informal : to begin laughing or cause (someone) to begin laughing suddenly and in a way that is difficult to control(使)不禁大笑
break (something) up or break up (something)
: to change the regular quality or appearance of (something)打破(常规);改变(外表)
see also 1break 10 (above)
: to separate the parts of (something) so that it is not complete使分开;使不完整
break up British, of a school : to come to the end of a period of instruction (such as a term)(学校)期末放假
see also breakup

break wind

see 1wind

break with

[phrasal verb]
break with (someone or something)
: to end a relationship, connection, or agreement with (someone or something)与…断绝关系;与…决裂
2 break /ˈbreɪk/ noun
plural breaks
2 break
plural breaks
Learner's definition of BREAK
: a crack, hole, etc., that is caused by damage, injury, or pressure(因损坏、损伤或挤压造成的)裂缝,裂口
: an opening or space in something缺口
: an opening that makes it possible for someone or something to enter or pass through something(可供某人或某物进入或通过的)缺口,裂缝,间隙
[count] : something that causes a change or interruption改变;中断
: a time when something stops(某事的)暂停,停顿,间歇
: a brief period of time during which someone stops an activity暂停;(短暂的)休息
especially : a brief period of time during which a worker is allowed to rest, eat, etc., instead of working(尤指)员工在工作期间的用餐及休息时间等
see also coffee break, lunch break
: a longer period of time when someone is not working or doing some other activity(较长的)休息时间
: a time when many people are not working or going to school because of a holiday, vacation, etc.假期
see also spring break
[count] : a planned interruption in a radio or television program(电台或电视节目)插播广告的间隙
see also station break
[singular] : a sudden fast run : dash急冲;突然起跑
especially : a fast run by someone who is trying to escape(尤指)快速奔跑以逃脱
see also jailbreak
[count] : a situation or event that is lucky or unlucky运气;机缘
especially : a lucky situation or event that makes success possible(尤指)好运气
◊ Informal expressions like those are the breaks and that's the breaks mean that something bad or unlucky should be thought of or accepted as the kind of thing that often happens to people.不走运的事情常有
[count] : something that helps a particular person or group(对某人或某团体)有帮助的事物
: a sudden ending of a relationship(关系的)突然终结
: a change from what was done before(对过去所做的)改变usually + with or from
[noncount] literary黎明;破晓used in the phrase break of day to refer to the time of morning when the sun can first be seen
[count] : a sharp change in the tone or pitch of someone's voice(音调或音高的)突变
[noncount] sports : a curve in the path of a thrown or hit ball(球的)弧线飞行,曲线飞行
[count] tennis : the act of defeating an opponent who is serving破对手发球

give me a break

used to tell someone to stop bothering you or treating you unfairly别烦我了;别再折磨我了
used to say that you do not believe or are disgusted about what someone has said or done别胡扯了(表示不相信或厌恶)

give (someone) a break

: to stop treating (someone) in a strict or harsh way不再苛求(某人)
IELTS BNC: 519 COCA: 494


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broke ˈbrōk How to pronounce break (audio) ; broken ˈbrō-kən How to pronounce break (audio) ; breaking

transitive verb

: to separate into parts with suddenness or violence
broke a plate
Break the chocolate bar in half.
: to cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces : fracture
broke her femur
: to fracture a bone of (a bodily part)
the blow broke her arm
: to dislocate or dislocate and fracture a bone of (the neck or back)
: to cause an open wound in : rupture
break the skin
: to cut into and turn over the surface of
break the soil
: to render inoperable
broke his watch
: violate, transgress
break the law
break a promise
breaking conventions
law : to invalidate (a will) by action under the provisions of the law
archaic : to force entry into
: to burst and force a way through
break the sound barrier
break a racial barrier
: to escape by force from
break jail
: to make or effect by cutting, forcing, or pressing through
break a trail through the woods
: to disrupt the order or compactness of
break formation
: to make ineffective as a binding force
break the spell
: to defeat utterly and end as an effective force : destroy
used starvation to break the enemy
: to crush the spirit of
brutal methods broke the prisoner
: to make tractable or submissive: such as
past participle often broke : to train (an animal) to adjust to the service or convenience of humans
equipment used to break horses
a halter-broke horse
: to exhaust in health, strength, or capacity
broken by his struggle for power
: to stop or bring to an end suddenly : halt
break a deadlock
breaking a bad habit
decided to break off all ties to the organization
: interrupt, suspend
break the silence with a cry
: to open and bring about suspension of operation
break an electric circuit
: to destroy unity or completeness of
break a dining room set by buying a chair
: to change the appearance of uniformity of
a dormer breaks the level roof
: to split the surface of
could see fish breaking water
: to cause to discontinue a habit
tried to break him of smoking
: to make known : tell
break the bad news gently
: to bring to attention or prominence initially
radio stations breaking new musicians
break a news story
: to ruin financially
break the bank
: to reduce in rank
broken from sergeant to private
: to split into smaller units, parts, or processes : divide
Break the grammar lesson into digestible chunks.
break a word at the end of a line
: to give or get the equivalent of (a bill) in smaller denominations
Can you break a fifty?
: to use as the denomination in paying a bill
didn't want to break a $20 bill
often used with into, up, or down
: to check or slow the speed, force, or intensity of
The bushes broke his fall.
without breaking her stride
: to cause failure and discontinuance of (a strike) by measures outside bargaining processes
: to cause a sudden significant decrease in the price, value, or volume of
news likely to break the market sharply
: exceed, surpass
break the record
golf : to score less than (a specified total)
trying to break 90
tennis : to win against (an opponent's service)
football : to make (a run) by getting past defenders
broke a 20-yard run
firearms : to open the action of (a breechloader)
: to find an explanation or solution for : solve
the detective broke the case
: to discover the essentials of (a code or cipher system)
: to demonstrate the falsity of
break an alibi
: to ruin the prospects of
could make or break her career
: to produce visibly
barely breaks a sweat

intransitive verb

: to escape with sudden forceful effort
the attacker broke from the throng
: to come into being by or as if by bursting forth
day was breaking
: to effect a penetration
break through security lines
: to emerge through the surface of the water
The fish were breaking.
: to start abruptly
when the storm broke
: to become known or published
when the news broke
: to make a sudden dash
break for cover
boxing : to separate after an instance of holding an opponent at close quarters : to separate after a clinch
The ref told them to break.
: to achieve initial success in usually a sudden or striking way
her song broke nationally
: to begin a race
the horse broke poorly
: to come apart or split into pieces : fragment, shatter
the cup broke when it fell
: to open spontaneously or by pressure from within
the blister broke
of a wave : to curl over and fall apart in surf or foam
: to interrupt one's activity or occupation for a brief period
break for lunch
: to alter sharply in tone, pitch, or intensity
a voice breaking with emotion
: to become fair (see fair entry 1 sense 3) : clear
when the weather breaks
billiards : to make the opening shot of a game of pool
: to end a relationship, connection, or agreement
usually used with with or from
break with traditionbroke with the leadership
: to give way in disorderly retreat
if the front line breaks
: to swerve suddenly
: to curve from a straight path
a pitch that breaks away from the batter
a putt that breaks left
: to fail in health, strength, vitality, resolve, or control
may break under questioning
: to become inoperative because of damage, wear, or strain
the pump broke
of a horse : to fail to keep a prescribed gait
: to undergo a sudden significant decrease in price, value, or volume
transportation stocks may break sharply
: happen, develop
for the team to succeed, everything has to break right
tennis : to win against an opponent's serve
: to divide into classes, categories, or types
: to fold, bend, lift, or come apart at a seam, groove, or joint
The seam on her dress broke.
of cream : to separate during churning into liquid and fat


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: an act or action of breaking
billiards : the opening shot in a game of pool or billiards
: a gap or opening caused or appearing as if caused by damage : a condition produced by or as if by breaking : gap
a break in the pipe
breaks in the ice
a break in the clouds
waiting for a break in the traffic
: a gap in an otherwise continuous electric circuit
: the action or act of entering, escaping, or emerging from something (such as darkness) often in a sudden or violent way : the action or act of breaking in, breaking out, or breaking forth
at break of day
a jail break
: a place or situation at which a break occurs: such as
: the place at which a word is divided especially at the end of a line of print or writing
: the location at which waves curl over and fall apart in surf or foam : the point at which waves break (see break entry 1 sense 2c) for surfing
: separation of composed matter at an indicated point
also : the separation between a preview of a website or a particular post on a website and the full content
reading the rest of the article after the break
: an interruption in continuity
a break in the weather
: such as
: a notable change of subject matter, attitude, or treatment
the break after the eighth line of a sonnet
: an abrupt, significant, or noteworthy change or interruption in a continuous process, trend, or surface
dislikes breaks in his daily routine
a break in her dancing career
fields that extend for miles without a break
: a respite from work, school, or duty
take a short coffee break
college kids on spring break
: relief from annoyance
often used to express exasperation or irritation in phrases like give me a break
: a planned interruption in a radio or television program
a break for the commercial
baseball : deviation of a pitched ball from a straight line
mining : fault, dislocation
horseback riding : failure of a horse to maintain the prescribed gait
: an abrupt change in musical or vocal pitch or quality
especially : the point between two distinctive musical registers of a voice or a wind instrument
: a sudden change in vocal pitch, intensity, or tone
speaking passionately, with a break in her voice
: a quick shift from one rhythmic track to another in the same tempo and key on a different turntable
tennis : the action or an instance of winning against an opponent's service : the action or an instance of breaking (see break entry 1 sense 13c) service
a service break
music : a usually solo instrumental passage in jazz, folk, or popular music
: dash, rush
a base runner making a break for home
sports : fast break
a break toward the basket
: a sudden and abrupt decline of prices or values
: the start of a race
boxing : the act of separating after an instance of holding an opponent at close quarters : the act of separating after a clinch
: a stroke of luck and especially of good luck
got a lucky break
can't seem to catch a break
a series of bad breaks
: a favorable or opportune situation : chance
waiting for a big break in show business
: favorable consideration or treatment
a tax break
a break on the price
: a rupture in previously agreeable relations
a break between the two countries
: an abrupt split or difference with something previously adhered to or followed
a sharp break with tradition
: breakdown sense 1c
suffered a mental break
break a leg
used to wish good luck especially to a performer
break bread
: to dine together
break camp
: to pack up gear and leave a camp or campsite
break cover or less commonly break covert
: to start from a hiding place, covert (see covert entry 2 sense 1), or lair
break even
: to achieve a balance
especially : to operate a business or enterprise without either loss or profit
break free
: to get away by overcoming restraints or constraints
break ground
: to begin construction
breaking ground on a new wing of the hospital
or break new ground : to make or show discoveries : pioneer
break into
: to begin with or as if with a sudden throwing off of restraint
broke into tears
face breaking into a smile
the horse breaks into a gallop
: to make entry or entrance into
broke into the house
break into show business
: interrupt
break into a TV program with a news flash
break one's heart
: to crush emotionally with sorrow
He broke my heart when he said he was leaving.
break one's wrists
: to turn the wrists as part of the swing of a club or bat
break ranks or less commonly break rank
: to differ in opinion or action from one's peers
often used with with
broke ranks with the party's leadership
break the back of
: to subdue the main force of
break the back of inflation
break the ice
: to make a beginning
: to get through the first difficulties in starting a conversation or discussion
break wind
: to expel gas from the intestine

Did you know?

Break and Brake: Remembering Which Is Which

It can be hard to apply these words correctly: they sound exactly the same, and their spellings aren't easily connected to their meanings. One of the pair, however, is quite limited in scope, and focusing on when to apply that one can be key.

When the subject is slowing or stopping movement, the word to use is brake. Brake is both a noun, as in "put on the brakes" and "took my foot off the brake," and a verb, as in "brake at the stop sign" and "I brake for moose." As a noun, it's also used before other nouns: "brake fluid," "brake pedal." As in these examples, the word is used in contexts relating to cars, bicycles, and other vehicles. It's also used figuratively, however, to talk about the slowing or stopping of activity, as in "putting the brakes on spending."

Break also functions as both a noun and a verb, and it's the word you want in all other contexts, such as when the topic is something separating into parts or pieces ("the plate will break if it falls," "break a leg," "a bad break"), being damaged to the point of no longer working ("break a watch"), failing to do what is promised ("break a promise"), or referring to a time during which activity stops ("take a break").

If you have difficulty keeping these straight and are inclined to think in pictures, you might want to imagine a foot nestled in the top of the k in brake, pressing that top line down onto the e, which isn't saying a thing, because the k has put the brakes on.

Example Sentences

Verb She broke the cup when she dropped it on the floor. Break the chocolate bar into pieces so that everyone can have some. It is easiest to break a chain at its weakest link. A chain will break at its weakest link. The fall broke his arm. His arm broke in three places when he fell. A bruise forms when a blood vessel breaks under the skin. Noun The tank is reinforced to prevent breaks and leaks. There was a break in the hedge. We waited for a break in the traffic. The fields extend for miles without a break. We chatted during a break in the game. All employees are entitled to two breaks during the workday. We've been working all day without a break. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
And now, the unprecedented weaponization of the Justice Department and the FBI to break into and raid the home of a former president of the United States. NBC News, 18 Sep. 2022 Hammond’s fascination and desire to revive dinosaurs backfires when many of them break free and start to terrorize the park-goers. Evan Hecht, USA TODAY, 17 Sep. 2022 Putin’s strategy was to turn strategic slices of the former Soviet Union into separatist hotbeds to hobble young nations Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, all struggling to break free from Moscow and move closer to Europe. BostonGlobe.com, 17 Sep. 2022 While there are many things that go into getting a great night's sleep — from soft comfortable bedding to room conditions — the make or break factor tends to be the mattress itself. Annie Burdick, Peoplemag, 17 Sep. 2022 The twin aims are to break the morale of Ukrainians and to weaken European public support for Kyiv by raising the price of such solidarity. Ned Temko, The Christian Science Monitor, 15 Sep. 2022 At one particularly nasty moment in the mid ’00s, it was perceived that Pitchfork could make or break a career, and because of all the insecurity out there, people bought into it. Orlando Higginbottom, Billboard, 14 Sep. 2022 Heaven knows Godard didn’t make films to win prizes, let alone break box office records. Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times, 13 Sep. 2022 Just months earlier, some Indiana Republicans were irked by Young's decision to break with the vast majority of Republicans in Congress and vote in favor of the gun safety reform bill drafted after the shooting in Uvalde, Texas. The Indianapolis Star, 13 Sep. 2022
Tomato-Caper Sauce Take a break from jarred marinara. Karla Walsh, Better Homes & Gardens, 19 Sep. 2022 After about 10 minutes, Post Malone got up with help from others, and went to take a break, according to Cantrell. Michelle Watson, David Williams And Zoe Sottile, CNN, 18 Sep. 2022 The popular festival was forced to take a break due to the pandemic but has returned bigger and better in 2022. Maggie Menderski, The Courier-Journal, 15 Sep. 2022 Take a break from all of the gory details for a new kind of true-crime series that covers some of the best (and most absurd) financial crimes people have ever committed. Seventeen, 14 Sep. 2022 Gisele Bündchen is opening up about her decision to take a break from her runway career to focus on family. Georgia Slater, Peoplemag, 13 Sep. 2022 Take a break from hearing or reading about news and media coverage. Saleen Martin, USA TODAY, 10 Sep. 2022 Parts of the corridor also give humans a place to take a break from civilization. Bill Kearney, Sun Sentinel, 9 Sep. 2022 Parents eager to travel and take a break from their kids after quarantine are fueling the services, according to The Times. Chloe Berger, Fortune, 31 Aug. 2022 See More

Word History



Middle English breken, going back to Old English brecan, going back to Germanic *brekan- (whence also Old Saxon brekan "to violently separate, shatter," Old High German brehhan, Gothic brikan), going back to Indo-European *bhreg- "violently separate," whence also, with varying ablaut grades, Latin frangere (perfect frēgī) "to break, shatter" and perhaps Old Irish braigid (perfect ro-bebraig) "(s/he) farts, breaks wind"


Middle English brek, breke, derivative of breken "to break entry 1"

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler
The first known use of break was before the 12th century
IELTS BNC: 519 COCA: 494


1short rest; short holiday/vacation短暫休息;短期休假ADJECTIVE | VERB + BREAK | BREAK + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElittle, quick, short小憩;短暫的休息coffee, dinner, lunch, tea (BrE) 工間喝咖啡/用餐/午餐/茶點休息時間Christmas, Easter, holiday聖誕節假期;復活節假期;短假Are you going away for the Easter break?你要出去度復活節假期嗎?spring, summer, winter春假;暑假;寒假weekend (especially BrE) 週末休息I won a weekend break in Paris.我爭取到了一個週末去巴黎度假的機會。10-minute, two-week, etc. * 10 分鐘的休息時間、兩週的假期等We have a 15-minute break in the morning.我們上午有 15 分鐘的休息時間。VERB + BREAKhave, take休息一會兒We'll take a break now and resume in an hour.現在休息一下,一小時後再開始。need, want需要小憩deserve應該得到休息enjoy享受假期BREAK + NOUNtime (= between lessons at school) (BrE) 課間休息時間PREPOSITIONat break (BrE) 在休息時I'll see you at break.我們休息時見。during (a/the) break在休息期間I had a word with John during the break.中間休息時我和約翰說了幾句話。without a break不間斷地We worked all day without a break.我們不間斷地工作了一整天。break for⋯休息時間a break for lunch午餐休息時間break from擺脫⋯的時間a break from caring for the children不用照看孩子的空閒時間


2change/interruption in sth改變;中斷ADJECTIVE | VERB + BREAK | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEclean, complete, sharp徹底斷絕關係;完全決裂;突然中斷career(因照顧小孩而)暫時停止工作commercial (especially NAmE) 插播廣告時間nice, welcome (especially BrE) 討人喜歡的/受歡迎的中斷VERB + BREAKmake中斷;作出改變His new work makes a break with the past.他的新工作使他告別了過去。I wanted to leave but was nervous about making the break.我想離開,但是一想到要改變又覺得不安。PREPOSITIONbreak from與⋯決裂a break from tradition突破傳統break in⋯的轉變a break in the weather天氣變化break with與⋯斷絕關係


3opportunity機遇ADJECTIVE | VERB + BREAK ADJECTIVEbig, lucky好運VERB + BREAKget得到⋯的機會I always knew I would get my lucky break one day.我一直知道總有一天我會交好運的。give sb給某人機會He's the director who gave her her first big break.他是第一個給她大好機會的導演。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBeasily容易破碎in half, in two碎成兩塊She broke the bar in two and gave a piece to me.她把糖塊掰成兩半給了我一塊。apart, up斷開She broke the chocolate up into small pieces.她把巧克力弄成小塊。PREPOSITIONinto破成The glass broke into hundreds of pieces.玻璃摔得粉碎。


break down1. fail失敗ADVERBcompletely, irretrievably徹底失敗;不可挽回地破裂Their marriage had broken down irretrievably.他們的婚姻已破裂,不可挽回。eventually最終失敗2. start crying哭起來PHRASESbreak down and cry, break down in tears控制不住感情哭起來;失聲哭泣She broke down in tears as she spoke to reporters.她向記者訴說時,忍不住哭了起來。break offADVERBabruptly, immediately突然/立即停住He broke off abruptly when Jo walked in.喬走進來時,他突然停住不說了。PREPOSITIONfrom停止⋯She broke off from the conversation to answer the telephone.她停止交談去接電話。

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