: to help survive a dangerous or difficult situation
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebWhether the Suns or the Bulls pull through is a moot point. Jon Michail, Forbes, 23 May 2022 Henderson, just 18 years old and still in high school, died in the attack; Woods managed to pull through. Kyler Alvord, PEOPLE.com, 13 May 2022 So that ultimately is the thing that drives her to want to then pull through for Morgan. Dalton Ross, EW.com, 25 Apr. 2022 To pull through, McGhee spent more than $3,500 of his savings on a new water heater, washer and dryer. Miriam Marini, Detroit Free Press, 8 Apr. 2022 Regardless, to experience that idiosyncrasy is pure pleasure: a sort of push and pull through peppercorn punch and mellow sweetness, across the menu’s dishes and sometimes within them, too. Hannah Goldfield, The New Yorker, 6 May 2022 But the Kyiv Post has continued to pull through, with its staff posting about 25 to 30 stories a day. Oliver Darcy, CNN, 25 Feb. 2022 Medina says she was fired after taking time off to see whether her daughter, who was on a ventilator for weeks, would pull through.San Diego Union-Tribune, 11 Dec. 2021 More recently, gas has also shown its versatility by embracing new labels such as RSG and RNG which will help the world pull through the challenges of the transition to renewable energies. Ian Palmer, Forbes, 18 Oct. 2021 See More