Recent Examples on the WebBut the rockiness is a sign that investors remain on edge, even as some confidence returns. Julia Horowitz, CNN, 28 Mar. 2022 Against this backdrop, investors are gearing up for rockiness that persists for some time. Julia Horowitz, CNN, 9 Mar. 2022 And its rockiness compared to other assets is likely to keep some would-be buyers away. Julia Horowitz, CNN, 9 Feb. 2022 There’s a little rockiness between Mer and DeLuca when DeLuca feels disrespected and unequal in their relationship. Maggie Fremont, Vulture, 30 Sep. 2021 Despite the rockiness in AMC’s shares, the influence of online traders on the stock market showed no sign of abating. Joe Wallace, WSJ, 3 June 2021 Despite the rockiness of September, Wall Street bagged its best back-to-back quarters since 2009, with the S&P 500 growing 8.5 percent and the Dow gaining 7.6 percent.Washington Post, 30 Sep. 2020 Some of the rockiness of the days since Floyd's death May 25 dissipated on Tuesday night, with demonstrations continuing around the country, but without major reports of violence. Amy Forliti, Anchorage Daily News, 3 June 2020 The idea of a public cease-fire doesn’t change the rockiness of negotiations over a new PBA to replace the one expiring in, 15 Dec. 2019 See More